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T 5040.17
December 23, 1980


  1. Purpose

  2. Background

  3. Skid Accident Reduction Program

  4. Pavement Design, Construction, and Maintenance

  5. Wet Weather Accident Location Studies

  6. Pavement Skid Resistance Testing Program

  1. PURPOSE. To provide guidance for State and local highway agencies in conducting skid accident reduction programs.


    1. This Technical Advisory provides a general overview of factors that should be considered as elements of any Skid Accident Reduction Program. This Technical Advisory supports current Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) policy and will be revised as appropriate to reflect changes in policy as they occur.

    2. The existing requirement for skid resistance pavementsare contained in several documents including Highway Safety Program Standard No. 12, Highway Design Construction and Maintenance (23 CFR 1204.4), Federal Highway Program Manual (FHPM) 6-2-4-7, Skid Measurement Guidelines for the Skid Accident Reduction Program. Other sources of technical advice are cited in the appropriate sections of this Technical Advisory.

    3. Highway Safety Program Standard 12 (HSPS No. 12) states that every State shall have a program of highway design, construction, and maintenance to improve highway safety. This program shall provide that "there are standards for pavement design and construction with specific provisions for high skid resistance qualities." The HSPS No. 12 also requires that each State have a "program for resurfacing or other surface treatment with emphasis on correction of locations or sections of streets and highways with low skid resistance and high or potentially high accident rates susceptible to reduction by providing improved surfaces." In discharging the responsibilities of FHWA, the Division Administrator should determine the acceptability of specification requirements and construction practices for placing, consolidating, and finishing both asphalt concrete and portland cement concrete pavements. Such determinations will rely on the highway agency to research, evaluate, and document the performance of the various aggregates, mix designs, and construction practices used.

    4. Even though the use of studded tires is beyond the control of most highway agencies, their use can cause significant wear on the pavement surface texture. For example, grooves sawed in concrete pavements have worn completely down in as short a time as 2 years. States are encouraged to ban or restrict the use of studded tires.

    5. Legislative actions in recent years support a general duty of any highway agency to "...maintain the roadway in a reasonable safe condition. This would involve, in essence inspection, anticipation of defects, and conformity with generally accepted standards and practices."* (Engineering and Government Liability, David C. Oliver, FHWA, an unpublished paper presented to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association Local Officials Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, August 23, 1978.)

    The practical result is that highway agencies should have anorganized system to identify and correct hazardous locations in a cost-effective manner, as well as a comprehensive pavement management program to design, construct, and maintain highways in conformance with reasonable standards. Such a systematic process is the best way to execute the highway agency's duty to maintain a reasonable safe roadway.

  3. SKID ACCIDENT REDUCTION PROGRAM. Each highway agency is encouraged to develop and mange a skid accident reduction program to reflect the individual needs and conditions within the State. the purpose of a skid accident reduction program is to minimize wet weather skidding accidents through: identifying and correcting sections of roadway with high or potentially high skid accident incidence; ensuring that new surfaces have adequate, durable skid resistance properties; and utilizing resources available for accident reduction in a cost-effective manner. A program comprised of at least the following three basic activities, if faithfully implemented, should enable the highway agency to comply with HSPS No. 12.

    1. The evaluation of pavement design, construction, and maintenance practices through its pavement management program to ensure that only pavements with good skid resistance characteristics are used.

    2. The detection and correction of locations with a high incidence of wet weather accidents utilizing (1) the State and local accident record systems, and (2) countermeasures for locations with high wet weather incidences, to ensure that existing highways are maintained in a safe condition.

    3. The analysis of skid resistance characteristics of selected roadway sections to:

        (1) ensure that the pavements being constructed are providing adequate skid resistance,

        (2) develop an overview of the skid resistance properties of highway systems,

        (3) provide up-to-date information of the pavement management process, and

        (4) provide data for use in developing safety improvement projects and the implementation of cost-effective treatments at appropriate locations.


    1. Pavement Design

        (1) Current pavement design practices should be evaluated to ensure that skid resistance properties are durable and suitable for the needs of traffic. Consideration of skid resistance levels, texture, aggregate availability, traffic volume, traffic speed, type of facility, rainfall, construction and maintenance practices, and accident experience are basic elements in such evaluations. Evaluations should document the compliance with the requirement for skid resistant surfaces and provide basic data for use in choosing corrective actions for locations with high wet weather accident rates.

