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Respite Care

Respite Care Are you an active duty member of the Air Force? Do you have a special needs child or spouse enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program?

If your answer is "yes", the Air Force Aid Society’s Respite Care program may be of help to you by providing the funds for a caregiver to stay with the special needs person. Respite care allows a "break" a few hours a week or month to families who have the responsibility of 24 hour a day care for an ill or disabled family member living in the household.

AFAS assistance for respite is based on need -- the need for some time away from the normal care duties, as well as financial need, and is always given as a grant. Our program is intended to assist those who cannot afford it and would otherwise never get a chance to rest and reduce some of the stress related to their responsibilities. Our goal is to allow respite time while finances are adjusted to work toward budgeting for self financed care and/or enrollment into another available military or community resource.

In addition to respite care, the AFAS may be able to assist your family in other ways. Often out -of-pocket medical expenses put additional strains on an already Respite Care tight budget. We have found that many times merely helping with some past due medical expenses, purchasing some specialized equipment, or just getting you network with a support group, can ease your anxiety.

Check out this link to the DoD EFMP Toolbox widget for access to the Parent Tool Kit and Special Care Organizational Records (SCOR) geared for helping military families with special needs

For more information on the Respite Care Program or to apply for assistance, contact your local Airman & Family Readiness Center.