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Construction Program Management and Inspection Guide

Appendix B (Part 2 continued)

Example Quality Control Plan

ABC Construction Company
P. O. Box 357
Red River, CA 94781

August 18, 1997

Federal Highway Administration
P. O. Box 78
Sutterville, CA 94832


Re: CA FH 93-1(3), Gold Rush Highway Quality Control Plan

The following items comprise our Quality Control Plan (QCP) required by Subsection 153.02 of the Contract.

  1. All work will be performed in accordance with the contract requirements. ABC will maintain an inspection system which assures compliance with the contract requirements. Any indication of system deficiencies whether discovered as a result of the Government's or ABC's checks and tests will result in modifications to the system to correct these deficiencies.
  2. This QCP does not endeavor to repeat or summarize contract requirements. It describes the process which ABC will use to assure compliance with those requirements. The QCP documents broad categories of contract work in accordance with Subsection 153.02. Necessary details dealing with minor items that may be overlooked in this plan will be addressed informally between the Quality Control Technician (QCT) and the Project Engineer (PE), as the work progresses; and will be documented in writing if so requested by the PE. It is understood that the level of QC accountability and control exercised by ABC on these items will be consistent with the details of this plan.
  3. The Project Superintendent, Mr. Ralph Altway, will have overall responsibility for quality control on the project. Mr. Altway has had similar responsibilities on other Federal (Corps of Engineers) and State (Caltrans) projects. He is a NICET Level IV Technician and Certified by Caltrans as a QC Technician.
  4. Mr. Leon Williams will be the QCT for the project. He will report directly to Mr. Altway. Mr. Williams is also a NICET Level IV Technician and Certified by Caltrans and Nevada DOT as a QC Technician. He has been employed in this role by ABC for nearly three years. He will be responsible for overseeing day-to-day construction operations from a QC standpoint. He will assure that all required tests and documentation are completed, and that the results are furnished to the Government in the time frame required. Mr. Williams is empowered to suspend any operations which he deems to be in noncompliance with the contract, and/or order corrective measures to assure compliance. Mr. Williams will complete the Inspector's Daily Record required by Subsection 153.04.
  5. As the number of operations or their dispersion on the project starts to overextend Mr. Williams, QC responsibilities will specifically be assigned to ABC's supervisory personnel specifically responsible for given operations; or an assistant to him will be provided. In either case, standards of application of the QCP will be the same. The names, experience, and qualifications of any personnel assuming QCP responsibilities will be provided to the Government in advance.
  6. ABC has an experienced and highly professional staff that is used to the responsibility entailed by the QC requirements. We therefore do not anticipate any personnel or training problems in complying with them. If any such problems occur, ABC will take whatever actions are necessary to correct them including retraining, providing more supervision, or removal of poorly functioning personnel.
  7. Grading
    • Preparatory Phase
      • QCT will go over erosion control requirements with PE and order silt fence and other authorized materials at least two weeks before work starts.
      • QCT will go over clearing limits and slope limits with PE and Grading Foreman.
    • Startup Phase
      • ABC will Install silt fences and temporary culverts as necessary along pioneer road. QCT will obtain materials samples for T-99 proctor tests as soon as cuts are started. Provide PE with splits of samples. Provide completed proctor worksheets within 48 hours. Grading Foreman's name will be provided to Government as soon as known. QCT will go over lift thickness and other contract requirements with Grading Foreman.
    • Production Phase
      • After startup, Grading Foreman will be responsible for continuous monitoring of QC.
      • QCT will periodically monitor work and density with a nuclear gauge. These tests will be at about one (passing) test per 1000 m3 of compactable (nonrock) material. Final test on each lift will include a one-point proctor and rock correction. QCT will advise Grading Foreman of test results.
      • Failing tests will be followed by appropriate corrective (reworking/recompaction) efforts and retesting. If the rate of initial failing tests exceeds one out of five, the QCT and Grading Foreman will meet and formally document the corrective actions to the embankment construction process which will be taken to resolve the problem.
      • Grading Foreman will order drying operations or more water when compaction tests or appearance of fills material indicate that moisture is a problem.
      • Density tests will be documented in tabular form showing date, time, location, offset, depth below grade, and test result. Results will be provided to PE by the next working day.
