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Analysis Division

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Compliance Review and Roadside Intervention Effectiveness Model Updates
FMCSA, in cooperation with the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, has developed analytical models to measure the effectiveness of FMCSA safety programs. These models provide FMCSA with the information it needs to address the requirements of the Government Performance Act of l993, which obligates federal agencies to measure the effectiveness of their programs as part of the budget cycle process.

Currently, two models have been developed: the Compliance Review (CR) Effectiveness Model, which measures the effectiveness of the Compliance Review Program, and the Roadside Intervention Model, which measures the effectiveness of the Roadside Inspection and Traffic Enforcement Programs. Both models measure program benefits in terms of crashes avoided, lives saved, and injuries avoided.

The Compliance Review Effectiveness Model shows the direct impact of compliance reviews on motor carrier safety. Based on individual and cumulative “before and after” changes in the safety performance of carriers that received CRs, the model compares a motor carrier’s crash rate in the 12 months before a CR to a crash rate 12 months after that CR using crash data reported by the states through FMCSA’s MCMIS Crash File along with power unit data from the MCMIS Census File.

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