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Most users will be providing content for the Our Work and Locations sections of This content is best conceptualized in two layers.

If we continue the real estate analogy, the first layer is the "Lobby Level". When you walk into a company, or an office, it often contains easy to understand and intriguing material that encourages further interest in what the organization has to offer. (Don't worry, our lobbies don't have any out of date magazines.) This part of content is where people "walk in" to your information, and should be an easy to understand and engaging portal to the depth of the materials you have offer. In order for your content to be granted a keyword, which will be the easiest way for people to access your content, you must at least one lobby page. What would a lobby page look like?

  • Targets general public and influencers
  • Readability similar to The Washington Post or Washington Times
  • Low on jargon and specialized concepts
  • Short: 250-750 words per page
  • Engaging content: not only explanatory text, but stories, pictures, and multimedia
  • Might have ways for people to get involved in agency programs
    • Email sign-ups
    • How Can I Help?
  • Must be current, should not make references more than one year old
  • Should explain "Why do you do what you do?"
  • No geekspeak

If users are engaged by the Lobby Level, or if they come to knowing what they already want, they may then proceed to the Library Level. The Library Level content can be:

  • Detailed descriptions of activities
  • Information which educates people about the program and agency
  • A research paper
  • A report from a program
  • Material that would reside in the DEC
  • Media depicting technical processes or events
  • Technical instructional stories
  • Dated material

Information which cannot be put in these segments include:

  • No operational material, which includes:
    • contracting/grant/procurement information available to the general public - goes in Business
    • office sites - goes on
    • lists of contact information for people inside the agency - this is available via the USAID Staff Directory.
  • No information which targets partners or USAID internally-including missions-unless it is information which has a shared use by the general public

Please review all content for accuracy and factual correctness. Pages containing budgetary data must be reviewed and cleared by the Office of Budget, Policy and Program Coordination Bureau before posting. Insensitivity of any kind to cultures or peoples will not be tolerated. Political, diplomatic, or policy statements are also unacceptable with the exception of those officials authorized to do so.

LPA/PIPOS has the final right of review for all material posted to, and permission to change or remove posted material at anytime.

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