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    Ed Johnson

Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Policy
National Weather Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Dr. Edward R. Johnson currently serves the National Weather Service (NWS) as the Director of Strategic Planning and Policy, a staff office reporting to the NWS Director, with responsibility for oversight of the NWS planning process and agency-level policy matters (including private sector relations).

Dr. Johnson works with government agencies as well as interest groups and non-governmental agencies to coordinate policy, service, science, and technology issues. Before assuming his current post in 1999, his NWS career included research, development, and policy-level activities associated with the NWS hydrologic services program including the NWS modernization and the centralized operational support for NWS flood forecast and warning systems.

Prior to joining the NWS hydrologic services program in 1983, Dr. Johnson was an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, having earned his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil Engineering in 1978.

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