Ecological Services
Southeast Region


Bald Eagle Management Guidelines & Conservation Measures

Determining Whether Blasting or Conducting Other Activities with Loud, Intermittent Noises will Disturb Nesting Bald Eagles

Step 1. You activity is blasting or other loud, intermittent noises.

Step 2. Will your activity occur during the breeding season? (Select your choice to document your choice when you print this page)

    No, then no conservation measures are needed to avoid disturbing nesting eagles.

    Yes, then proceed to Step 3, below.

Step 3. Determining whether your activity is likely to disturb nesting bald eagles.
To avoid disturbing nesting eagles and their young, we recommend that you:

    avoid blasting and other activities that produce extremely loud noises within 1/2 mile of active nests (or within 1 mile in open areas), unless greater tolerance to the activity (or similar activity) has been tolerated by the eagles in the nesting area.

    This recommendation applies to the use of fireworks classified by the Federal Department of Transportation as Class B explosives, which includes the larger fireworks that are intended for licensed public display.

Determination (mark your selection)

    - I can implement this recommendation.

      If you are able to implement this recommendation, disturbance of nesting bald eagles is unlikely to occur. We recommend printing this page, then signing and dating it for your records.

    - I cannot implement the recommendation.

      If you cannot adopt this recommendation, we suggest that you contact Migratory Birds, 404-679-7072 for further guidance.


Date: _____________________________________


These recommendations are valid only for the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.



Last updated: June 28, 2007

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