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Special Needs

This is the home page for families with children, youth and adults with special needs, including disabilities and chronic illnesses of all types. The links listed on this page will take you to a wide variety of information and help you connect to and learn from other families!

Email Discussion GroupsLooking to connect with others? Share information, resources and support with persons across the state via email. Join our Families with Special Needs email discussion group. You can sign up here, or visit our Discussion Groups section to view all of our available groups.

Share and Connect

[More 'Share and Connect' articles]


Assistive Technology

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[More 'Assistive Technology' articles]

Community Resources

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Education & Special Education

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Other topics under Education & Special Education :

Hearing Loss

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Housing & Transportation

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[More 'Housing & Transportation' articles]

Legal & Financial

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Medical & Disabilities

External Links
[More 'Medical & Disabilities' articles]

Support, Tips & Respite

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[More 'Support, Tips & Respite' articles]

Transition & Post-Secondary

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[More 'Transition & Post-Secondary' articles]


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News Articles

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