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A coalition of national

associations and federal agencies building a common agenda for cultural tourism. Representing a

broad spectrum of arts, humanities, tourism and heritage organizations,

as well as federal agencies, the partners' purpose is to advance the role of culture and heritage in national, state and local travel and tourism policies and practices.

This national coalition, formed in 1996, has been a catalyst for and a leader in culture and heritage tourism.  Click here for more information.



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The National Trust for Historic Preservation

Launches National Online Community

for Heritage Travelers and Historic Destinations


The National Trust for Historic Preservation announces the creation of Heritage Travel, Inc., a comprehensive, online resource for heritage travelers and historic destinations.  Launching in 2009, Heritage Travel, Inc., provides extensive visibility for historic destinations, enables people to find and share heritage-rich experiences and provides a professional forum where historic destinations can network and share best practices.

Click here for more information or contact Heritage Travel, Inc.


We are proudly joining our partner Ashoka’s Changemakers and National Geographic’s Center for Sustainable Destination in a global search to identify innovative ideas in tourism that celebrate the distinct destinations of the world by honouring culture, cherishing history, and enhancing the environment.   

Submit your entry by May 20, 2009 at the website to take advantage of the various funding opportunities and global exposure, while contributing to the next big change!


New Research Study

to Segment the Cultural/Heritage Traveler Market

The first segmentation study of U.S. cultural and heritage travelers will be conducted by Mandela Research & Consulting.  The study will identify the range of cultural and heritage travel in the United States, profile segments, and provide insights into the economic value of cultural and heritage travel.  Sponsorships are still available through May 10, 2009 and the study should be completed by June 2009.

Click here to read the press release.

Email for more information about the study or to receive

a more detailed description of sponsorship benefits.

  Cultural Heritage Tourism in the News

Read current cultural heritage tourism news articles from across the United States.  Learn more about new cultural heritage tourism programs and how the downturn in the economy is affecting cultural heritage tourism programs in other states.

 Ask the Expert...

Do you have a cultural heritage tourism question? 

Click here to send your query to a national cultural heritage tourism expert.  In addition to responding to questions individually, questions and responses will also be posted in a Q&A section. 

 Show Me the Money!

In search of funding for cultural heritage tourism?

Click here for a blog that includes targeted list of federal grant opportunities for preservation and cultural heritage tourism projects culled from the comprehensive database of federal grants.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation's federal grants office maintains this blog which also includes a calendar of upcoming deadlines and useful tips to help you navigate through the federal grant application process.  For more ideas check out the funding section of this website.