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New York/New Jersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
June 2007

Appendix A. New York/New Jersey HIDTA Enforcement Task Forces

The El Dorado Money Laundering Task Force is a multiagency task force whose mission is to disrupt, dismantle, or render ineffective organizations involved in the laundering of the proceeds of illicit drug trafficking and in other financial crimes in the New York metropolitan area. This mission is accomplished by targeting the primary avenues used by drug traffickers to launder drug profits: money services, physical transportation, merchandising, banking and brokerages, and bulk cash. The task force is led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and consists of 176 representatives from various federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. The El Dorado Task Force is also part of the High Intensity Financial Crimes Area (HIFCA) Program for the New York metropolitan area.

In calendar year (CY) 2006, the task force dismantled 2 and disrupted 35 money laundering organizations and seized more than $24 million.

The Regional Fugitive Task Force is led by the U.S. Marshals Service and comprises more than 130 federal, state, county, and local law enforcement officers from 50 law enforcement agencies. The task force's mission is to apprehend dangerous, violent fugitives in the New Jersey/New York metropolitan area.

In CY2006 the task force arrested 4,232 fugitives, of whom 1,259 were prior felony offenders; 1,115 were charged with drug felonies, and 474 were affiliated with gangs.

The New Jersey Drug Trafficking Organization Task Force draws together investigators from DEA and state, county, and local law enforcement agencies to disrupt or dismantle major DTOs in New Jersey.

In CY2006 the task force dismantled 3 and disrupted 14 DTOs and seized over $7 million.

The New York Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Strike Force comprises investigators from DEA, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), ICE, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), U.S. Marshals Service, NYPD, and New York State Police. Its mission is to disrupt and dismantle major DTOs that have been designated by the U.S. Department of Justice as Consolidated Priority Organization Targets (CPOTs), Regional Priority Organization Targets (RPOTs), and affiliates operating within the New York metropolitan area.

In CY2006 the task force dismantled 4 and disrupted 6 DTOs and seized over $6 million.

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