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Last Modified: 12/1/1999  
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Phase I Study of Immunization with Adenovirus Encoding the MART-1 Melanoma Antigen for Refractory Metastatic Melanoma (Summary Last Modified 12/1999)

Alternate Title
Basic Trial Information
Entry Criteria
Expected Enrollment
Published Results
Trial Contact Information

Alternate Title

Vaccine Therapy With or Without Interleukin-2 in Treating Patients With Refractory Metastatic Melanoma

Basic Trial Information

PhaseTypeStatusAgeSponsorProtocol IDs
Phase ITreatmentCompleted18 and overNCINCI-95-C-0079D
NCI-T94-0195N, T94-0195


I.  Evaluate the toxicity, immunologic reactivity, and possible therapeutic 
efficacy of immunization with recombinant adenovirus expressing the MART-1 
melanoma antigen administered alone or with interleukin-2 in patients with 
refractory metastatic malignant melanoma.

Entry Criteria

Disease Characteristics:

Metastatic melanoma that has failed standard therapy
  Histologic confirmation at NIH required

Measurable or evaluable disease required

Standard HLA typing of peripheral blood lymphocytes required

Prior/Concurrent Therapy:

Greater than 4 weeks since any prior therapy
No concurrent steroids

Patient Characteristics:

  18 and over

Performance status:
  ECOG 0-2

Life expectancy:
  Greater than 3 months

  HLA-A2.1-positive on standard HLA typing
  HIV seronegative
  HB Ag seronegative
  No active systemic infection
  No other major immunologic illness

  WBC greater than 3,000/mm3
  Platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3
  Hb greater than 8.0 g/dL

  Bilirubin no greater than 2.0 mg/dL
  SGOT/SGPT less than 4 x ULN

  Creatinine no greater than 1.6 mg/dL

  No major cardiovascular illness
  Negative stress thallium exam required in patients over age 50

  No major respiratory illness

  No coagulation disorder
  Negative pregnancy test required of fertile women
  Effective contraception required of fertile patients

Expected Enrollment

Up to 15 patients per dose level will be entered.


Vaccination with and without Biological Response Modifier Therapy.  
Recombinant adenovirus encoding the MART-1 melanoma antigen, MART-1; with and 
without Interleukin-2 (Chiron), IL-2, NSC-373364.

Published Results

Rosenberg SA, Zhai Y, Yang JC, et al.: Immunizing patients with metastatic melanoma using recombinant adenoviruses encoding MART-1 or gp100 melanoma antigens. J Natl Cancer Inst 90 (24): 1894-900, 1998.[PUBMED Abstract]

Trial Contact Information

Trial Lead Organizations

NCI - Center for Cancer Research

Steven Rosenberg, MD, PhD, Protocol chair
Ph: 866-820-4505

Note: The purpose of most clinical trials listed in this database is to test new cancer treatments, or new methods of diagnosing, screening, or preventing cancer. Because all potentially harmful side effects are not known before a trial is conducted, dose and schedule modifications may be required for participants if they develop side effects from the treatment or test. The therapy or test described in this clinical trial is intended for use by clinical oncologists in carefully structured settings, and may not prove to be more effective than standard treatment. A responsible investigator associated with this clinical trial should be consulted before using this protocol.

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health