****NEPSI Updates****

The National Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative was created to bring stakeholders together to develop solutions to the issue of electronic products management. The infrastructure for collecting, reusing and recycling electronics in the United States has not kept pace with this growing waste stream, and the number of electronic products entering the waste stream is projected to increase dramatically unless reuse and recycling options expand. All stakeholders involved, federal, state and local governments, manufacturers, retailers, recyclers, and environmental groups, are concerned about and motivated to find a solution to this issue.

The NEPSI group's main goal for the dialogue, agreed to at its June 22 meeting in San Francisco, is "the development of a system, which includes a viable financing mechanism, to maximize the collection, reuse, and recycling of used electronics, while considering appropriate incentives to design products that facilitate source reduction, reuse and recycling; reduce toxicity; and increase recycled content."

The Stakeholder dialogue will give participants the opportunity to begin discussing potential solutions to the issues surrounding the life cycle of electronic products. These solutions will require cooperation among stakeholders to improve the infrastructure for collection, reuse and recycling, to develop markets for remanufactured products and recycled materials, to remove regulatory barriers for collection and reuse and recycling, and to ensure that product designs facilitate reuse and recycling in the future.

Participants in this joint initiative are promoting the idea of product stewardship as a method to address waste electronics. Product stewardship means that all parties who have a role in producing, selling or using a product also have a role in managing it at the end of its useful life.



Dialogue Timeline



Final Documents

Draft Documents
The Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies at the University of Tennessee is coordinating the NEPSI Dialogue. For information contact:

Catherine Wilt

University of Tennessee
Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies