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The online version of the IPEDS Glossary provides definitions for almost 500 postsecondary-related terms used in the collection and dissemination of IPEDS data.

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Term Definition Related terms
Mandatory transfers Those transfers that must be made to fulfill a binding legal obligation of the institution. Includes mandatory debt-service provisions relating to academic and administrative buildings, including (1) amounts set aside for debt retirement and interest; and (2) required provisions for renewal and replacements to the extent not financed from other sources. Also includes the institutional matching portion for Perkins loans when the source of funds is current revenue.
Market value The value of a good as determined in the market at a specific point in time or what individuals in the market for the good are willing to pay to obtain the good at a given point in time.
Master's Colleges and Universities I (Carnegie) An institutional classification developed by the Andrew W. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Master's Colleges and Universities I typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs , and they are committed to graduate education through the master's degree. During the period studied, they awarded 40 or more master's degrees per year across three or more disciplines. Carnegie Classification
Master's Colleges and Universities II (Carnegie) An institutional classification developed by the Andrew W. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Master's Colleges and Universities II typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs , and they are committed to graduate education through the master's degree. During the period studied, they awarded 20 or more master's degrees per year. Carnegie Classification
Master's degree An award that requires the successful completion of a program of study of at least the full-time equivalent of 1 but not more than 2 academic years of work beyond the bachelor's degree.
Some of these degrees, such as those in Theology (M.Div., M.H.L./Rav) that were formerly classified as "first-professional", may require more than two full-time equivalent academic years of work.
Medical school staff Staff employed by or employees working in the medical school component of a postsecondary institution or in a free standing medical school. Does not include staff employed by or employees working strictly in a hospital associated with a medical school or those who work in health or allied health schools or departments such as dentistry, veterinary medicine, nursing or dental hygiene.
Medical schools and medical centers (Carnegie) An institutional classification developed by the Andrew W. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Medical Schools and Medical Centers award most of their professional degrees in medicine. In some instances, they include other health professions programs , such as dentistry, pharmacy, or nursing. Carnegie Classification
Specialized institutions (Carnegie)
Migration (data) A process in which survey data are moved from the IPEDS data collection system to the Peer Analysis System (PAS). Migration occurs after the survey data have been reviewed by survey operations personnel.
Migration (students) Refers to the movement of students from their home state of residence to another state to attend a postsecondary institution.
Military installations One or more buildings or sites owned or operated by the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, including Reserves and National Guard.


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