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You are here: Topics > Population and community ecology > Ecosystems
Aquatic ecosystems
Communities of interdependent organisms living primarily in or on water.
Benthic ecosystems (3 items)
Estuarine ecosystems (23 items)
Freshwater ecosystems (18 items)
Marine ecosystems (22 items)

Planktonic ecosystems (3 items)
Related topics:

Results 1 - 91 of 91 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Biological resource status and trends: Aquatic ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on aquatic ecosystems
Western Fisheries Research Center - Our research: aquatic ecosystems [New Window]
Links to reports of aquatic ecosystems research at the Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) emphasizing the understanding of ecological processes for aquatic systems, including river basins, riparian areas, wetlands, and estuaries.
Aquatic Ecology Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Programs of the Aquatic Ecology Branch on landscape ecology and GIS, molecular genetics, environmental contaminants, stream ecology, and other aspects of aquatic ecology in eastern United States.
Biological resource status and trends: Bay, delta, and estuarine ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on bay, delta, and estuarine ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: Inland water ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on inland water ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: Lake ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on lake ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: Marine ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on marine ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: Ocean and sea ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on oceanic ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: Reef ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on reef ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: River and stream ecosystems [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on river and stream ecosystems
Boston Harbor ecosystems [New Window]
This web site is an outgrowth of an agreement between the USGS and the New England Aquarium, designed to summarize and make available results of scientific research. It will also present educational material of interest to wide audiences.
Ecosystems of South Florida [New Window]
An overview with brief descriptions and photographs of some of South Florida's unique ecosystems.
Fisheries: Aquatic and endangered resources program [New Window]
This program is focused on the study of fishes, fisheries, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic habitats, and evaluates factors that affect aquatic organism health, population fitness, biological diversity, and aquatic community and habitat function.
Invasive Species Program -- Snakeheads, aquatic invaders [New Window]
On-line version of a USGS Fact Sheet describing Snakeheads, aggressive airbreathing freshwater fishes that are not native to North America. Snakeheads are considered injurious to certain native North American fish and other aquatic wildlife.
Mercury in stream ecosystems - publications [New Window]
Publications dealing with the occurrence, methods of monitoring, and changes in the concentration of mercury within streams and nearby areas
Access USGS - San Francisco Bay and Delta [New Window]
Main page for accessing links for information and data on the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed with links to highlights, water, biology, wetlands, hazards, digital maps, geologic mapping, winds, bathymetry and overview of the Bay.
Atchafalaya & Mississippi River Deltas study: a tale of two deltas [New Window]
Project of the Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science program that evaluates the transport and sedimentation of contaminates through the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River delta to the near-shore Gulf of Mexico. Includes aerial photographs.
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [New Window]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
Biological and ecotoxicological characteristics of terrestrial vertebrates residing in estuaries [New Window]
Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) program is designed to assess and monitor the effects of environmental contaminants on biological resources with links to detailed information on specific species.
PDF Buck Island Reef National Monument Sea Turtle Research Program: Sea turtle nesting research & monitoring protocols manual [New Window]
Manual for research program on the nesting habits of sea turtles of the Virgin Islands, with descriptions of species, nesting behavior, observation methods, record keeping, tagging, and tissue sample collection. (PDF file, 121 pp.)
Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies - St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida [New Window]
Homepage for the Florida Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, Tampa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with links to a newsletter Sound Waves, research projects by area and topic, publications, data sets, news, and contacts.
Characterization of macroalgal epiphytes on Thalassia testudinum in Tampa Bay, Florida [New Window]
Identification of epiphytes (plants obtaining moisture and nutrients from the air and rain and usually living on another plant) on seaweed in Tampa Bay, Florida. Abstract of symposium presentation with photos.
Chesapeake Bay activities [New Window]
Information on USGS studies of Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, concerned with water quality, ecosystem history and change, vital habitat and biological resources, and land use studies.
Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region [New Window]
Presents a wetland classification system that reflects seasonal, regional, and local variations in the environment.
Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States [New Window]
Detailed publication on the classification system for an inventory of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States used to describe ecological taxa and arrange them in a system useful to resource managers.
Climate-Driven Ocean Changes Affect Estuaries [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--Pacific Ocean cooling triggers phytoplankton blooms in San Francisco Bay.