        (2) One principal result of the evaluations is the development of a performance history for each particular pavement used by each highway agency. The performance of the existing pavement designs should be monitored and new designs should be evaluated to ensure that only skid resistant pavement surfaces are used. Information should be gathered as to the durability of a mix and the loss of skid resistance under traffic.

        (3) The level of skid resistance needed for a particular roadway depends primarily on the traffic volume, traffic speed, type of facility, and climate with additional consideration warranted at special locations such as steep hills, curves, intersections, and other sites which experience high demands for pavement-tire friction. It isdesirable to have one or more "skid resistant mixes" which have durable and higher than usual frictional properties for use in these special areas.

        (4) A pavement surface may provide adequate skid resistance at low speeds, yet be inadequate for high speed conditions. Pavement surfaces, therefore, should be designed on the basis of properties at expected operating speeds.

        (5) The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guidelines for Skid Resistant Pavement Design, 1976, provide detailed information on the design of surfaces for both flexible and rigid pavements. The major considerations follow:

          (a) Flexible Pavements

            1 The skid resistance evaluation of bituminous pavements should include a determination that the aggregate used in the top layer of future pavements is capable of providing adequate skid resistance properties when incorporated in the particular mix and that the mix should be capable of providing sufficient stability to ensure the durability of the skid resistance.

            2 A bituminous pavement surface should contain nonpolishing aggregates. It isessential for good skid resistance that a mix design be used which allows good exposure of the aggregates. This requires that the pavement surface mixture be designed to provide as much coarse aggregate at the tire-pavement interface as possible.

            3 The open graded asphalt friction course (OGAFC), with a large proportion of one size aggregate, provides excellent coarse texture and exposes a large area of coarse aggregate. Guidance for this mix can be obtained from FHWA Technical Advisory T 5040.13, Open-Graded Asphalt Friction Courses, January 11, 1980.

          (b) Rigid Pavements

            1 The evaluation of portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements should include a determination that the finishing procedures, mix design, and aggregates provide the initial texture and necessary surface durability to sustain adequate skid resistance.

            2 In PCC pavements, the initial and early life skid resistance properties depend primarily on the fine aggregates for microtexture and on the finishing operation for macrotexture. Specifications for texturing concrete pavement should be carefully selected and enforced to ensure a macrotexture pattern appropriate to the type of facility.

            3 Regardless of the finishing or texturing method used, adequate durable skid resistance characteristics cannot be attained unless the fine aggregate has suitable wear and polish resistance characteristics. Research by the Portland Cement Association indicates that the siliceous particle content of the fine aggregate should be greater than 25 percent.

            4 If pavement evaluation studies indicate that the coarse aggregates will be exposedby the surface wear and have a significant effect on skid resistance of pavement, it too should have a suitable polish resistance characteristic.

            5 Metal tines, preceded by burlap or another type of drag finish, are recommended as being the most practical and dependable method of providing texture in PCC surfaces. Additional guidance can be obtained from FHWA Technical Advisory T 5140.10, Texturing and Skid Resistance of Concrete Pavements and Bridge Decks, September 18, 1979.

    2. Pavement Construction

        (1) Highway agencies are encouraged to adopt a policy of "prequalifying" aggregates to be used in surface courses. Prequalifying is a method by which aggregates can be classified according to their friction, texture, wear, and polish characteristics. Classifications should reflect performance related to traffic volume, operating speed, percent trucks, climate, geometric design, and other appropriate factors. Design procedures should be established to ensure that aggregates can be selected for each project which are suitable to the needs of traffic.

        (2) Prequalification may be accomplished by one of the following, or a combination of both:

          (a) A systematic rating of all fixed sources of aggregates (e.g., a commercial quarry which obtains aggregate from the same location for many years). Ratings should be based on standardized laboratory tests such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 3319, Recommended Practices for Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates Using the British Wheel, or ASTM D 3042 Test for Insoluble Residue in Carbonate Aggregates, combined with data obtained from skid resistance tests of pavements in service. Other tests may be added or substituted if shown to predict pavement performance.

