Copyright © 2009 by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. All rights reserved.


In collaboration with a broad array of leaders from the practice environment, AACN is calling for the creation of a new nursing role - the Clinical Nurse Leader or CNL® - to better meet patient needs within the health care delivery system. Please email questions about the CNL to Dr. Joan Stanley, AACN Senior Director of Education Policy, at
New CNL Brochure Now Available to Order   New!
Review the CNL brochure online.
2009 CNL Summit
The 2009 CNL® Summit, CNLs Leading Microsystems Improvement: The Link to Quality and Safety, took place January 29-31, 2009 in New Orleans, LA.
New DVD on the Clinical Nurse Leader Now Available
The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs has developed a new 9-minute DVD about the implementation of the CNL role in the Veteran's Affairs Health Care System.

AACN Board Endorses White Paper on the Education and Role of the Clinical Nurse Leader
Updated July 2007

CNL Certification
AACN is currently accepting applications for the CNL Certification Examinationsm. Please click the link above for additional information.
Meet the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) Board of Commissioners
CNL Toolkit Now Available Online!
A resource for practice and educational institutions/organizations implementing the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) into their care delivery systems.