Coastal habitats in Puget Sound [New Window]
Declines in fish and wildlife populations, water-quality issues, and changes in coastal habitats have prompted this USGS study of the region's nearshore life and environment. Includes links to data from published reports.
Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) online databases [New Window]
Links to Columbia Environmental Research Center online databases with text, data, and metadata on toxicity, Missouri River, biomonitoring of environmental status and trends, contaminants, and sediments.
Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) publications [New Window]
Links to electronic publications of the Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) including journal articles and full-text publications accessible by publication series and subjects.
Columbia River USGS Interdisciplinary Science Explorer WebSite [New Window]
Web site for an Internet Map Service (IMS) serving base cartographic data, USGS data, science applications and real time modelling analyses for the Columbia River basin using geospatial analysis technology.
Coral mortality and African dust [New Window]
Report with mini-movie and photos on the hypothesis that the atmospheric transport of dust arising from the desertification in northern Africa led to algal infestation of corals, coral diseases, and the near extinction of associated sea urchins.
Ecological studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Description of cooperative ecological research associated with the National Water-Quality Assessment program with links to current projects, download data, publications, and publications on biological sampling, habitat and laboratory protocols.
Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians [New Window]
Constructed farm ponds represent significant breeding, rearing, and overwintering habitat for amphibians in the Driftless Area Ecoregion of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Links to fact sheet, brochure, annual reports, field manual, and final report.
Fisheries projects, Alaska Science Center [New Window]
Homepage with links to Alaska research projects on fisheries by species: salmon, trout, Pacific halibut, forage fish, other fish species, and aquatic invertebrates.
Florida Integrated Science Center - Gainesville [New Window]
Florida Integrated Science Center at Gainesville is the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies in Florida and southeastern United States. Site has links to projects on manatees, contaminants, invasive plants and animals, Everglades, and aquatic resources.
Florida Integrated Science Center - biological science poster presentations [New Window]
Poster presentations for Center for Aquatic Resource Studies projects related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
Geologic framework and process of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin [New Window]
Field methods, topics of investigation, shoreline changes, publications, and satellite imagery related to geologic and hydrologic processes affecting Lake Pontchartrain and adjacent lakes which form a large estuary in the Gulf Coast region.
Geologic studies of coral reef habitats: remote sensing applications to coral reef environments [New Window]
Use of remotely sensed images and spatial data to help map and study coral reef environments. Web page deals with the remote sensing work done for the Pacific Ocean component of the USGS coral reef project.
Great Lakes Science Center [New Window]
Site for Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, which provides information about biological resources in the Great Lakes Basin. Links to personnel, publications, data, library, facilities, research vessels, Great Lakes issues, and research.
Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Integrated Science Strategy [New Window]
A white paper describing a plan for USGS research in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, developed in 2001 using Tampa Bay as an example with links to program strategy and design.
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science [New Window]
Website of the Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science program to understand the framework and processes of the Gulf of Mexico using Tampa Bay as a pilot study. Links to publications, digital library, water chemistry maps, epiphytes, and field trips.
Hypoxia [New Window]
A brief definition and explanation of hypoxia with special reference to the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone along the Louisiana-Texas coast as well as extensive links to USGS and other related information resources.
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and related USGS activities [New Window]
Information about the causes and impact of hypoxia with links to USGS and other Federal agency information and activities related to nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.
Impounded river systems [New Window]
Article from Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources on the serious impacts to river systems due to damming and flow regulation, and rehabilitation, monitoring, and research on such rivers.
Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse [New Window]
This website is a gateway to information and data on Lake Tahoe with links to Lake Tahoe Initiative, geography, history, lake facts, GIS Data, DEM, DOQ, DLG imagery, bathymetry, satellite imagery, land cover, census, soils, pictures, and general maps.
PDF Lake monitoring field manual [New Window]
Handbook on monitoring methods for lake management, including program design, sampling methods and protocol, biota and chemical sampling methods, laboratory methods, preservation of data and samples, glossary, and bibliography. (PDF file, 92 pp.)
Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Homepage for the Leetown Science Center in West Virginia conducting research on aquatic and terrestrial organisms and their supporting ecosystems with links to directions, general description, library, projects, fact sheets, and facilities.
Leetown Science Center (LSC) Fact sheets [New Window]
Links to Leetown Science Center (LSC) fact sheets on fish, fish diseases, aquatic resources, and other projects and activities.
