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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 655  

Temporary Employment of Aliens In the United States




Subpart B  

Labor Certification Process for Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States (H-2A Workers)

20 CFR 655.102 - Contents of job offers.

  • Section Number: 655.102
  • Section Name: Contents of job offers.

    (a) Preferential treatment of aliens prohibited. The employer's job 

offer to U.S. workers shall offer the U.S. workers no less than the same 

benefits, wages, and working conditions which the employer is offering, 

intends to offer, or will provide to H-2A workers. Conversely, no job 

offer may impose on U.S. workers any restrictions or obligations which 

will not be imposed on the employer's H-2A workers. This does not 

relieve the employer from providing to H-2A workers at least the same 

level of minimum benefits, wages, and working conditions which must be 

offered to U.S. workers consistent with this section.

    (b) Minimum benefits, wages, and working conditions. Except when 

higher benefits, wages or working conditions are required by the 

provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, DOL has determined that in 

order to protect similarly employed U.S. workers from adverse effect 

with respect to benefits, wages, and working conditions, every job offer 

which must accompany an H-2A application always shall include each of 

the following minimum benefit, wage, and working condition provisions:

    (1) Housing. The employer shall provide to those workers who are not 

reasonably able to return to their residence within the same day 

housing, without charge to the worker, which may be, at the employer's 

option, rental or public accommodation type housing.

    (i) Standards for employer-provided housing. Housing provided by the 

employer shall meet the full set of DOL Occupational Safety and Health 

Administration standards set forth at 29 CFR 1910.142, or the full set 

of standards at Secs. 654.404-654.417 of this chapter, whichever are 

applicable, except as provided for under paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this 

section. Requests by employers, whose housing does not meet the 

applicable standards, for conditional access to the intrastate or 

interstate clearance system, shall be processed under the procedures set 

forth at Sec. 654.403 of this chapter.

    (ii) Standards for range housing. Housing for workers principally 

engaged in the range production of livestock shall meet standards of the 

DOL Occupational Safety and Health Administration for such housing. In 

the absence of such standards, range housing for sheepherders and other 

workers engaged in the range production of livestock shall meet 

guidelines issued by ETA.

    (iii) Standards for other habitation. Rental, public accomodation, 

or other substantially similar class of habitation must meet local 

standards for such housing. In the absence of applicable local 

standards, State standards shall apply. In the absence of applicable 

local or State standards, Occupational Safety and Health Administration 

standards at 29 CFR 1910.142 shall apply. Any charges for rental housing 

shall be paid directly by the employer to the owner or operator of the 

housing. When such housing is to be supplied by an employer, the 

employer shall document to the satisfaction of the RA that the housing 

complies with the local, State, or federal housing standards applicable 

under this paragraph (b)(1)(iii).

    (iv) Charges for public housing. If public housing provided for 

migrant agricultural workers under the auspices of a local, county, or 

State government is secured by an employer, and use of the public 

housing unit normally requires charges from migrant workers, such 

charges shall be paid by the employer directly to the appropriate 

individual or entity affiliated with the housing's management.

    (v) Deposit charges. Charges in the form of deposits for bedding or 

other similar incidentals related to housing shall not be levied upon 

workers by employers who provide housing for their workers. However, 

employers may require workers to reimburse them for damage caused to 

housing by the individual workers found to have been responsible for 

damage which is not the result of normal wear and tear related to 


    (vi) Family housing. When it is the prevailing practice in the area 

of intended employment and the occupation

to provide family housing, family housing shall be provided to workers 

with families who request it.

    (2) Workers' compensation. The employer shall provide, at no cost to 

the worker, insurance, under a State workers' compensation law or 

otherwise, covering injury and disease arising out of and in the course 

of the worker's employment which will provide benefits at least equal to 

those provided under the State workers' compensation law, if any, for 

comparable employment. The employer shall furnish the name of the 

insurance carrier and the insurance policy number, or, if appropriate, 

proof of State law coverage, to the RA prior to the issuance of a labor 


    (3) Employer-provided items. Except as provided below, the employer 

shall provide, without charge including deposit charge, to the worker 

all tools, supplies, and equipment required to perform the duties 

assigned; the employer may charge the worker for reasonable costs 

related to the worker's refusal or negligent failure to return any 

property furnished by the employer or due to such worker's willful 

damage or destruction of such property. Where it is a common practice in 

the particular area, crop activity and occupation for workers to provide 

tools and equipment, with or without the employer reimbursing the 

workers for the cost of providing them, such an arrangement is 

permissible if approved in advance by the RA.

