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Implementing the Renewable Energy Executive Order


photo of governor and others after signed executive order from Gov's website.

Committee overseeing this proceeding:

Karen Douglas
Chairman and Presiding Member
Siting Committee

Robert B. Weisenmiller
Commissioner and Associate Member
Siting Committee

On November 17, 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order # S-14-08 that raised California's renewable energy goals to 33 percent by 2020 and improved processes for licensing renewable projects. Legislation signed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr., in April 2011, Senate Bill X1-2, codified this 33 percent renewable energy goal for the state.

The Executive Order advances California's transition into a clean energy economy and directs state agencies to create comprehensive plans to prioritize regional renewable projects based on an area's renewable resource potential and the level of protection for plant and animal habitat. To implement and track the progress of the Executive Order, the California Energy Commission and the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding formalizing a Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT).

In addition to the Executive Order, the Energy Commission, DFG, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management signed another Memorandum of Understanding to establish a coordinated approach with our federal partners in the expedited permitting process. This coordinated approach should reduce the time and expense for developing renewable energy on federally-owned California land, including the priority Mojave and Colorado Desert regions.

To streamline the application process for renewable energy development, the Energy Commission and DFG will identify renewable energy development areas and develop a best management practices manual with the goal of reducing the application time in half for specific renewable projects 50 MW and greater proposed in the designated renewable energy development areas.

To initiate Natural Communities Conservation Plans (NCCPs) under the Executive Order, the REAT will begin the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan for the Mojave and Colorado Desert regions and identify other preferred areas that will benefit from a streamlined permitting and environmental review process. This should also help reduce the time and uncertainty normally associated with licensing new renewable projects.

Memoranda of Understanding

Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP)

For information about the DRECP, please visit their NEW website.

graphic image and link to DRECP website

For more information, please contact:

Scott Flint
California Energy Commission - DRECP
Siting, Transmission, and Environmental Protection Division
1516 Ninth Street, MS-46
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-651-3774
E-mail: SFlint@energy.state.ca.us

Armand Gonzales
California Department of Fish and Game
Ecological Conservation Branch
1416 Ninth Street, 12th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-616-0691
E-mail: AGonzales@dfg.ca.gov

News media, please call: Media & Public Communications Office - 916-654-4989.

Page updated April 21, 2011