DataPave 3.0:
User-Friendly Access to LTPP Data


For more than a decade, the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program and participating State and Provincial highway agencies have been collecting data from thousands of LTPP test sections across the United States and Canada. In 1998, a CD-ROM software package —DataPave— was released in order to put LTPP data into the hands of potential users throughout the highway engineering community. DataPave brought LTPP data and a set of tools for searching, viewing, and manipulating the data to the desktop. Simple and easy to use, DataPave unlocks the potential of LTPP data for the development of products to improve pavement technology. Now, DataPave 3.0 has been released to provide desktop access to even more LTPP data.

What Is DataPave?

DataPave is a simple, user-friendly software package that contains most of the data currently available from the LTPP experiments on CD-ROMs. These data include inventory, material testing, pavement performance monitoring, climatic, traffic, maintenance, rehabilitation, and seasonal testing data from approximately 2,500 pavement test sections at about 900 locations on in-service high-ways throughout North America. All of the data on the CD-ROMs have gone through LTPP’s quality-control procedures and the package has been extensively tested to ensure that it will work on all computers using the Microsoft Windows® 95/ Windows® NT 4.0 or higher operating systems.

DataPave Tools/Features

In addition to the actual data from LTPP experiments, DataPave provides users with all the tools needed to examine and work with the data. After starting the program, users can select the data they want to view via the DataPave Section Selection process either by experiment site or by panning and zooming through maps of the United States and Canada.

After selecting the site, users can view the data via specially designed modules. These include:

Data files from the DataPave database can also be searched using sophisticated structured query language (SQL) via an SQL data extraction option.

DataPave System Requirements

To install and run DataPave, the following minimum hardware and software requirements are necessary:

Who Can Benefit From DataPave

The principal stakeholders in and contributors to the LTPP project —the State/Provincial highway agencies— will benefit most directly and immediately from DataPave. Others whose work DataPave will facilitate include industry, academia (faculty and students), highway-related agencies [e.g., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Transportation Research Board (TRB)], and the international highway and transportation community. In the long run, the research and product development made possible by DataPave will benefit everyone with a stake in the design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of roadways.

Contact Information

For additional information on DataPave, visit the LTPP website at or contact LTPP Customer Support Services by telephone: (865) 481-2967, fax: (865) 481-8555, or e-mail:


Research, Development, and Technology
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101
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