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Asset Management Overview


1. Government Performance and Results Act of 1993, Pub. L. No. 103-62, 107 Stat. 285 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 5 U.S.C., 31 U.S.C., and 39 U.S.C.). See

2. This definition was developed by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Asset Management in January 2006.

3. Issued in June 1999.

4. Ernie Wittwer, Sue McNeil, Katie Zimmerman, Jason Bittner, and others, Key Findings From the Fifth National Workshop on Transportation Asset Management, September 29—30 and October 20—21, 2003. Midwest Regional University Transportation Center.

5. Transportation Asset Management Guide, 2002, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report Number 20-24(11). Pub. Code: RP-TAMG-1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC. pp. 3-1—13.

6. Ernie Wittwer et al., Key Findings From the Fifth National Workshop on Transportation Asset Management. p. 20. (note 4)

7. At the Crossroads: Preserving Our Highway Investment, 2007, John O'Doherty, National Center for Pavement Preservation, Okemos, MI.

8. Proceedings–Fourth Annual Lead States Workshop. Leading Technology into the 21st Century: Preparing for the Future. 1999.

9. U.S. Domestic Scan Program: Best Practices in Transportation Asset Management, SCAN-TOUR REPORT. 2007. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

10. Transportation Asset Management in Australia, Canada, England, and New Zealand, (FHWA-PL-05-019), 2005, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.

11. See

12. Vincent Bernardin, Jr., and Pablo Durango-Cohen, 2006, Transportation Asset Management for Local Government Agencies: Threshold Levels and Best Practice Guide, Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, Madison, WI. p. 10.

13. Ernie Wittwer et al., Key Findings From the Fifth National Workshop on Transportation Asset Management (note 4). See also Vincent Bernardin, Jr., and Pablo Durango-Cohen, 2006 (note 12).

14. See for detail of Work Program.

15. Anthony M. Pagano, Sue McNeil, Robert Johns, and Libby Ogard, 2004, Best Practices for Linking Strategic Goals to Resource Allocation and Implementation Decisions Using Elements of a Transportation Asset Management Program, Midwest Regional University Transportation Center. See also Infrastructure Corporation of America ( Florida Asset Management Program.

16. 2004 Maryland Transportation Plan: A Blueprint for Maryland's Transportation Future, 2004, Maryland Department of Transportation, Annapolis. p. 5.

17. 2004 Maryland Transportation Plan: A Blueprint for Maryland's Transportation Future, 2004, Maryland Department of Transportation, Annapolis. p. 4.

18. Public Act 499 of 2002, July 2002., search Michigan Compiled Laws

19. Ernie Wittwer et al., 2003, p. 39 (note 4). See also http://asset (Innovation and Success, Asset Management Peer Exchange—September 2004—Responses—Part III).

20. Transportation Asset Management Guide, 2002. pp. 3-1—7. (note 5)

21. Transportation Asset Management Guide, 2002. (note 5)

22. 6th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management, November 1—3, Kansas City, MO. Transportation Research Circular Number E C093, March 2006. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

23. Transportation Asset Management in Australia, Canada, England, and New Zealand, 2005. p. xiii (note 10)

24. Final Report: A National Agenda for Technological Research and Development in Road and Intermodal Transportation, Transportation Association of Canada, September 1999. pp. 15—16, 20—27.

25. Highway Asset Management Systems: A Primer, 1999, Transportation Association of Canada, Ottawa.

26. Strategy for Improving Asset Management Practice, 1997, Austroads, Sydney.

27. Harmonization refers to “pursuing a wide range of community goals–in addition to transportation mobility, efficiency and safety-through transportation programs. These could include security, comfort, aesthetics, economic development, sustainability, environment and others.…meet[ing] other needs while meeting transportation needs.” Brian S. Bochner, “Getting What We Want Through Harmonization,” ITE Journal, Nov 1998, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, DC.

28. Integrated Asset Management Guidelines for Road Networks, 2002, Austroads, Sydney. Pub. No. AP-R202/02

29. A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone? (White Paper), July 1998, UK Department for Transport.

30. A New Deal for Trunk Roads in England: Guidance on the New Approach to Appraisal, 1998, and A New Deal for Trunk Roads in England: Understanding the New Approach, 2005, UK Department for Transport, London. economics/rdg/multimodal

31. Transportation Asset Management in Australia, Canada, England, and New Zealand, 2005. p. 4. (note 10)

32. Local Government Act of 1999, Part I, Sections 1(1) and 3(1).

33. From Well-Maintained Highways: Code of Practice for Highway Maintenance Management, 2005, Department for Transport, London. pp. 42—43. See also Delivering Best Value in Highway Maintenance: Code of Practice for Maintenance, 2001, 2005.

34. Modernizing Local Government Capital Finance Paper, Chapter 4–Encouraging Best Practice in Asset Management is a publication of the UK, Department of Environment, Transport, and Regions (now in Department for Transport). Cited at

All Web URLs were accessed December 20, 2007.

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Francine Shaw-Whitson
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Francine

This page last modified on 06/05/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration