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Student Veterans of America
Army - Marine Corps - Navy - Air Force - Coast Guard

Featured Speakers

Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and Colonel Stephen Dinauer, USMC, will be the keynote speakers at the 2011 Leadership Summit.

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Secretary Eric Shinseki and Colonel Stephen Dinauer

2011 Leadership Summit

The SVA 2011 Leadership Summit will be held in Madison, Wisconsin from June 2-5. Space is limited! Sign up today!

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Employment Initiative

The new SVA Employment Initiative will connect student veterans with internships, careers, and mentor programs.

Supporting Veterans From Combat to College to Career!

Exhibit Fair 2010 National Conference

Mentorship Program

Student Veterans of America is allied with American Corporate Partners (ACP) to match student veterans with leaders from some of the nation’s largest corporations and universities for mentoring, networking, and career counseling.

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American Corporate Partners

Number of SVA Chapters: 343

Student Veterans of America is a coalition of student veterans groups on college campuses across the United States.

SVA chapters are student groups that have formed on college and university campuses to provide peer-to-peer networks for veterans who are attending those schools. These groups coordinate campus activities, provide pre-professional networking, and generally provide a touchstone for student veterans in higher education. Each local group plays a critical role in ensuring that every veteran is successful after their service.

Our Mission: To provide military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation.


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