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    Providing Advanced Molecular and Immunological Detection

Tetracore is a biotechnology company whose mission is to create and develop highly innovative diagnostic reagents, assays, and instruments for the detection of infectious diseases and bio-terrorism threat agents. We focus on veterinary, domestic preparedness, clinical, antibody and ELISA products.







Clinical Products Veterinary Products Domestic Preparedness Products Antibody Products ELISA kits
RedLine Alert™, antibody-based kit for the clinical laboratory identification of Bacillus anthracis colonies.
FDA cleared.
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VetAlert™, real-time PCR and rt-PCR kits for use in detection of bacterial and viral pathogens of animals.
USDA approved
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BioThreat Alert®, rapid antibody-based bioterrorism testing device.
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Molecular diagnostic assays for PCR instruments including T-COR™.
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Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to Select Agents, toxins, and simulants.
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ELISA Kits available for detection of toxins and Select Agents.
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