Leetown Science Center (LSC): view research information by principal investigator [New Window]
Links to Leetown Science Center (LSC) projects and activities listed by principal investigator.
Marine Realms Information Bank: topic search, geographic search [New Window]
Searching by geography and topics to locate scientific information about oceans, lakes, marine environments and coastal environments.
Marine reserves and biological habitats: Monterey Bay, California [New Window]
Brief description of the research program to inventory the natural resources of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with links to cruises, and publications and products, including an internet map server, imagery, and geologic descriptions.
Mercury Studies Team [New Window]
Home page on hydrology studies on mercury, the most common contaminant of aquatic ecosystems, with links to general information, research team projects and data.
Missouri River InfoLink: a clearinghouse of Missouri River information [New Window]
Portal for Missouri River Infolinks, a clearinghouse to multiple links giving Missouri information, photo gallery, river weather forecast, projects and features, maps, meetings, history, and science research.
Multibeam mapping of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Georeferenced high-resolution mapping of bathymetry of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico of areas suspected to be critical benthic habitats for fisheries. Includes links to images, data, metadata, and TIFF image files.
National geologic studies of benthic habitats, northeastern United States : Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts [New Window]
Geological research of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary sea floor are presented in the form of maps, posters, fact sheets, sonar images, and bottom photographs.
Nearshore Benthic Habitat Project [New Window]
Homepage for the Nearshore Benthic Habitats Project for mapping geophysical characterization of the coastal sea floor to identify benthic fish and shellfish habitat with links to research cruises and preliminary results.
Nonindigenous Plants and Animals Program [New Window]
Brief descriptions of programs of research on aquatic nonindigenous plants and animals at the Florida Integrated Science Center with links to descriptions, videos, posters, and reports on various exotic plant and animals species.
Nonindigenous fish distribution information [New Window]
Descriptions of fishes and examples of the deleterious effects of nonindigenous species, with links to distribution maps, species lists and related information on fishes.
Nonindigenous mammal distribution information [New Window]
Descriptions of mammals and examples of the deleterious effects of nonindigenous species, with links to distribution maps, species lists and related information on mammals.
Nonindigenous reptile distribution information [New Window]
Descriptions of reptiles and examples of the deleterious effects of nonindigenous species, with links to distribution maps, species lists and related information on reptiles.
Oculina Bank - geology of a deep-water coral reef habitat off Florida [New Window]
Brief report on sidescan sonar data, sediment sampling, and submersible and video photography studies of destruction of deep-water coral pinnacles where fish spawn off east-central Florida in the Oculina Bank in order to restore and protect the habitat.
Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) [New Window]
Pacific Basin Information Node provides access to studies of biological resources associated with the Pacific Basin including tropical and subtropical islands and the surrounding marine environment.
Platte River Program, a USGS Place-Based Studies Program [New Window]
Site for the Platte River Program in Nebraska an area that is a critical staging area for migratory waterbirds of the Central Flyway. Includes links to color-infrared aerial photos, 1938 historic aerial photos, and Cottonwood Ranch research site.
Protecting the Nation's coral reefs [New Window]
Report on problems in preserving coral reef ecosystems with links to information on the interagency U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, press releases, reports, and NOAA coral reef sites.
PDF Relations among geology, physiography, land use, and stream habitat conditions in the Buffalo and Current River systems, Missouri and Arkansas [New Window]
River inventory and monitoring [New Window]
Links to science programs on upper Midwest river inventory and monitoring with links to databases on macroinvertebrates, fisheries, vegetation, water quality, bathymetry, floodplain forest, wildlife, sediment, contaminants and nutrients.
Sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.): a literature review [New Window]
Literature review of sago pondweed, a submersed angiosperm that attracts waterfowl, but is also a nuisance plant that clogs irrigation systems. Includes classification, distribution, habitat, physiology, management, and economics.
Salinity variation in an estuary used for oyster cultivation in southeastern North Carolina during the passover of the eye of Hurricane Bertha [New Window]
Review of a study monitoring changes in salinity in Alligator Bay, NC during a 1996 hurricane due to the influx of fresh and saltwater and the effect it would have on oyster aquaculture.
San Francisco Bay bathymetry web site [New Window]
Provides location-depth grids of bathymetry available for San Francisco Bay and tools for examining those grids. Data provided as GIS grids and animations.