      • Each day QCT will plot test results on control charts in the ABC project lab.
  8. Drainage
    • Preparatory Phase
      • QCT will obtain survey crews' stakeout notes and review culvert design prior to submittal to PE for approval. QCT will obtain approved designs and order culvert and end section materials.
      • Precast inlets and similar items will be obtained from Williams Precast Co. of Susanville. Copies of their materials data, mix designs, and QC plan will be obtained and furnished to PE 30 days prior to start of work.
      • Cast-in-place concrete will be furnished under Section 601 and obtained from Sutterville Quality Concrete (SQC). QCT will obtain documentation from SQC. QCT will go over their procedures with them before production.
      • QCT will identify a source of backfill material to be used if natural material is too rocky or otherwise unsuitable. QCT will test the material (proctor) and provide results to PE.
      • QCT will inspect culvert materials upon arrival and obtain valid materials certifications and submit to PE.
      • QCT will go over stakeout notes and contract requirements with pipe crew foreman prior to start of work. Pipe foreman will be identified to PE prior to start of work.
    • Startup Phase
      • QCT will work nearly continuously with the pipe crew on the first day to verify layout procedures, bedding preparation, and assembly.
      • QCT will go over proctor data and operation of nuclear gauge with pipe foreman. They will agree on what passing density readings are for the borrow backfill and other possible backfill materials.
      • QCT will go over backfill, lift thickness, and density monitoring procedures.
      • For cast-in-place concrete, QCT will be at plant to verify QC procedures at the start of production. QCT will perform required QC at the site.
    • Production Phase
      • Pipe foreman will be responsible for QC during construction.
      • QCT will visit each installation on a random basis to take density tests required by the contract. For each of these tests, a one-point proctor will be run. Record of density tests will be furnished to the PE by the following working day.
      • For cast-in-place concrete QCT will obtain all required documentation and furnish to PE. QCT will be at placement site enough to perform required QC tests. QCT will go over QC procedures with foreman, who will be responsible for QC when the QCT is absent.
  9. Subgrade
    • Preparatory Phase
      • QCT will coordinate with grading foreman and survey crew as to how subgrade will be staked, controlled, and finished.
      • QCT will go over with grading foreman, any problems with subgrade materials quality-rocky material, clay, or other unsuitable. Such materials will be used in other than subgrade locations.
    • Startup Phase
      • QCT will coordinate with grading foreman and PE the acceptable standards and tolerances for subgrade finishing.
    • Production Phase
      • Grading foreman will be responsible for day to day QC.
      • Grading foreman will advise PE when each segment of subgrade is ready for acceptance.
      • QCT will take subgrade density tests at required frequency using nuclear gauge. One-point proctors will be run about once every two to three tests or whenever materials change.
      • Test results will be plotted on control charts by QCT and also furnished to the PE by the next working day.
  10. Base Course
    • Preparatory Phase
      • Base course will be obtained from Whippel Mountain Aggregates, Inc. (WMA)
      • QCT will obtain suppliers quality tests and samples of material for the PE at least 30 days prior to base work beginning.
      • QCT will perform proctor tests on base course. QCT will also perform initial gradation tests on stockpile just prior to startup.
      • QCT will review supplier's QC procedures including stockpiling, moisture control, process control testing, and weighing.
      • QCT will develop dumping spread sheets for base course foreman.
    • Startup Phase
      • QCT will go over delivery and dumping procedures with base course foreman.
      • QCT will go over spreading and compaction procedures with base course foreman.
      • Base course will be pugmill mixed and delivered at optimum moisture and in nonsegregated condition so that processing on the grade will be minimal.
    • Production Phase
      • WMA will be responsible for plant QC. WMA will perform at least one gradation test per day as long as at least 80% of tests pass. Frequency will be increased if there are more failing tests.
      • Grading foreman will be responsible for receiving, dumping, tabulating tonnages, and delivering receiving reports to PE at the end of each day.
      • Grading foreman will perform occasional (at least one per day) depth checks to verify spread rates.
      • QCT will obtain gradation samples at the required frequency. Samples will be split, with the splits delivered to the PE.
  11. Asphalt Items
    • Preparatory Phase
      • All asphalt items will be furnished by Allied Paving (AP) of Sutterville. Materials will be hauled to the site by ABC's hauling sub, and paving or installation of materials will be by ABC.
      • AP has a lab certified by Caltrans at the plant. Lab supervisor is William Brown, Certified Asphalt Technician in California.
