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LTPP Data Analysis. Phase I: Validation of Guidelines for k-Value Selection and Concrete Pavement Performance Prediction, January 1997 (FHWA-RD-96-198)


Several important issues concerning the effect of slab support on concrete pavement performance were studied in a National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP 1-30), "Support Under Concrete Pavements." The results were promising, however, the data that were available for analysis were limited. This study was conducted to further field-verify and develop the improved support guidelines proposed in NCHRP 1-30, using the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database, in order to establish their practicality and appropriateness for use in concrete pavement design nationwide. This study was also conducted to further field-verify the proposed revised American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) performance model to the fullest extent possible using the design, materials, climate, traffic, and performance data available in the LTPP database for General Pavement Section 3 (GPS-3) (jointed plain concrete pavement), GPS-4 (jointed reinforced concrete pavement), and GPS-5 (continuously reinforced concrete pavement).

Guidelines, revised on the basis of the results of this field verification study, are presented in the appendix in the form of a proposed addendum to the AASHTO Design Guide. The documentation of these field verification efforts using the LTPP database is provided in this report.

Report files are in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Logo

Entire Report (18,614 KB)

Part A (1,575 KB) - Cover, Foreword, Notice, SI Conversion Factors Table

Part B (724 KB) - Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables

Part C (220 KB) - Introduction

Part D (106 KB) - LTPP Data Retrieval

Part E (3,638 KB) - Verification of k-Value Guidelines

Part F (3,349 KB) - Verification of Proposed AASHTO Performance Model

Part G (509 KB) - Conclusions

Part H (6,921 KB) - Appendix, Supplemental Version of AASHTO Guide, Part II, Section 3.2 Rigid Pavement Design

Part I (970 KB) - Supplemental Version of AASHTO Guide, Part II, Section 3.3 Rigid Pavement Joint Design

Part J (345 KB) - Rigid Pavement Design Example

Part K (202 KB) - References

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