FY 2002 Phase II Awards

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS)

Touch Graphics, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Steven Landau
Development of an Audio/Tactile Accomodation for delivery of Standardized Math Tests to Blind Students

Principal Investigator: Sarah Manning
Online Instructional Toolss for Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving to Learning Disabled Students

Intelligent Automation, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Shannon Beltz
TalkTiles: A Multi-sensory language development tool and communication device

Vcom3D, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Daniel Roush
Virtual Interviews Exercises for Workplace Success

AbleLink Technologies, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Steven Stock
Pocket Voyager: Making Palmtop Computers Accessible to Individuals with Mental Retardation

AbleLink Technologies, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Daniel Davies
Pocket Compass: A Palmtop Computer-Based Intelligent Aid for Individuals with Mental Retardation

Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE)

Seward Learning Systems
Principal Investigator: Michael Graves
On-Line Resources for Teaching Higher Order Reading and Comprehension Skills

Office of Education Research and Improvement/ Institute of Education Sciences) (IES/OERI)

Quantum Simulations
Principal Investigator: Benny Johnson
Artificial Intelligence Software for Student Assess in Chemistry

Principal Investigator: Neil Polhemus
Toward Value-Added Productivity Analysis and Reporting

Sigma Sytems Research Inc.
Principal Investigator: David Twitchell
Audio Based Instructional Video Indexing and retrieval

Tech-X Corporation
Principal Investigator: David Alexander
Endless Learning Visual Information Space

Walker Reading Technologies, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Richard Jimenez
Remote Access to Natural Language Parsing and Enhanced Text Presentation Technology for Improved Reading

Cybernet Systems Corporation
Principal Investigator: Dean Christensen
Astronomy Distance Learning Systems

Carnegie Speech Company
Principal Investigator: Melvin Ustad
NativeAccent Kids: An English Pronunciation Trainer for Non-Native Children -- Extending Teacher Time and Helping Non-Native Children Catch Up in School

South Dakota Health Technology Innovations, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Joyce Pages
Integration of Intelligent Tutoring Systems into Middle School Biology Education

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE)

Language Analysis Systems, Inc.
Development of Internet-Based Batteries of Chinese and Korean Oral Proficiency Tests at the Advanced Level.

Last Modified: 12/20/2005