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May 9, 2009   
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Technical Assistance Services

National Center on Workforce and Disability for Adults (NCWD-A)

National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD-Y)

These two technical assistance centers on workforce and disability are available to assist the workforce development community to address issues affecting the employment of youth and adults with disabilities. Each is funded through grants administered by the Office of Disability Employment Policy. Both can be accessed by telephone and web sites.

Training and Technical Assistance for Providers (T-TAP)

T-TAP is available to community rehabilitation providers who use certificates under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). T-TAP is funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy as a cooperative agreement with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) for the purpose of developing training and resources to assist community rehabilitation providers in facilitating competitive employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. These services will be delivered through a variety of venues, including regional forums, web casts, an on-line customized employment course, printed and electronic resources.

Fact Sheets

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

JAN is your one-stop service to get information on making workplace accommodations for people with disabilities.

Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN)

This free nationwide service connects employers with job placement professionals who can identify qualified candidates with disabilities for their job openings - in the company's geographic area. A data base of job placement professionals/providers is now being developed, and employers are invited to contact EARN with their placement needs.

Small Business and Self Employment Service (SBSES)

If you are a person with a disability who has always wanted to start your own business, or who prefers to be self-employed, be sure to visit SBSES for information on creating a business plan, financing, and other issues related to starting a small business.

Technical Assistance Materials

Do you need information on your rights in the workplace? On provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act? On effective interviewing techniques? On recruiting and hiring workers with disabilities? Check this section for guidance on these and other disability employment related topics.

WRP logo
Workforce Recruitment Program

business case logo
Business Case

business Sense logo
Business Sense

JAN logo
Job Accommodation Network

EARN works logo
EARN Works

ODEP Summit logo
ODEP Summit

Disability Info Logo
Disability Information Resource

ODEP Circle of Champions logo
Circle Of Champions

ODEP Alliance Logo
Alliance Initiative

Technical Assistance Centers:

Start-Up USA logo
Start-Up USA

NCWD logo
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

NCWD logo
National Technical Assistance and Research Center


April 2009

Percentage of people with disabilities in the labor force:


Unemployment rate of persons with a     disability:



Phone Numbers