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The Office of Labor-Management Standards ensures union democracy, transparency, and financial integrity.


For Application to Capital and Operating Assistance Projects
October 1, 2008

The following language shall be made part of the contract of assistance, by reference in the Federal Transit Administration contract of assistance with the grantee:
The terms and conditions set forth below shall apply for the protection of the transportation related employees in the transportation service area of the Project. As a precondition of the release of assistance by the Grantee to any additional Recipient under the grant, the Grantee shall incorporate this arrangement into the contract of assistance between the Grantee and the Recipient, by reference, binding the Recipient to these arrangements. 

These protective arrangements are intended for the benefit of transit employees in the service area of the project, who are considered as third-party beneficiaries to the employee protective arrangements referenced in the grant contract between the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Grantee, and the parties to the contract so signify by executing that contract.  Employees, or their representative, may assert claims with respect to the protective arrangements under this provision.  This clause creates no independent cause of action against the United States Government.

The term “service area,” as used herein, includes the geographic area over which the Project is operated and the area whose population is served by the Project, including adjacent areas affected by the Project.  The term “Union,” as used herein, refers to any labor organization representing employees providing public transportation services in the service area of a Project assisted under the grant, including both employees of the Recipient and employees of other public transportation providers. The term “Recipient,” as used herein, shall refer to any employer(s) receiving transportation assistance under the grant.  The term “Grantee,” as used herein, shall refer to the applicant for assistance; a Grantee which receives assistance is also a Recipient.

(1)  The Project shall be carried out in such a manner and upon such terms and conditions as will not adversely affect employees of the Recipient and of any other surface public transportation provider in the transportation service area of the Project.  It shall be an obligation of the Recipient to assure that any and all transportation services assisted by the Project are contracted for and operated in such a manner that they do not impair the rights and interests of affected employees.  The term "Project," as used herein, shall not be limited to the particular facility, service, or operation assisted by Federal funds, but shall include any changes, whether organizational, operational, technological, or otherwise, which are a result of the assistance provided.  The phrase "as a result of the Project," shall, when used in this arrangement, include events related to the Project occurring in anticipation of, during, and subsequent to the Project and any program of efficiencies or economies related thereto; provided, however, that volume rises and falls of business, or changes in volume and character of employment brought about solely by causes other than the Project (including any economies or efficiencies unrelated to the Project) are not within the purview of this arrangement.

An employee covered by this arrangement, who is not dismissed, displaced or otherwise worsened in his/her position with regard to employment as a result of the Project, but who is dismissed, displaced or otherwise worsened solely because of the total or partial termination of the Project or exhaustion of Project funding shall not be deemed eligible for a dismissal or displacement allowance within the meaning of paragraphs (6) and (7) of this arrangement.

(2)  Where employees of a Recipient are represented for collective bargaining purposes, all Project services provided by that Recipient shall be provided under and in accordance with any collective bargaining agreement applicable to such employees which is then in effect. This Arrangement does not create any collective bargaining relationship where one does not already exist or between any Recipient and the employees of another employer. Where the Recipient has no collective bargaining relationship with the Unions representing employees in the service area, the Recipient will not take any action which impairs or interferes with the rights, privileges, and benefits and/or the preservation or continuation of the collective bargaining rights of such employees.

(3)  All rights, privileges, and benefits (including pension rights and benefits) of employees covered by this arrangement (including employees having already retired) under existing collective bargaining agreements or otherwise, or under any revision or renewal thereof, shall be preserved and continued; provided, however, that such rights, privileges and benefits which are not foreclosed from further bargaining under applicable law or contract may be modified by collective bargaining and agreement by the Recipient and the Union involved to substitute other rights, privileges and benefits.  Unless otherwise provided, nothing in this arrangement shall be deemed to restrict any rights the Recipient may otherwise have to direct the working forces and manage its business as it deems best, in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement.

