Table 29. Recommendations for Patients Who Have Used Anorectic Drugs*



1. Discontinuation of the anorectic drug(s). I
2. Cardiac physical examination. I
3. Echocardiography in patients with symptoms, heart murmurs, or associated physical findings. I
4. Doppler echocardiography in patients for whom cardiac auscultation cannot be performed adequately because of body habitus. I
5. Repeat physical examination in 6 to 8 months for those without murmurs. IIa
6. Echocardiography in all patients before dental procedures in the absence of symptoms, heart murmurs, or associated physical findings. IIb
7. Echocardiography in all patients without heart murmurs. III

1 Fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine or the combination of fenfluramine-phentermine or dexfenfluramine-phentermine.