Experimental MJO Forecasts

MJO Forecasts: Form page

Product type: Mean Fields | Total Anomaly Fields | MJO Anomaly Fields | Hovmollers | Verifications | Climate Discussions

The purpose of this page is to be able to compare plots or pull up single plots without going through the longer interface.
Currently, you will get a single plot unless you choose multiple options from either "models" or "times". You should only choose multiple options from one of those categories. Some possible options will not have a plot.

Select variables

Type of Output Variable:

Model:Choose 1 or more PSD Ensemble Reforecast
NCEP Ensemble Forecast
LIM Forecast
WHEELER Forecast
Empirical Wave Propagation Fcst
POAMA Forecast
C Jones
Canadian Ensemble
ECMWF (password required)
Verification Time:Choose 1 or more, up to 4 Initial Condition
1 week
2 week
We will provide plot sizes that will compare side-by-side where possible. We may allow users to pick multiple variables or types of plots. In all cases, you will only be able to select more than 1 plot for one category. Later, javascript will show you only what is available. Feedback is desired.