      • QCT will obtain required mix design submittals and samples from AP and deliver to PE at least 30 days before work is scheduled to start. AP's QC/Mix Design technician is Allen Rockford, who has 15 years in this position and is a certified asphalt technician in California and Nevada. Mr. Rockford will be the contact for any technical discussions during the mix approval process.
      • With the mix designs, AP will furnish a separate QC plan dealing with their plant operations, personnel, etc.
    • Startup Phase
      • QCT will review all specification requirements with paving foreman prior to start of work.
      • QCT will be in charge of production start up procedures. Documentation and tests will be at his directions and submitted to the PE. Full production will start when approved by PE.
    • Production Phase
      • Paving foreman will be responsible for QC on a daily basis. QCT will conduct periodic inspections.
      • QCT or designee will obtain mix sample and cores. Splits will be provided to PE for acceptance. Contractor samples will be delivered to AP's plant lab for testing. Results will be provided through the QCT by the following day. We will attempt to set up a system to provide results by FAX.
      • AP will obtain AC samples at the plant and deliver (through QCT) to PE for testing.
      • Test results will be plotted on control charts in ABC's on-site lab. QCT will run QL Pay at the end of each day, or the beginning of the next. Quality problems evident either from inspections or test results will be dealt with under the direction of the QCT. Work will be suspended if problems cannot be resolved expeditiously.
  12. Structural Concrete
    • Preparatory Phase
      • Wahoo Readymix in Martin, CA, will provide PC concrete under Section 552 for the box culverts. Wahoo's plant is certified by Caltrans as is their Quality Supervisor, Mr. Larry Ryland. Mr. Ryland will provide documentation (through ABC's QCT) of proposed mix design (previously approved by Caltrans) and all materials 30 days or more prior to first delivery. Wahoo will also be responsible for all plant QC and inspection of trucks.
      • QCT will be responsible for on-site QC operations other than the concrete mix itself, e.g. resteel, forming, concrete placement, finishing, etc. Resteel will be inspected upon delivery for proper certification, dimensions, storage, etc. QCT will be responsible for stakeout and foundation preparation prior to forming.
    • Startup Phase
      • QCT will coordinate with Wahoo to schedule delivery operations. Wahoo will send one or more certified concrete technicians to each concreting operations. Technicians will be responsible for any final mix adjustments, delivery ticket validation, screening (air, slump, temperature), and acceptance testing, as required by FHWA inspector. Cylinders will be cured on-site at ABC's lab, and taken to Wahoo's lab for breaking. QCT will advise FHWA of scheduled breaks and provide opportunity for witnessing.
      • QCT will inspect forming and resteel operations from their inception and work with crews to assure acceptable tolerances and other compliance. QCT will inspect placement operations including vibrating and finishing. QCT will inspect curing operations and work with ABC crews to resolve any problems. All required documentation will be completed by QCT and delivered to FHWA by the day following each placement operation.
    • Production Phase
      • Wahoo will continue to provide on-site QC for each concrete delivery.
      • Once resteel and forming crews are lined out, QCT will make spot checks of their operations, plus a final inspections two hours or so prior to each placement. QCT will inspect curing. QCT will inspect all surfaces upon stripping and go over any necessary repairs and finishing operations.
  13. Miscellaneous Items
    This covers items, mostly involving installation of manufactured items, such as guardrail, delineators, fencing, etc.
    • Preparatory Phase
      • QCT will verify all certification requirements, inspect material upon delivery and submit certifications and other documentation to PE.
      • QCT will work with survey crew and PE to verify exact stakeout requirements and resolve any potential stakeout problems.
    • Startup Phase
      • QCT will go over the specification requirement and stakeout data with the foreman in charge of installation.
      • QCT will normally be present when any operation begins to resolve problems and verify specification compliance.
    • Production Phase
      • Foreman will normally be responsible for QC during production. QCT will make spot checks approximately once a day or more frequently if there are problems.
      • QCT will perform tests required by the contract and furnish results to PE. QCT will advise PE when segments of the work are ready for acceptance.

Please advise me if there are any additions or supplements you would like us to make to this QCP. If there are changes to any items (personnel, suppliers, etc.), we will attempt to provide the PE notice in advance of their impact on the work.

We need concurrence to proceed with at least the clearing and grading portion of the work by June 1 in order to stay on our schedule.

Sincerely yours,

Ralph Altway

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration