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The online version of the IPEDS Glossary provides definitions for almost 500 postsecondary-related terms used in the collection and dissemination of IPEDS data.

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Term Definition Related terms
Status indicators Used in the IPEDS data collection system to identify progress toward satisfying reporting (compliance) requirements. The survey status indicators are as follows:
  • Not Applicable - The institution is not required to complete the survey because the content is not relevant to the institution.
  • NO DATA - Screening questions have not been answered. Responses to all screening questions are required before survey pages can be generated.
  • No Data - No data provided.
  • Has Data - Data have been entered. “Perform Edits” must be run to determine if data are clean.
  • Edited - Edits have been run; institutions should go to the edit report to resolve edit errors.
  • Clean - All edit errors have been resolved; data are clean; proceed to Lock.
  • Locked - Data have been successfully submitted. Final lock must still be applied.
  • Complete - All locks have been applied.
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