End the Colorado Waiting List NOW

Vote YES on 51!


What is Amendment 51?

Amendment 51 provides thousands of children and adults with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Mental Retardation with critically needed care, through a modest, phased-in sales tax of 2/10 of 1%. 


Amendment 51 provides new funding for much-needed services that people with developmental disabilities and their families need now and in the future, such as constant supervision, help with daily tasks, a place to live, job training or nursing services.  When fully implemented, it will raise $186 million.  


Who Does Amendment 51 Help?

Amendment 51 helps the more than 12,000 children and adults with developmental disabilities -- such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy or Mental Retardation – who need, but are not currently receiving, lifelong care and support.


 Why Does Colorado Need Amendment 51?

Most Americans agree that government has some basic responsibilities to our most vulnerable citizens, and one of those is to help people who cannot help themselves.  For people with developmental disabilities and their families, there is absolutely no safety net or back up options for the vital services they need.



Why Should I Vote Yes on Amendment 51?

Solving this urgent problem is critically needed and long overdue.  With new funding, Coloradans can immediately provide a safety net for children and adults with developmental disabilities.  Amendment 51 is a small price to provide vital services for children and adults who, thorough no fault of their own, face tremendous burdens every day just getting by. 


For more information, contact Marijo Rymer, Arc of Colorado, 303.864.9334, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or visit http://www.endcoloradowaitlist.org

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