          (b) An evaluation and in-service history of the geologic or petrographic types of aggregates commonly used. Thus, when a new aggregate source is proposed, it can be accepted with minimum testing if an in-service history has been established for that type of aggregate.

        (3) Based on prequalification of aggregates, construction plans and specifications should define the friction quality of aggregate which will be acceptable. The following steps should be followed to assure acceptability of the as-constructed pavement surface course:

          (a) After the contractor has identified the particular aggregates and asphalt to be used on a project, it is recommended that a mix design be performed with the actual ingredients being used. Aggregates should be checked to determine if they are from prequalified sources or are an acceptable petrographic type.

          (b) Macrotexture and void content are important considerations in asphalt mixes. Since asphalts are often blended from several sources of crude oil that vary in temperature-viscosity characteristics, the mixing temperature should be determined for each project after establishing the characteristics of the selected asphalt. Allowable tolerances for asphalt content, mixing temperatures, and gradation should be established for each asphalt mix.

          (c) Job control of asphalt mixes should be designedto ensure that desired skid resistance properties are obtained. It should be recognized that small changes in aggregate gradation or asphalt content may significantly affect the macrotexture of finished surfaces.

        (4) The frictional properties of pavement surface types should be randomly tested within 6 months after opening to traffic to verify that the anticipated characteristics are present. Evaluation tests should involve direct measures such as the skid tester (ASTM E 274), or an acceptable alternative, but may use surrogate measures such as those which evaluate texture (for example, ASTM E 303, Standard Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Pendulum Tester; and sand patch tests as described in the American Concrete Paving Association Technical Bulletin No. 19, Guidelines for Texturing Portland Cement Concrete Highway Pavements, Measurement of Texture Depth by the Sand Patch Method).

        (5) In cases where the skid resistance properties of a pavement are found to be questionable or inadequate, appropriate warning signs should be placed immediately as an interim measure. A complete evaluation and any remedial action needed should be effected as soon as possible.

    3. Pavement Maintenance. The same procedures and quality standards used in construction should be used in the maintenance operations.

  5. WET WEATHER ACCIDENT LOCATION STUDIES. The purpose of this type of study is to identify locations with high incidence of wet weather accidents, determine corrective measures, and take appropriate actions in a timely and systematic manner. This activity should be conducted as part of the highway agency's safety improvement program and should make effective use of the agency's accident data file. Items to be considered for retrieval from the accident and traffic records are total accidents (rate), wet weather accidents (rate), and the wet/dry ratio.

    1. Identification of Wet Weather Accident Sites

        (1) Accident records, which are developed in compliance with Highway Safety Program Standard No. 9, Identification and Surveillance of Accident Locations, should be searched at least annually to identify sites which have a high incidence of wet weather accidents. It is essential to have a standardized highway location reference system for correlating data from different sources. Accident rates at a site will be of greatest value if:

          (a) the traffic volume is relatively high (i.e., approximately 1,500 vehicles per day or greater),

          (b) the period of accident data is at least two years, and

          (c) rainfall data are available for the same period as the accident data.

        (2) Rainfall patterns for the years in which skid resistance and accident data were compiled should be acquired for each area in the highway agency's jurisdiction. A suggested method is presented in Appendix A.

        (3) There are several methods in use by highway agencies to evaluate wet weather accident locations. One such method is the Wet Safety Factor (WSF), which is presented in appendix A.

    2. Field Review. A list of all sites ranked in order of WSF or another appropriate measure should be prepared as the basic list of candidate sites for remedial treatments. The selected locations should then be skid tested and reviewed by a team representing various disciplines such as highway materials, design,construction, maintenance, traffic and safety. See Appendix B for skid testing procedures. The review team should determine probable reasons for the high incidence of accidents and recommend corrective actions. Once the review team has recommended appropriate corrective treatments, a priority list of projects can be prepared based on benefits and expected costs.

    3. Priority Program. An assessment should be made of the benefits relative to the cost of providing remedial treatments for high priority projects. A number of highway agencies have their own methods for conducting benefit cost analyses of alternative remedial treatments. Some of these remedial methods are tied into traffic engineering or pavement management programs. A specific program for evaluating the benefits and cost of alternative treatments is presented in reference 1, Appendix C.

    4. Evaluation

        (1) Evaluation of completed projects as required in Highway Safety Program Standard No. 9 and FHPM 8-2-3, Highway Safety Improvement Program, should be well documented and should include a representative sample of completed projects. A sampling plan should be established, using accepted statistical methods, to evaluate projects with a range of such variables as classes of roadways, traffic volumes, types of countermeasures, pavements used, and other pertinent factors. On hazard elimination projects, these data should be correlated with accidents and traffic exposure and other pertinent factors inbefore/after analysis. See reference 2 in Appendix C.

        (2) The evaluation of completed safety projects should be continuing process to ascertain the long-term performance of corrective actions such as skid resistant overlays. The evaluations should address at least:

          (a) the overall effectiveness of the program in reducing accident rates at the corrected sites,

          (b) the adequacy of the various materials, designs, or methods used, and

          (c) recommendations for changes in the program, practices, or needed research and development.

        (3) As a secondary benefit, the evaluation process should provide input to an overall pavement management process.


    1. General Description of Program. The actual testing of pavement friction provides basic data for use in the three activities introduced in paragraph 3. Figure 1 graphically presents the interrelation between these activities. The upper portion of Figure 1 provides an overview of data to be collected to serve the safety, construction, and maintenance functions of high-way organizations concerned with the skidding properties of pavement surfaces. The lower portion of Figure 1 indicates the various uses of the skid testing data, along with weather and accident data. Some of these data are evidence of the durability of particular surfaces, while other data provide a general overview of the skid resistance characteristics of the highway system.

      Figure 1
      Model Skid Accident Reduction Plan
      Model Skid Accident Reduction Plan-Link

        (1) Skid resistance testing should be organized to support the following activities:

          (a) Pavement evaluation studies in which measurements of the skid resistance of test sections are made to determine the skid characteristics of typical mix designs. Sufficient numbers of measurements should be made to determine the level of pavementfriction, wear rates, and speed gradient of the pavement under various traffic exposures. These test sections should include the new projects to be tested as described in paragraph 4b(4).

          (b) Evaluation of friction characteristics at locations which have a high incidence of wet weather accidents.

          (c) System status for which measurements of the skid resistance of a representative sample of roads are made to develop the general levels of pavement friction on all roads in the highway agency's jurisdiction.

        (2) Accurate location of sites or road sections requires the use of a standardized reference system. Often each element of the State which collects highway data uses its own reference system. For example, police accident reports may locate accidents by distance to a landmark, pavement records may be kept by project number and geometric features may be identified by station. A unified reference system has many benefits, especially in pulling together technical data for identifying and analyzing locations with a high incidence of wet weather accidents.

        (3) Pavement evaluation study sites and wet weather accident sites should be identified by the element within the highway agency responsible for thoseprograms. The skid testing can then become a routine matter for the element charged with operation of the skid test equipment.

        (4) A total skid inventory of all roads and streets in a highway system has proven to be impractical and is not necessary to carry out an effective skid accident reduction program. Roads and streets which are used primarily by vehicles traveling at low speeds are not highly susceptible to skid accidents and accordingly can be eliminated from routine sampling of highway sites. For urban areas, this means that most city arterials would be sampled but residential streets and roadways with low speed limits would not. Nearly all rural highway sections could be sampled, since such roads are liable to high-speed use.

        (5) Another practical consideration in determining which roads should be sampled is traffic volume. In urban areas, most roads with high speeds have moderate to high traffic volumes whereas this is not the case for rural highways. Relatively few rural roads are used by more than 1,000 vehicles per day. On a cost-effectiveness basis, such roads can seldom justify resurfacing on the basis of safety considerations alone; therefore there is little benefit in routine sampling of low-volume rural roads.

        (6) Highway sections within the constraints of higher speeds and volumes need not be tested every year, since few roads vary substantially in skid resistance in any two or three-year period. Beyond this period, however, roads may lose significant skid resistance and may pose a serious danger to users. Using these criteria as part of a sampling plan will permit most if not all highway agencies to make maximum use of skid resistance data without increasing the amount of skid testing undertaken.

