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DATE: June 1, 1995

CASE NO.: 94-JTP-4

In the Matter of:                          
TDC TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CORP.                               
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR                                 


William R. Meier, Esq.
   For Complainant

Scott Glabman, Esq.
   For Respondent

Before: David W. Di Nardi
        Administrative Law Judge


     This case arises under the Job Training Partnership Act
( JTPA  or the  Act ), 29 U.S.C. §§ 1501-1781 (1988), and
the implementing regulations at 20 C.F.R. Part 626 (1991) and 20
C.F.R. Part 18 (1991).


     This matter arose as a result of an audit conducted by the
Division of Audit, Closeout and Appeals Resolution wherein the
Grant Officer disallowed certain costs claimed by TDC Training and
Development Corp.  ( Complainant  herein).  Complainant timely took
exception to the disallowance and requested a formal hearing before
the Office of Administrative Law Judge.

     The parties were notified that the matter had been docketed at

[PAGE 2] the Office of Administrative Law Judge and they timely filed pre- hearing reports. In accordance with our procedures, the matter was assigned to this Administrative Law Judge and, pursuant to a Notice of Hearing and Pre-Hearing Order issued on December 16, 1994, a hearing was scheduled to begin on May 30, 1995 in Bangor, Maine. Thereafter, the parties advised the Administrative Law Judge on May 3, 1995 that the matter had been resolved amicably, that a hearing would not be necessary herein and that the appropriate papers would be filed as soon as possible. The parties filed on May 10, 1995 a Stipulation of Dismissal, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. 29 C.F.R. Part 636 deals with Complaints, investigations and hearings under the JTPA and 29 C.F.R. § 636.10 relates to hearings before the Office of Administrative Law Judge. Section 636.10(h)(3) provides: Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit the right of the parties to seek a dismissal of the request for hearing... In view of the foregoing, and as the STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL is signed by both parties before me, it is determined that this matter shall be, and the same hereby is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE, pursuant to 29 C.F.R. § 636.10(h)(3). __________________________ DAVID W. DI NARDI Administrative Law Judge Dated: Boston, Massachusetts DWD:dr
[PAGE 3] SERVICE SHEET Case Name: TDC Training & Development Corp. Case No.: 94-JTP-4 Title of Document: DECISION AND ORDER GRANTING WITHDRAWAL WITH PREJUDICE This is to certify that a copy of the above DECISION AND ORDER was mailed to the following interested parties on ________________. David O. Williams Scott Glabman, Esq. Office of the Special Counsel Counsel for Trial Employment & Training Admin. Litigation Room N-4671 Office of the Solicitor 200 Constitution Ave, N.W. Room N-2101 Washington, D.C. 20210 200 Constitution Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 R. Lance Grubb Grant/Contracts Officer Charles G. Tetro Office of Grants and Contracts President Management Training & U.S. Dept. Of Labor Development Corp. Room N-4716, FPB 18 School Street 200 Constitution Ave, N.W. P.O. Box 1669 Washington, D.C. 20210 Bucksport, ME 04416 Albert H. Ross William R. Meier, Esq. Regional Solicitor P.O. Box 935 U.S. Department of Labor Bangor, ME 04402-0935 One Congress St, 11th Fl. Boston, MA 02114
[PAGE 4] INTEROFFICE MAIL Library ____________________________ Darcy S. Rossman Legal Technician

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