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Rehabilitating Infrastructure in Kosovo’s Minority Communities

USAID and its implementing partners, Mercy Corps and the International Organization for Migration, dedicated four new rehabilitation projects in late April, as part of an ongoing effort to address the basic infrastructure needs in minority areas of Kosovo. Two educational institutions—the Technical Faculty and in Technical Secondary School Workshop—in northern Mitrovica and two water systems—in Rudare, Zvecan/Zveqan municipality and Brestovik, Pejë/Pec municipality—were upgraded as a result of this effort.

Tina Kaidanow, Chief of Mission for the US Office in Pristina, visited all four projects and met with local community members. During her address in Rudare, she acknowledged the residents’ important role in the rehabilitation of their water system.  "We are particularly pleased that in each of these projects, we were able to work closely with the local communities involved. In this water project, you, the people of Rudare, took charge. You identified your main needs and priorities, and then worked creatively to find the resources in cooperation with both your local government officials and the international community."

The total cost of the four infrastructure projects was $150,000.

Students of Mitrovica Technical School in the north demonstrate their work at the rehabilitated workshop by USAID
Students of Mitrovica Technical School in the north demonstrate their work at the rehabilitated workshop by USAID

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