        (7) Skid resistance measurements should be made with a calibrated locked-wheel skid tester using the ASTM E 274 method and supplemental procedures described in Appendix B or an acceptable alternative method. Locations such as intersections and sharp curves which are not easily measured with the locked-wheel skid tester at the standard speed of 40 miles per hour should be tested at a lower speed. Such tests should be supplemented with texture measurements topermit extrapolation of available skid resistance to operating speeds. Alternative methods of measuring pavement friction properties may be used provided they correlate well with the locked-wheel skid tester.

        (8) In analyzing the skid numbers obtained, the time of year the measurements were taken has to be considered. Several States have published the results of their analyses and have developed methods for correcting skid number measurements taken during various periods and for different pavement surface types. See references 5 and 6 in Appendix C.

    2. Specific Data From Sample Sites. In conjunction with skid resistance measurements, pavement wet time and accident records are desirable for each roadway section in the sample. The highway location system should be used for correlating data from different sources. An example of specific data which is desirable at each sample site is given in Appendix D.

    3. Sites with Low Skid Resistance. When sites with low skid resistance are identified during the testing of system status, these sites should be analyzed for corrective action. This can be done through a pavement management program, a high hazard elimination program, or other efforts. If the high hazard elimination program is used, the analysis should be in accordance with FHPM 8-2-3.

R.D. Morgan
Associate Administrator for
Engineering and Traffic Operations

Lorenzo Casanova
Associate Administrator for Safety



A.1 The quantity of rainfall (inches) recorded by weather stations may be used to calculate the percentage of pavement wet time. Wet pavement time (WPT) may be estimated from total annual rainfall in inches (AR) as follows:*

WPT = 3.45 ln (AR) - 5.07

*(This equation is based on a relationship developed by K.D. Hankins in "The Use of Rainfall Characteristics in Developing Methods for Reducing Wet Weather Accidents in Texas," Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation Study No. 135-4, July 1975.)

Figure A-1
Percent of Time Pavement Is Wet
Percent of Time Pavement is Wet-Link

A.2 Wet Safety Factor (WSF)

**(The WSF is a generalized form of an index referred to as the "skid trap ratio" and recommended for use in NCHRP Report 37, Tentative Skid-Resistance Requirements for Main Rural Highways, " by H.W. Kummer and W.E. Meyer, Highway Research Board, Washington, D.C., 1967.)




B.2.1 Field Force Verification

B.2.2 Test Tire and Wheel Preparation, Control of Tire pressure

B.2.3 Watering Subsystem Procedures

B.2.4 Instrumentation Calibration Verification

B.2.5 Check List


B.3.1 Purpose of Field Test Center

B.3.2 Criteria for When to Use the Field Test Center

B.3.3 Calibration Services Provided by Field Test Center


B.4.1 Techniques to Evaluate Subsystem Performance

B.4.2 Techniques to Evaluate Total System Performance


The following is a selected list of references which may be helpful in implementing the program described in this Technical Advisory. This list is not intended to be a bibliography of all documents available in this field:

* Means that these studies are available through the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

*1. Effectiveness of Alternative Skid Reduction Measures,Benefit Cost Model, Report No. FHWA-RD-79-12, Volume II, November 1978, Federal Highway Administration.

*2. Accident Research Manual, FHWA-RD-80-016, February 1980, Federal Highway Administration.

*3. Evaluation of Minor Improvements (Part 8), Grooved Pavement (Supplemental Report) CA-DOT-TR-2152-11-75-01, September 1975, R.N. Smith and L.E. Elliott, Office of Traffic, California Department of Transportation.

4. Evaluation of Minor Improvements (Part 9), Open Graded Asphalt Concrete Overlays, January 1972, James I. Karr, Transportation.

5. Variations in Skid Resistance Over Time, FHWA-VA-80-33, February 1980, S.N. Runkle, David C. Mahone, Virginia Highways and Transportation Research Council.

6. Seasonal Variations in the Skid Resistance pavements in Kentucky, Research Report 532, November 1979, James L. Burchett, Roland L. Rizenbergs, Kentucky Department of Transportation.


The following data should be collected in testing samples locations:

D.1 Skid numbers (SN) should be taken for major classes of roads stratified by traffic volume and geographical location.

D.2 Auxiliary data which should be included in order to establish distribution of skid numbers may include the following:

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