Climate Timeseries

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Analyze & Plot Long Range Climate Timeseries

Plot, analyze and compare different monthly mean climate timeseries.

Timeseries 1?

Timeseries 2?

Year range? (1854 to present): to

Plot timeseries
For two timeseries, One y axis, Two y axis
Statistic: Mean   Anomaly (1971-2000 climo) Standardized Anomaly
Type of Plot: Line   Boxes
Optional: Climatology Bounds to
Optional Set y range: to ( Set 2nd y range: to )
Optional Apply Running Mean to monthly values:: months (use odd number)
Correlate two time series
Lag of 1st time series? Positive lag values indicate 1st timeseries lags 2nd; negative lag values means 1st leads second.

Correlate using?All months or seasons in time-series (1 value) Each months or season calculated separately
Plot autocorrelation function
Plot Cross correlation function
For all actions:
Time Averaging?Monthly   Seasonal Average First Month of season: Second:

Please reference timeseries use in publications!

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NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division
Document maintained by Cathy Smith (
Updated: Oct 10, 2008 09:54:05 MDT
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