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Water Program Boosts Harvests, Earns Official Praise

On September 13, 2007, the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan met with members of seven USAID-supported water user associations. The minister praised the work of the associations and expressed the Government of Tajikistan’s gratitude to USAID and the USAID-funded Water Users Association Support Program for assistance to farmers. The meeting was covered on prime time news in both Tajik and Russian by the Tajik State TV station ‘TVT’.

The Water Users Association Support Program, implemented by Winrock International, has helped thousands of Tajik farmers increase their agricultural yield.

Thousands of Tajik farmers increased their harvests through participation in the USAID-funded Water Users Associations Support Program
Thousands of Tajik farmers increased their harvests through participation in the USAID-funded Water Users Associations Support Program
Photo Credit: WUASP

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Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:18:17 -0500