Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region



Visitor Information

Refuge Map
Getting to Sherburne NWR
Wildlife Drive
Refuge Internship
Environmental Education Services

Refuge Events

Wildlife Film Festival
Spring Clean-up Day
Migratory Bird Day
Wildlife Festival


Friends Group


General Hunting Information
Special Hunting Regulations


Bird Checklist
Reptiles and Amphibians


Oak Savanna
Big Woods
Water Management

Fire Management

Prescribed Burning
Fire History
Fire Effects Monitoring

Plant List

Small Wetlands Program

Duck Stamp photo

2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Contact Us

Phone: 763-389-3323
Fax: 763-389-3493
17076 293rd Avenue
Zimmerman, MN 55398

Fire Management

Aerial ignition
Prescribed Burning at Sherburne NWR
using a helitorch for ignition.

The fire program at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) focus' on prescribed burning for habitat and wildlife management and wildfire control. The main reason for conducting prescribed burning at Sherburne NWR is to restore and maintain a healthy Refuge ecosystem,as well as fuel reduction for wildfire management. Prescribed burning consumes dead vegetative fuels under controlled conditions, reducing the wildland fuel load. Reducing these fuel loads under controlled conditions facilitates the suppression of wildfires, should they start. This is particularly important at Sherburne NWR, because the Refuge lies in an area that has a lot of residential development (wildland/urban interface).

Primary detection of wildfires on the Refuge is provided by the Department of Natural Resources. There is a fire tower south of the Refuge in the Sand Dunes State Forest that is always staffed during periods of high fire danger. DNR fire detection
aircraft also fly over the Refuge regularly
during these times.

For more information on wildfires, prescribed fire, and current burning restrictions in Minnesota, see the Minnesota Wildfire Information Center at:

Last updated: July 17, 2008