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OncoLink Cancer Resources
OncoLink Cancer Resources
Saturday, May 9, 2009
OncoLink Cancer Resources

OncoLink Cancer Resources CANCER NEWS

OncoLink Cancer News - Reuters

The latest news on cancer treatment, cancer research, oncology advances, and cancer clinical trials.

OncoLink Cancer Resources Gene alterations associated with response to anthracycline therapy for breast cancer [more]

OncoLink Cancer Resources Moderate chronic kidney disease may raise risk of cancer in older men [more]

OncoLink Cancer Resources Concurrent chemoradiation lengthens lung cancer survival [more]

OncoLink Cancer Resources Acupuncture relieves radiation-induced xerostomia [more]

OncoLink Cancer Resources Diffusion-weighted MRI identifies pelvic lymph node metastases [more]

OncoLink Cancer Resources Gene test predicts survival with mesothelioma [more]

More Cancer News »

OncoLink Cancer Resources

Everything Changes: The Insider's Guide to Cancer in Your 20s and 30s
OncoLink Book Review from Carolyn Vachani, RN, MSN, AOCN

Ask The Experts
This is your chance to "Ask the Experts" everything you've always wanted to know about types of cancer, treatments and side effects.

OncoLink Proton Education Modules
The purpose of these education modules is to provide practitioners with the basic information needed to understand the physics of proton therapy and how these properties affect simulation, treatment planning, daily setup, and quality and assurance when using protons as compared to photons.

Greetings from CancerLand: This is a test...
In the latest piece from Oncolink's Poet-in-Residence, Alysa Cummings argues that there are some tests you just can't study for.

Hürthle Cell Carcinoma
There are 4 main types of thyroid cancer, papillary (accounts for 75% of cases), follicular (15%), medullary (5%) and anapalstic (rare). Hürthle cell carcinoma is classified by the World Health Organization as a variant of follicular thyroid cancer, but others believe it is a distinctly separate disease.

Legal Words of Wisdom: COBRA
COBRA gives workers and their families who lose their health benefits the right to continue group health benefits provided by their group health plan for limited periods of time under certain circumstances.

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OncoLink Cancer Resources HOT SPOT


OncoLink has created an individualized plan of care based on the Institute of Medicine recommendations for cancer survivors. This free and easy to use program provides cancer survivors with information regarding the health risks they face as a result of cancer therapies. It encourages them to review the plan with their healthcare team to further assess their risk and become active participants in their follow up care.

Develop your survivorship care plan today!

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OncoLink Cancer Resources

OncoLink Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Visit OncoLink's Melanoma Page: A comprehensive cancer resource for your concerns about melanoma and skin cancer prevention, risk, melanoma and skin cancer screening, diagnosis, melanoma and skin cancer treatment. Here you can find information on chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical oncology, and targeted therapies as well as the latest cancer news on melanoma research. You can also get help from one of our Melanoma Experts.

OncoLink Cancer Resources

Smoking Cessation Aids
This article will review the available treatments, both pharmacologic (drug) and non-pharmacologic, to aid in successful smoking cessation.

Smoking Cessation: Where do I Start?
The US Surgeon General stated that quitting smoking is the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives.

Did You Know...The Facts About Smoking and the Worldwide Crisis it has Caused?
Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer.

OncoLink Cancer Resources

An Interview with Terry Styles, MD Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology and Tammi Fisher, RN, Staff Nurse

Tune in to watch as these breast cancer radiation specialists from Department of Radiation Oncology at the Abramson Cancer Center of the The University of Pennsylvania respond to questions submitted to OncoLink about partial breast irradiation (Mammosite).