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What's New

 Subscribe/Unsubscribe to receive email messages whenever a new NWS Directive has been posted to the Directives web site . When accessing the subscription page you will be asked for your NOAA email user name (i. e. jane.smith) and password to authenticate you as a NOAA employee.

 Change in signature line for policy directives.  Updated policy directive templates have been posted in the Toolkit in Word and WordPerfect.  The policy directive templates include a new signature line for the NOAA Assistant Administrator for Weather Services.


 NWSPD 1-1, Policy Formulation, and NWSI 1-101, NWS Directives System - Structure and Management, have been revised to change the annual update process to a biennial update process. Unscheduled or emergency updates to directives can still be made at any time.

 Word Templates: New Word templates for policy and procedural directives and supplements are now available in the Toolkit. (10 May 2004)

  There are two easy ways to contact CFO3 NDS staff. To make sure NDS staff receive e-mails and requests to have directives posted, use the following addresses:

  NEW Directives:

  Certification Memoranda

  Summary of Revisions: Offices can voluntarily include significant changes to directives in the “Summary of Revisions.

  Regional Office Abbreviations and Supplements: Regional office identifiers now precede the title of supplements posted on the NDS Web site.

  Effective Dates of Directives: Effective dates will now be 14 days or later after a signature date. Click here to read the procedures

  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): A list of questions and answers about the NWS Directives System (NDS) is now available on the NDS home page. Just click on the "FAQs" button on the left of your screen.


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Page Author: Michael Perry
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Page last modified: 20 February, 2009 10:42 AM

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