No Child Left Behind: A Desktop Reference
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Parental Assistance Information Centers (V-D-16)


This program establishes school-linked or school-based parental information and resource centers that provide training, information, and support to parents, and to individuals and organizations that work with parents, to implement parental involvement strategies that lead to improvements in student academic achievement.

The research overwhelmingly demonstrates that parent involvement in children's learning is positively related to achievement. Further, the more intensively parents are involved in their children's learning, the more beneficial the achievement effects. This holds true for all types of parent involvement in children's learning and for all types and ages of students. Researchers also have found that the schools with the most successful parent involvement programs are those which offer parents a variety of ways to participate.

WHAT'S NEW--The No Child Left Behind Act

Focuses on What Works

  • Requires grantees to use at least 30 percent of their awards to establish, expand, or operate Parents as Teachers,Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, or other early childhood parent education programs. Because parents are their children's first and most influential teachers, these programs help train parents in positive parenting skills, and provide the information and support that parents need to give their child a solid foundation for school success.

Reduces Bureaucracy and Increases Flexibility

  • Authorizes centers to assist schools in meeting the Title I parental involvement requirements, developing school improvement plans, and coordinating family involvement initiatives.

Focuses on Academic Standards

  • Emphasizes assisting parents in participating effectively in their children's education so that their children will meet state and local academic standards.

How It Works

The U.S. Department of Education awards competitive grants to nonprofit organizations and consortia of nonprofit organizations and school districts to establish school-linked or school-based parental information and resource centers. Grants are to be distributed to all geographic regions of the United States. The first $50 million of the amount appropriated is to be used for parent information and resource centers. Any amount above $50 million is to be split evenly between the parent information and resource centers and the local family information centers.

Key Requirements

Organizations or consortia receiving assistance under this program report annually on:

  • The number of parents who receive information and training, disaggregated by minority and limited English proficient status.
  • The types of training, information, and support provided.
  • The strategies used to reach and serve parents who are minority, limited English proficient, or have limited literacy skills.
  • The parental involvement policies and practices used by the center and an evaluation of whether the policies and practices are effective.
  • The effectiveness of the parental involvement activities of districts and schools on student achievement.

How It Achieves Quality

Each organization or consortium submits to the secretary of education information on the effectiveness of the parental involvement activities that districts and schools are carrying out that lead to improved student and school academic achievement.

How Performance Is Measured

The performance of the program is measured through the annual data reported by grantees.

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Last Modified: 09/14/2007