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Docket Services is now offering EDIS training to firms and organizations that frequently use EDIS to file and search for ITC documents.

Training covers everything from the basics, such as how to access and register on EDIS, to more complicated issues, such as researching on EDIS and filing specific documents.  Training can be tailored to address your firm’s specific needs.

When you request EDIS training from Docket Services, a small team will visit your firm and conduct a PowerPoint and internet training session.  Training sessions usually run from 1-2 hours, depending on the subjects covered.  The training also includes a question and answer session to address any specific questions or issues that your firm may have.

To request EDIS training for your firm or organization, complete and submit the form below.  Upon receipt of your request, Docket Services will contact you about scheduling and customizing training for your firm.


Firm/Organization Name:

Contact Name


Contact Phone Number

Contact E-Mail Address

Preferred Training Date/Time
Training Desired (Use this section to list what areas you would like the training to address, any specific issues you would like to have added to the training session and any other relevant information.)
United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000
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