Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region



Visitor Information

Refuge Map
Getting to Sherburne NWR
Wildlife Drive
Refuge Internship
Environmental Education Services

Refuge Events

Wildlife Film Festival
Spring Clean-up Day
Migratory Bird Day
Wildlife Festival


Friends Group


General Hunting Information
Special Hunting Regulations


Bird Checklist
Reptiles and Amphibians


Oak Savanna
Big Woods
Water Management

Fire Management

Prescribed Burning
Fire History
Fire Effects Monitoring

Plant List

Small Wetlands Program

Duck Stamp photo

2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Contact Us

Phone: 763-389-3323
Fax: 763-389-3493
17076 293rd Avenue
Zimmerman, MN 55398

General Information
on Refuge Hunting

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1965 to protect and restore the habitats associated with the St. Francis River Valley for migratory birds and other wildlife purposes. Today the Refuge encompasses over 30,700 acres of land. Recreation is encouraged where it is compatible with the wildlife and the land.

Signs to Follow

Millions of people visit national wildlife refuges every year. The impact of humanity descending upon refuges, if not regulated in part, can degrade these wildlands. Signs grant or restrict certain activities to provide optimum freedom for visitors while also protecting refuge elements from undue human abuse.

Refuge Boundary Sign This sign delineates the Refuge boundary.
No Hunting Zone Sign This area is closed to ALL hunting.
Area Closed Sign This area is closed to ALL entry year round.
Do Not Block Gate Sign All Refuge roads must remain available for fire and emergency access.

Enjoy Your Visit

Limited sport hunting is permitted on the Refuge in accordance with all applicable Federal and Minnesota State laws subject to the following special Refuge regulations:


Vehicles Permitted Public Access Vehicles are permitted on designated roads as shown on the map.
Foot Travel Permitted Public Access Foot travel is permitted throughout the Refuge from September 10 - February 28 except in Closed Areas.
Parking Area Parking Vehicles may be parked in parking areas shown on the map.
Hunting Permitted Hunting Hunting is permitted as set by Federal and State laws. The Refuge is not open for the State special goose hunts, special deer muzzleloader, predator, bear, crow, mourning dove or turkey hunting. Special Refuge Hunting Regulations apply.
Motorless Boats Permitted Boats Only non-motorized boats can be used and must be launched at designated access sites.
Camping not Permitted Camping Overnight parking and camping are not permitted on the Refuge. Camping is available at the Sand Dunes State Forest and nearby private campgrounds.
Campfires not Permitted Fire Fire danger can be extremely high during spring and fall. Please take special precautions with all flammable materials. Campfires are not permitted.
Hunters with Disabilities Hunters with Disabilities Blinds for hunters with disabilities are available by reservation during waterfowl and firearms deer seasons. For more information, contact the Refuge office.
Report Accidents Accidents Serious injuries or accidents occurring on the Refuge should be reported to the Refuge Headquarters.
Protected Wildlife Protected Species Species not listed in this brochure are protected and may NOT be killed. It is YOUR responsibility to identify your game and protected species. Bald eagles, swans and other protected birds are common in hunting areas.
Weapons/Ammunition Information Weapons and Ammunition Weapons must be unloaded and cased or broken down when being transported on Refuge roads. Shotgun hunters must possess and use only non-toxic shot while hunting small game and migratory birds on the Refuge.
NO target or indiscriminate shooting is permitted.

Last updated: September 15, 2008