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EPA Announces $211 Million of Recovery Act Funding Available to Reduce Diesel Emissions, Spur Redevelopment, Create Jobs

Release date: 03/20/2009

Contact Information: Enesta Jones, 202-564-7873/ jones.enesta@epa.gov; En espaƱol, 202-564-4355 / younes.lina@epa.gov

EPA: This funding will create jobs to help the public breathe cleaner air and support brownfields redevelopment

(Washington, D.C. - March 20, 2009) State and local governments, nonprofit organizations and tribal agencies can now apply for up to an estimated $211 million in funding that will help create jobs for redevelopment nationwide and protect communities and the environment from diesel emissions. This is EPA funding available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 that President Obama signed into law Feb. 17, 2009.

Diesel grantees will use the total estimated $206 million to implement clean diesel projects that would cut thousands of tons of diesel emissions, including particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. As a result, the projects would also reduce premature deaths, asthma attacks and other respiratory ailments, lost work days, and many other health impacts every year.

Brownfields grantees will use the total estimated $5 million to provide training for jobs and to facilitate job creation in the assessment, remediation, or preparation of brownfields sites for sustainable reuse. EPA anticipates awarding 10-12 cooperative agreements, whose maximum value each shall not exceed $500,000.

Preference will be given to projects that can be started and completed expeditiously. EPA plans to provide the funding in June.

More information on the diesel and brownfields grants: