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Petroglyph National Monumentimage of volcanoes and flowers
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Petroglyph National Monument
For Teachers

The teacher section of Petroglyph National Monuments web site offers teachers a unique teaching tool to help educate and inform students. Lesson plans and other information on the cultural and natural areas within the monument are available. Also, information on how to plan ranger activities either in house or on site at Petroglyph National Monument.

To enter the teacher resource pages click here.

hand drawing of volcanoes
Visitors under the Survivor Tree  

Did You Know?
The Survivor Tree is an important symbol of the Oklahoma City National Memorial. A 90+ year old American elm, it survived the April 19, 1995 explosion and represents human resilience. It has also survived Dutch elm disease, drought, tornadoes and ice storms.

Last Updated: September 22, 2006 at 08:33 EST