(4)  The collective bargaining rights of employees covered by this arrangement, including the right to arbitrate labor disputes and to maintain union security and checkoff arrangements, as provided by applicable laws, policies and/or existing collective bargaining agreements, shall be preserved and continued.  Provided, however, that this provision shall not be interpreted so as to require the Recipient to retain any such rights which exist by virtue of a collective bargaining agreement after such agreement is no longer in effect.

The Recipient agrees that it will bargain collectively with the Union or otherwise arrange for the continuation of collective bargaining, and that it will enter into agreements with the Union or arrange for such agreements to be entered into, relative to all subjects which are or may be proper subjects of collective bargaining.  If, at any time, applicable law or contracts permit or grant to employees covered by this arrangement the right to utilize any economic measures, nothing in this arrangement shall be deemed to foreclose the exercise of such right.

(5)(a)  The Recipient shall provide to all affected employees sixty (60) days' notice of intended actions which may result in displacements or dismissals or rearrangements of the working forces as a result of the Project.  In the case of employees represented by a Union, such notice shall be provided by certified mail through their representatives.  The notice shall contain a full and adequate statement of the proposed changes, and an estimate of the number of employees affected by the intended changes, and the number and classifications of any jobs within the jurisdiction and control of the Recipient, including those in the employment of any entity bound by this arrangement pursuant to paragraph (21), available to be filled by such affected employees.

(5)(b)  The procedures of this subparagraph shall apply to cases where notices, provided under subparagraph 5(a), involve employees represented by a Union for collective bargaining purposes.  At the request of either the Recipient or the representatives of such employees, negotiations for the purposes of reaching agreement with respect to the application of the terms and conditions of this arrangement shall commence immediately.  These negotiations shall include determining the selection of forces from among the mass transportation employees who may be affected as a result of the Project, to establish which such employees shall be offered employment for which they are qualified or can be trained.  If no agreement is reached within twenty (20) days from the commencement of negotiations, any party to the dispute may submit the matter to dispute settlement procedures in accordance with paragraph (15) of this arrangement. Unless the parties otherwise mutually agree in writing, no change in operations, services, facilities or equipment within the purview of this paragraph (5) shall occur until after either: 1) an agreement with respect to the application of the terms and conditions of this arrangement to the intended change(s) is reached; 2) the decision of the arbitrator has been rendered pursuant to this subparagraph (b); or 3) an arbitrator selected pursuant to Paragraph (15) of this arrangement determines that the intended change(s) may be instituted prior to the finalization of implementing arrangements.

(5)(c)  In the event of a dispute as to whether an intended change within the purview of this paragraph (5) may be instituted at the end of the 60-day notice period and before an implementing agreement is reached or a final arbitration decision is rendered pursuant to subparagraph (b), any involved party may immediately submit that issue to arbitration under paragraph (15) of this arrangement.  In any such arbitration, the arbitrator shall rely upon the standards and criteria utilized by the Surface Transportation Board (and its predecessor agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission) to address the “preconsummation” issue in cases involving employee protections pursuant to 49 U.S.C. Section 11326 (or its predecessor, Section 5(2)(f) of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended).  If the Recipient demonstrates, as a threshold matter in any such arbitration, that the intended action is a trackage rights, lease proceeding or similar transaction, and not a merger, acquisition, consolidation, or other similar transaction, the burden shall then shift to the involved labor organization(s) to prove that under the standards and criteria referenced above, the intended action should not be permitted to be instituted prior to the effective date of a negotiated or arbitrated implementing agreement.  If the Recipient fails to demonstrate that the intended action is a trackage rights, lease proceeding, or similar transaction, it shall be the burden of the Recipient to prove that under the standards and criteria referenced above, the intended action should be permitted to be instituted prior to the effective date of a negotiated or arbitrated implementing agreement.  For purposes of any such arbitration, the time period within which the parties are to respond to the list of potential arbitrators submitted by the American Arbitration Association shall be five (5) days, the notice of hearing may be given orally or by facsimile, the hearing will be held promptly, and the award of the arbitrator shall be rendered promptly and, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of closing the hearings, with five (5) additional days if post hearing briefs are submitted by either party.  The intended change shall not be instituted during the pendency of any arbitration proceedings under this subparagraph (c).

(5)(d)  If an intended change within the purview of this paragraph (5) is instituted before an implementing agreement is reached or a final arbitration decision is rendered pursuant to subparagraph (b), all employees affected shall be kept financially whole, as if the noticed and implemented action has not taken place, from the time they are affected until the effective date of an implementing agreement or final arbitration decision.  This protection shall be in addition to the protective period defined in paragraph (14) of this arrangement, which period shall begin on the effective date of the implementing agreement or final arbitration decision rendered pursuant to subparagraph (b).

An employee selecting, bidding on, or hired to fill any position established as a result of a noticed and implemented action prior to the consummation of an implementing agreement or final arbitration decision shall accumulate no benefits under this arrangement as a result thereof during that period prior to the consummation of an implementing agreement or final arbitration decision pursuant to subparagraph (b).

(6)(a)  Whenever an employee retained in service, recalled to service, or employed by the Recipient pursuant to paragraphs (5), (7)(e), or (18) hereof is placed in a worse position with respect to compensation as a result of the Project, the employee shall be considered a "displaced employee", and shall be paid a monthly  "displacement allowance" to be determined in accordance with this paragraph.  Said displacement allowance shall be paid to each displaced employee during the protective period so long as the employee is unable, in the exercise of his/her seniority rights, to obtain a position producing compensation equal to or exceeding the compensation the employee received in the position from which the employee was displaced, adjusted to reflect subsequent general wage adjustments, including cost of living adjustments where provided for.

(6)(b)  The displacement allowance shall be a monthly allowance determined by computing the total compensation received by the employee, including vacation allowances and monthly compensation guarantees, and his/her total time paid for during the last twelve (12) months in which the employee performed compensated service more than fifty per centum of each such months, based upon the employee’s normal work schedule, immediately preceding the date of his/her displacement as a result of the Project, and by dividing separately the total compensation and the total time paid for by twelve, thereby producing the average monthly compensation and the average monthly time paid for.  Such allowance shall be adjusted to reflect subsequent general wage adjustments, including cost of living adjustments where provided for.  If the displaced employee's compensation in his/her current position is less in any month during his/her protective period than the aforesaid average compensation (adjusted to reflect subsequent general wage adjustments, including cost of living adjustments where provided for), the employee shall be paid the difference, less compensation for any time lost on account of voluntary absences to the extent that the employee is not available for service equivalent to his/her average monthly time, but the employee shall be compensated in addition thereto at the rate of the current position for any time worked in excess of the average monthly time paid for.  If a displaced employee fails to exercise his/her seniority rights to secure another position to which the employee is entitled under the then existing collective bargaining agreement, and which carries a wage rate and compensation exceeding that of the position which the employee elects to retain, the employee shall thereafter be treated, for the purposes of this paragraph, as occupying the position the employee elects to decline.

(6)(c)  The displacement allowance shall cease prior to the expiration of the protective period in the event of the displaced employee's resignation, death, retirement, or dismissal for cause in accordance with any labor agreement applicable to his/her employment.

(7)(a)  Whenever any employee is laid off or otherwise deprived of employment as a result of the Project, in accordance with any collective bargaining agreement applicable to his/her employment, the employee shall be considered a "dismissed employee" and shall be paid a monthly dismissal allowance to be determined in accordance with this paragraph.  Said dismissal allowance shall first be paid to each dismissed employee on the thirtieth (30th) day following the day on which the employee is "dismissed" and shall continue during the protective period, as follow:

Employee's length of service

Prior to adverse effect 

Period of protection

1 day to 6 years    

equivalent period

6 years or more 

6 years

The monthly dismissal allowance shall be equivalent to one-twelfth (1/12th) of the total compensation received by the employee in the last twelve (12) months of his/her employment in which the employee performed compensation service more than fifty per centum of each such month based on the employee’s normal work schedule to the date on which the employee was first deprived of employment as a result of the Project.  Such allowance shall be adjusted to reflect subsequent general wage adjustments, including cost of living adjustments where provided for.

(7)(b) An employee shall be regarded as deprived of employment and entitled to a dismissal allowance when the position the employee holds is abolished as a result of the Project, or when the position the employee holds is not abolished but the employee loses that position as a result of the exercise of seniority rights by an employee whose position is abolished as a result of the Project or as a result of the exercise of seniority rights by other employees brought about as a result of the Project, and the employee is unable to obtain another position, either by the exercise of the employee’s seniority rights, or through the Recipient, in accordance with subparagraph (e).  In the absence of proper notice followed by an agreement or decision pursuant to paragraph (5) hereof, no employee who has been deprived of employment as a result of the Project shall be required to exercise his/her seniority rights to secure another position in order to qualify for a dismissal allowance hereunder.

(7)(c)  Each employee receiving a dismissal allowance shall keep the Recipient informed as to his/her current address and the current name and address of any other person by whom the employee may be regularly employed, or if the employee is self-employed.

(7)(d)  The dismissal allowance shall be paid to the regularly assigned incumbent of the position abolished.  If the position of an employee is abolished when the employee is absent from service, the employee will be entitled to the dismissal allowance when the employee is available for service.  The employee temporarily filling said position at the time it was abolished will be given a dismissal allowance on the basis of that position, until the regular employee is available for service, and thereafter shall revert to the employee’s previous status and will be given the protections of the agreement in said position, if any are due him/her.

(7)(e)  An employee receiving a dismissal allowance shall be subject to call to return to service by the employee’s former employer, after being notified in accordance with the terms of the then-existing collective bargaining agreement.  Prior to such call to return to work by his/her employer, the employee may be required by the Recipient to accept reasonably comparable employment for which the employee is physically and mentally qualified, or for which the employee can become qualified after a reasonable training or retraining period, provided it does not require a change in residence or infringe upon the employment rights of other employees under then-existing collective bargaining agreements.

(7)(f)  When an employee who is receiving a dismissal allowance again commences employment in accordance with subparagraph (e) above, said allowance shall cease while the employee is so reemployed, and the period of time during which the employee is so reemployed shall be deducted from the total period for which the employee is entitled to receive a dismissal allowance.  During the time of such reemployment, the employee shall be entitled to the protections of this arrangement to the extent they are applicable.

(7)(g)  The dismissal allowance of any employee who is otherwise employed shall be reduced to the extent that the employee’s combined monthly earnings from such other employment or self-employment, any benefits received from any unemployment insurance law, and his/her dismissal allowance exceed the amount upon which the employee’s dismissal allowance is based.  Such employee, or his/her union representative, and the Recipient shall agree upon a procedure by which the Recipient shall be kept currently informed of the earnings of such employee in employment other than with the employee’s former employer, including self-employment, and the benefits received.

(7)(h)  The dismissal allowance shall cease prior to the expiration of the protective period in the event of the failure of the employee without good cause to return to service in accordance with the applicable labor agreement, or to accept employment as provided under subparagraph (e) above, or in the event of the employee’s resignation, death, retirement, or dismissal for cause in accordance with any labor agreement applicable to his/her employment.

(7)(i)  A dismissed employee receiving a dismissal allowance shall actively seek and not refuse other reasonably comparable employment offered him/her for which the employee is physically and mentally qualified and does not require a change in the employee’s place of residence.  Failure of the dismissed employee to comply with this obligation shall be grounds for discontinuance of the employee’s allowance; provided that said dismissal allowance shall not be discontinued until final determination is made either by agreement between the Recipient and the employee or his/her representative, or by final arbitration decision rendered in accordance with paragraph (15) of this arrangement that such employee did not comply with this obligation.

(8)  In determining length of service of a displaced or dismissed employee for purposes of this arrangement, such employee shall be given full service credits in accordance with the records and labor agreements applicable to him/her and the employee shall be given additional service credits for each month in which the employee receives a dismissal or displacement allowance as if the employee were continuing to perform services in his/her former position.

(9)  No employee shall be entitled to either a displacement or dismissal allowance under paragraphs (6) or (7) hereof because of the abolishment of a position to which, at some future time, the employee could have bid, been transferred, or promoted.

(10)  No employee receiving a dismissal or displacement allowance shall be deprived, during the employee’s protected period, of any rights, privileges, or benefits attaching to his/her employment, including, without limitation, group life insurance, hospitalization and medical care, free transportation for the employee and the employee’s family, sick leave, continued status and participation under any disability or retirement program, and such other employee benefits as Railroad Retirement, Social Security, Workmen's Compensation, and unemployment compensation, as well as any other benefits to which the employee may be entitled under the same conditions and so long as such benefits continue to be accorded to other employees of the bargaining unit, in active service or furloughed as the case may be.

(11)(a)  Any employee covered by this arrangement who is retained in the service of his/her employer, or who is later restored to service after being entitled to receive a dismissal allowance, and who is required to change the point of his/her employment in order to retain or secure active employment with the Recipient in accordance with this arrangement, and who is required to move his/her place of residence, shall be reimbursed for all expenses of moving his/her household and other personal effects, for the traveling expenses for the employee and members of the employee’s immediate family, including living expenses for the employee and the employee’s immediate family, and for his/her own actual wage loss during the time necessary for such transfer and for a reasonable time thereafter, not to exceed five (5) working days.  The exact extent of the responsibility of the Recipient under this paragraph, and the ways and means of transportation, shall be agreed upon in advance between the Recipient and the affected employee or the employee’s representatives.

(11)(b)  If any such employee is laid off within three (3) years after changing his/her point of employment in accordance with paragraph (a) hereof, and elects to move his/her place of residence back to the original point of employment, the Recipient shall assume the expenses, losses and costs of moving to the same extent provided in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph (11) and paragraph (12)(a) hereof.

(11)(c)  No claim for reimbursement shall be paid under the provisions of this paragraph unless such claim is presented to the Recipient in writing within ninety (90) days after the date on which the expenses were incurred.

(11)(d)  Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (b), changes in place of residence, subsequent to the initial changes as a result of the Project, which are not a result of the Project but grow out of the normal exercise of seniority rights, shall not be considered within the purview of this paragraph.

(12)(a)  The following conditions shall apply to the extent they are applicable in each instance to any employee who is retained in the service of the employer (or who is later restored to service after being entitled to receive a dismissal allowance), who is required to change the point of his/her employment as a result of the Project, and is thereby required to move his/her place of residence.

If the employee owns his/her own home in the locality from which the employee is required to move, the employee shall, at the employee’s option, be reimbursed by the Recipient for any loss suffered in the sale of the employee’s home for less than its fair market value, plus conventional fees and closing costs, such loss to be paid within thirty (30) days of settlement or closing on the sale of the home.  In each case, the fair market value of the home in question shall be determined, as of a date sufficiently prior to the date of the Project, so as to be unaffected thereby.  The Recipient shall, in each instance, be afforded an opportunity to purchase the home at such fair market value before it is sold by the employee to any other person and to reimburse the seller for his/her conventional fees and closing costs.

If the employee is under a contract to purchase his/her home, the Recipient shall protect the employee against loss under such contract, and in addition, shall relieve the employee from any further obligation thereunder.

If the employee holds an unexpired lease of a dwelling occupied as the employee’s home, the Recipient shall protect the employee from all loss and cost in securing the cancellation of said lease.

(12)(b)  No claim for loss shall be paid under the provisions of this paragraph unless such claim is presented to the Recipient in writing within one year after the effective date of the change in residence.

(12)(c)  Should a controversy arise in respect to the value of the home, the loss sustained in its sale, the loss under a contract for purchase, loss and cost in securing termination of a lease, or any other question in connection with these matters, it shall be decided through a joint conference between the employee, or his/her union, and the Recipient.  In the event they are unable to agree, the dispute or controversy may be referred by the Recipient or the union to a board of competent real estate appraisers selected in the following manner:  one (1) to be selected by the representatives of the employee, and one (1) by the Recipient, and these two, if unable to agree within thirty (30) days upon the valuation, shall endeavor by agreement with ten (10) days thereafter to select a third appraiser or to agree to a method by which a third appraiser shall be selected, and failing such agreement, either party may request the State and local Board of Real Estate Commissioners to designate within ten (10) days a third appraiser, whose designation will be binding upon the parties and whose jurisdiction shall be limited to determination of the issues raised in this paragraph only.  A decision of a majority of the appraisers shall be required and said decision shall be final, binding, and conclusive.  The compensation and expenses of the neutral appraiser including expenses of the appraisal board, shall be borne equally by the parties to the proceedings.  All other expenses shall be paid by the party incurring them, including the compensation of the appraiser selected by such party.

(12)(d)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (11)(b) hereof, changes in place of residence, subsequent to the initial changes as a result of the Project, which are not a result of the Project but grow out of the normal exercise of seniority rights, shall not be considered within the purview of this paragraph.

(12)(e)  "Change in residence" means transfer to a work location which is either (A) outside a radius of twenty (20) miles of the employee's former work location and farther from the employee’s residence than was his/her former work location, or (B) is more than thirty (30) normal highway route miles from the employee’s residence and also farther from his/her residence than was the employee’s former work location.

(13)(a)  A dismissed employee entitled to protection under this arrangement may, at the employee’s option within twenty-one (21) days of his/her dismissal, resign and (in lieu of all other benefits and protections provided in this arrangement) accept a lump sum payment computed in accordance with section (9) of the Washington Job Protection Agreement of May 1936:

Length of Service

Separation Allowance

1  year and less than 2 years  

3 months' pay

2" " "  "    3    "

6 "    "

3" " "  "    5    "

9 "    "

5" " "  "  10    "

12 "    "

10""  "  "  15    " 

12 "    "

15     " "    over    

12 "    "

In the case of an employee with less than one year's service, five days' pay, computed by multiplying by 5 the normal daily earnings (including regularly scheduled overtime, but excluding other overtime payments) received by the employee in the position last occupied, for each month in which the employee performed service, will be paid as the lump sum.

Length of service shall be computed as provided in Section 7(b) of the Washington Job Protection Agreement, as follows:

For the purposes of this arrangement, the length of service of the employee shall be determined from the date the employee last acquired an employment status with the employing carrier and the employee shall be given credit for one month's service for each month in which the employee performed any service (in any capacity whatsoever) and twelve (12) such months shall be credited as one year's service.  The employment status of an employee shall not be interrupted by furlough in instances where the employee has a right to and does return to service when called.  In determining length of service of an employee acting as an officer or other official representative of an employee organization, the employee will be given credit for performing service while so engaged on leave of absence from the service of a carrier.

(13)(b)  One month's pay shall be computed by multiplying by 30 the normal daily earnings (including regularly scheduled overtime, but excluding other overtime payments) received by the employee in the position last occupied prior to time of the employee’s dismissal as a result of the Project.

(14)  Whenever used herein, unless the context requires otherwise, the term "protective period" means that period of time during which a displaced or dismissed employee is to be provided protection hereunder and extends from the date on which an employee is displaced or dismissed to the expiration of six (6) years there from, provided, however, that the protective period for any particular employee during which the employee is entitled to receive the benefits of these provisions shall not continue for a longer period following the date the employee was displaced or dismissed than the employee's length of service, as shown by the records and labor agreements applicable to his/her employment prior to the date of the employee’s displacement or dismissal.

(15)  Any dispute, claim, or grievance arising from or relating to the interpretation, application or enforcement of the provisions of this arrangement, not otherwise governed by paragraph 12(c) of this arrangement, the Labor-Management Relations Act, as amended, the Railway Labor Act, as amended, or by impasse resolution provisions in a collective bargaining or protective arrangement involving the Recipient and the Union, which cannot be settled by the parties thereto within thirty (30) days after the dispute or controversy arises, may be submitted at the written request of the Recipient or the Union in accordance with a resolution procedure mutually acceptable to the parties.  Failing agreement within ten (10) days on the selection of such a procedure, any party to the dispute may request the American Arbitration Association to furnish an arbitrator and administer a final and binding arbitration under its Labor Arbitration Rules.  The parties further agree to accept the arbitrator’s award as final and binding.

The compensation and expenses of the neutral arbitrator, and any other jointly incurred expenses, shall be borne equally by the Union(s) and Recipient, and all other expenses shall be paid by the party incurring them.

In the event of any dispute as to whether or not a particular employee was affected by the Project, it shall be the employee’s obligation to identify the Project and specify the pertinent facts of the Project relied upon.  It shall then be the burden of the Recipient to prove that factors other than the Project affected the employee.  The claiming employee shall prevail if it is established that the Project had an effect upon the employee even if other factors may also have affected the employee (See Hodgson’s Affidavit in Civil Action No. 825-71).

(16)  The Recipient will be financially responsible for the application of these conditions and will make the necessary arrangements so that any employee affected, as a result of the project, may file a written claim through his Union representative with the Recipient within sixty (60) days of the date the employee is terminated or laid off as a result of the Project, or within eighteen (18) months of the date the employee’s position with respect to his/her employment is otherwise worsened as a result of the Project.  In the latter case, if the events giving rise to the claim have occurred over an extended period, the 18-month limitation shall be measured from the last such event.  No benefits shall be payable for any period prior to six (6) months from the date of the filing of any claim. Unless the claim is filed with the Recipient within said time limitations, the Recipient shall thereafter be relieved of all liabilities and obligations related to the claims. 

The Recipient will fully honor the claim, making appropriate payments, or will give written notice to the claimant and his/her representative of the basis for denying or modifying such claim, giving reasons therefore.  In the event the Recipient fails to honor such claim, the Union may invoke the following procedures for further joint investigation of the claim by giving notice in writing of its desire to pursue such procedures.  Within ten (10) days from the receipt of such notice, the parties shall exchange such factual material as may be requested of them relevant to the disposition of the claim and shall jointly take such steps as may be necessary or desirable to obtain from any third party such additional factual materials as may be relevant.  In the event the claim is so rejected by the Recipient, the claim may be processed to arbitration as hereinabove provided by paragraph (15). 

(17)  Nothing in this arrangement shall be construed as depriving any employee of any rights or benefits which such employee may have under existing employment or collective bargaining agreements or otherwise; provided that there shall be no duplication of benefits to any employee, and, provided further, that any benefit under this arrangement shall be construed to include the conditions, responsibilities, and obligations accompanying such benefit.  This arrangement shall not be deemed a waiver of any rights derived from any other agreement or provision of federal, state or local law.

(18)  During the employee's protective period, a dismissed employee shall, if the employee so requests, in writing, be granted priority of employment or reemployment to fill any vacant position within the jurisdiction and control of the Recipient reasonably comparable to that which the employee held when dismissed, including those in the employment of any entity bound by this arrangement pursuant to paragraph (21) hereof, for which the employee is, or by training or retraining can become, qualified; not, however, in contravention of collective bargaining agreements related thereto.  In the event such employee requests such training or re-training to fill such vacant position, the Recipient shall provide for such training or re-training at no cost to the employee.  The employee shall be paid the salary or hourly rate provided for in the applicable collective bargaining agreement for such position, plus any displacement allowance to which the employee may be otherwise entitled.  If such dismissed employee who has made such request fails, without good cause, within ten (10) days to accept an offer of a position comparable to that which the employee held when dismissed for which the employee is qualified, or for which the employee has satisfactorily completed such training, the employee shall, effective at the expiration of such ten-day period, forfeit all rights and benefits under this arrangement.

As between employees who request employment pursuant to this paragraph, the following order where applicable shall prevail in hiring such employees:

   (a)  Employees in the craft or class of the vacancy shall be given priority over employees without seniority in such craft or class;

   (b)  As between employees having seniority in the craft or class of the vacancy, the senior employees, based upon their service in that craft or class, as shown on the appropriate seniority roster, shall prevail over junior employees;

   (c)  As between employees not having seniority in the craft or class of the vacancy, the senior employees, based upon their service in the crafts or classes in which they do have seniority as shown on the appropriate seniority rosters, shall prevail over junior employees.

(19)  The Recipient will post, in a prominent and accessible place, a notice stating that the Recipient has received federal assistance under the Federal Transit statute and has agreed to comply with the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 5333(b).  This notice shall also specify the terms and conditions set forth herein for the protection of employees.  The Recipient shall maintain and keep on file all relevant books and records in sufficient detail as to provide the basic information necessary to the proper application, administration, and enforcement of this arrangement and to the proper determination of any claims arising thereunder.

(20)  In the event the Project is approved for assistance under the statute, the foregoing terms and conditions shall be made part of the contract of assistance between the federal government and the Grantee for federal funds and between the Grantee and any Recipient of federal funds; provided, however, that this arrangement shall not merge into the contract of assistance, but shall be independently binding and enforceable by and upon the parties thereto, and by any covered employee or his/her representative, in accordance with its terms, nor shall any other employee protective agreement merge into this arrangement, but each shall be independently binding and enforceable by and upon the parties thereto, in accordance with its terms.

(21)  This arrangement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, and no provisions, terms, or obligations herein contained shall be affected, modified, altered, or changed in any respect whatsoever by reason of the arrangements made by or for the Recipient to manage and operate the system.

Any person, enterprise, body, or agency, whether publicly or privately owned, which shall undertake the management, provision and/or operation of the Project services or the Recipient’s transit system, or any part or portion thereof, under contractual arrangements of any form with the Recipient, its successors or assigns, shall agree to be bound by the terms of this arrangement and accept the responsibility with the Recipient for full performance of these conditions.  As a condition precedent to any such contractual arrangements, the Recipient shall require such person, enterprise, body or agency to so agree in writing.

(22)     In the event of the acquisition, assisted with Federal funds, of any transportation system or services, or any part or portion thereof, the employees of the acquired entity shall be assured employment, in comparable positions, within the jurisdiction and control of the acquiring entity, including positions in the employment of any entity bound by this arrangement pursuant to paragraph (21).  All persons employed under the provisions of this paragraph shall be appointed to such comparable positions without examination, other than that required by applicable federal, state or local law or collective bargaining agreement, and shall be credited with their years of service for purposes of seniority, vacations, and pensions in accordance with the records of their former employer and/or any applicable collective bargaining agreements.
(23)  The employees covered by this arrangement shall continue to receive any applicable coverage under Social Security, Railroad Retirement, Workmen's Compensation, unemployment compensation, and the like.  In no event shall these benefits be worsened as a result of the Project.

(24)  In the event any provision of this arrangement is held to be invalid, or otherwise unenforceable under federal, state, or local law, in the context of a particular Project, the remaining provisions of this arrangement shall not be affected and the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be renegotiated by the Recipient and the interested Union representatives of the employees involved for purpose of adequate replacement under Section 5333(b).  If such negotiation shall not result in mutually satisfactory agreement any party may invoke the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor to determine substitute fair and equitable employee protective arrangements for application only to the particular Project, which shall be incorporated in this arrangement only as applied to that Project, and any other appropriate action, remedy, or relief.

(25)  If any employer of the employees covered by this arrangement shall have rearranged or adjusted its work force(s) in anticipation of the Project, with the effect of depriving an employee of benefits to which the employee should be entitled under this arrangement, the provisions of this arrangement shall apply to such employee as of the date when the employee was so affected.


Last Updated: 09/30/08


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