Satellite imagery: Lake Pontchartrain Basin and Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Report on satellite imagery collected by the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA polar-orbiting weather satellites. Links are provided to imagery of north-central Gulf of Mexico and of the Lake Pontchartrain.
Scientists examine the seas our ancestors fished to better understand today's changing oceans [New Window]
News release on study of the long-term effects of fishing to provide a framework for repairing coastal marine ecosystems that have been overfished for centuries.
Sound waves [New Window]
Monthly online newsletter covering coastal and marine science with links listed under sections titled fieldwork, meetings, outreach, and research.
South Florida Virtual Tour [New Window]
A pictorial overview for general audiences of key landscapes and ecosystems in South Florida; includes extensive references and links to past and current research activities relating to the South Florida ecosystem restoration effort.
Southern Appalachian Field Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Cooperative research in the biological, geophysical, and social sciences with emphasis on upland ecosystems in the southern Appalachian Highlands.
PDF Studies and trends of selected inland lakes of the Great Lakes Cluster National Parks [New Window]
Report on the status of the biota and ecological factors of the inland lakes of the Great Lakes Cluster Parks: Indiana Dunes, Sleeping Bear Dunes,and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshores and Isle Royale and Voyageurs National Parks. (PDF file, 321 p.)
Summary of suspended-sediment concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2000 [New Window]
Suspended-sediment concentration data were collected in San Francisco Bay during water year 2000 using optical backscatterance sensors and water samples. This report presents the data-collection methods, data, and calibration plots.
Tampa Bay Estuary Interactive Mapping System (IMS) [New Window]
Interactive Mapping Service (IMS) is an Internet based Geographic Information System designed to provide users with online mapping capability of habitats, land use and land cover, and seagrass for areas of Tampa Bay.
Tampa Bay Study [New Window]
Overview of interdisciplinary research on the Tampa Bay estuary of the Gulf of Mexico with links to digital library, interactive mapping, reports, posters, water chemistry maps, meetings and conferences, scientist directory, and field trips.
The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone [New Window]
Information and links to USGS and other Federal agency monitoring and research concerning the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico occurring along the Louisiana-Texas coast.
The Marine Realms Information Bank family of digital libraries: Access to free online information for coastal and marine science [New Window]
An introduction to three related USGS digital libraries: the general-purpose Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB); the regionally focused Monterey Bay Science (MBS) Digital Library; and the topically focused Coastal Change Hazards (CCH) Digital Library.
The South Florida environment-- a region under stress [New Window]
This report serves as an environmental review and framework for developing USGS programs in the south Florida ecosystem, especially the Everglades and its watershed, and stresses the critical role of water in natural and human environment.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay - the role of science in environmental restoration [New Window]
Summary of a circular on USGS environmental research and Chesapeake Bay with links to full document. Includes discussion of the problems of the estuary, restoration efforts, water quality, and effects on ecosystem.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [New Window]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
PDF Two decades of research at Crater Lake [New Window]
Research brief for resource managers on the ecology of Crater Lake.
Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (UMESC) [New Window]
Homepage for Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, with links to data library, geographical search, science programs, partnerships, long-term resource monitoring program, reports and publications, and education.
Water quality of San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Thirty year database of water-quality data, visual data displays, and project information on the San Francisco Bay directed towards following and understanding changes in the water quality of San Francisco Bay.
Water resources of Maine - Projects [New Window]
Summary of USGS programs in Maine relating to data collection and hydrologic studies of streamflow, ground water, coastal areas, and ecosystems.
Water resources of Michigan - programs and projects [New Window]
Brief descriptions of categories of USGS research programs and projects on water resources in Michigan with links to more detailed information on projects.
Water resources of Michigan - restoring natural flow regimes [New Window]
Links to descriptions, maps, photos, and reports of projects related to studies of the effects of dams and flow regulation in watersheds altered by humans in the state of Michigan including Muskegon and Kalamazoo Rivers and the Seney refuge.
Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) [New Window]
Brief description of the Western Fisheries Research Center in Seattle devoted to research on fish populations and aquatic ecosystems of the West. Links to research programs, laboratory locations, publications, and map services.
Wetlands Ecology Branch, National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Information on the NWRC Wetlands Ecology Branch, which conducts research related to sustainable management and restoration of the nation's coastal saltwater wetlands, freshwater wetlands, submerged aquatic ecosystems, and coastal prairie.

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