Bureau of the Budget  

Pat Quinn, Governor

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The Governor's Office of Management and Budget prepares the Governor's annual state budget and advises the Governor on the availability of revenues and the allocation of those resources to agency programs. The Office also issues general obligations and Build Illinois bonds, manages the state's capital program, analyzes state agency programs and budgets and evaluates personnel and operating needs. The major areas of review are education, health and social services, public assistance, debt management, public safety and the environment.


Governor's Allocation Plan
Illinois State Budget Book Fiscal Year 2010
Illinois State Capital Budget Book Fiscal Year 2010
Capital Project List: Excel   Text 
Illinois State Budget Briefing Fiscal Year 2010
Quarterly Financial Reports
Official Statements
Bond Sale Disclosures
Private Activity Bonds (Volume Cap)
Request for Proposals
Request for Proposals - Bond Financing
Locally Held Funds
The Governors' Pension Commission Report
Advisory Commission on Pension Benefits - Final Report
Interest Rate Risk Management Policy October 2003
Illinois Lottery Evaluation

  The Latest  

05/14/09 - State Issues $1 Billion in Certificates to Speed Payment on Outstanding Bills
04/23/09 - Governor Quinn Announces Recovery Funding for Low-Income Home Weatherization Efforts
04/17/09 - Illinois Leads the Way in Recovery Road Funds, Putting People Back to Work
04/14/09 - Governor Quinn, Secretary Arne Duncan Highlight Investment in Education
04/14/09 - Governor Quinn Announces $150 Million Now Available to the State to Support Capital Spending
04/13/09 - State Begins Paying Healthcare Providers More Quickly
04/07/09 - Governor Quinn Announces $150 Million Bond Sale to Support Capital Spending
03/18/09 - Governor Quinn Makes Tough Choices to Boldly Address Fiscal Crisis
03/01/07 - Comptroller’s annual report notes a steady progress in reducing Illinois' long term GAAP deficit

Agency Features

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