About NCBW

The National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW) is the major program of the Bicycle Federation of America, Inc. (BFA), a national, nonprofit [501(c)(3)] corporation established in 1977. Our mission is to create bicycle-friendly and walkable communities.

The aim of the NCBW's program is to change the way communities are planned, designed and managed to ensure that people of all ages and abilities can walk and bike easily, safely and regularly. The changes needed to make communities more physically active places will be achieved only through sustained action at the local level – in each community – demanded by the public and supported by positive national, state, and local policies and programs.

Creating active community environments means taking a look at the broader scope of where there are and aren't opportunities to walk and bicycle safely, easily, and conveniently. If you're just getting started in making your community a more physically active place, we suggest you also visit our sister site: The Active Living Resource Center.

The NCBW staff is ready to help you make your community more physically active and healthier, with resources, direct assistance, and training. Please contact us with your questions and needs...we're here to help!