    (4) Meals. Where the employer has centralized cooking and eating 

facilities designed to feed workers, the employer shall provide each 

worker with three meals a day. When such facilities are not available, 

the employer either shall provide each worker with three meals a day or 

shall furnish free and convenient cooking and kitchen facilities to the 

workers which will enable the workers to prepare their own meals. Where 

the employer provides the meals, the job offer shall state the charge, 

if any, to the worker for such meals. Until a new amount is set pursuant 

to this paragraph (b)(4), the charge shall not be more than $5.26 per 

day unless the RA has approved a higher charge pursuant to Sec. 655.111 

of this part. Each year the charge allowed by this paragraph (b)(4) will 

be changed by the same percentage as the 12-month percent change in the 

Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for Food between December 

of the year just concluded and December of the year prior to that. The 

annual adjustments shall be effective on the date of their publication 

by the Director as a notice in the Federal Register.

    (5) Transportation; daily subsistence--(i) Transportation to place 

of employment. The employer shall advance transportation and subsistence 

costs (or otherwise provide them) to workers when it is the prevailing 

practice of non-H-2A agricultural employers in the occupation in the 

area to do so, or when such benefits are extended to H-2A workers. The 

amount of the transportation payment shall be no less (and shall not be 

required to be more) than the most economical and reasonable similar 

common carrier transportation charges for the distances involved. If the 

employer has not previously advanced such transportation and subsistence 

costs to the worker or otherwise provided such transportation or 

subsistence directly to the worker by other means and if the worker 

completes 50 percent of the work contract period, the employer shall pay 

the worker for costs incurred by the worker for transportation and daily 

subsistence from the place from which the worker has come to work for 

the employer to the place of employment. The amount of the daily 

subsistence payment shall be at least as much as the employer will 

charge the worker for providing the worker with three meals a day during 

employment. If no charges will be made for meals and free and convenient 

cooking and kitchen facilities will be provided, the amount of the 

subsistence payment shall be no less than the amount permitted under 

paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

    (ii) Transportation from place of employment. If the worker 

completes the work contract period, the employer shall provide or pay 

for the worker's transportation and daily subsistence from the place of 

employment to the place from which the worker, disregarding intervening 

employment, came to work for the employer, or, if

the worker has contracted with a subsequent employer who has not agreed 

in that contract to provide or pay for the worker's transportation and 

daily subsistence expenses from the employer's worksite to such 

subsequent employer's worksite, the employer shall provide or pay for 

such expenses; except that, if the worker has contracted for employment 

with a subsequent employer who, in that contract, has agreed to pay for 

the worker's transportation and daily subsistence expenses from the 

employer's worksite to such subsequent employer's worksite, the employer 

is not required to provide or pay for such expenses.

    (iii) Transportation between living quarters and worksite. The 

employer shall provide transportation between the worker's living 

quarters (i.e., housing provided by the employer pursuant to paragraph 

(b)(1) of this section) and the employer's worksite without cost to the 

worker, and such transportation will be in accordance with applicable 

laws and regulations. This paragraph (b)(5)(iii) is applicable to the 

transportation of workers eligible for housing, pursuant to paragraph 

(b)(1) of this section.

    (6) Three-fourths guarantee--(i) Offer to worker. The employer shall 

guarantee to offer the worker employment for at least three-fourths of 

the workdays of the total periods during which the work contract and all 

extensions thereof are in effect, beginning with the first workday after 

the arrival of the worker at the place of employment and ending on the 

expiration date specified in the work contract or in its extensions, if 

any. If the employer affords the U.S. or H-2A worker during the total 

work contract period less employment than that required under this 

paragraph (b)(6), the employer shall pay such worker the amount which 

the worker would have earned had the worker, in fact, worked for the 

guaranteed number of days. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(6), a 

workday shall mean the number of hours in a workday as stated in the job 

order and shall exclude the worker's Sabbath and federal holidays. An 

employer shall not be considered to have met the work guarantee if the 

employer has merely offered work on three-fourths of the workdays if 

each workday did not consist of a full number of hours of work time 

specified in the job order. The work shall be offered for at least 

three-fourths of the workdays (that is, 3/4 x (number of days) x 

(specified hours)). Therefore, if, for example, the contract contains 20 

eight-hour workdays, the worker shall be offered employment for 120 

hours during the 20 workdays. A worker may be offered more than the 

specified hours of work on a single workday. For purposes of meeting the 

guarantee, however, the worker shall not be required to work for more 

than the number hours specified in the job order for a workday, or on 

the worker's Sabbath or Federal holidays.

    (ii) Guarantee for piece-rate-paid worker. If the worker will be 

paid on a piece rate basis, the employer shall use the worker's average 

hourly piece rate earnings or the AEWR, whichever is higher, to 

calculate the amount due under the guarantee.

    (iii) Failure to work. Any hours which the worker fails to work, up 

to a maximum of the number of hours specified in the job order for a 

workday, when the worker has been offered an opportunity to do so 

pursuant to paragraph (b)(6)(i) of this section and all hours of work 

actually performed (including voluntary work over 8 hours in a workday 

or on the worker's Sabbath or federal holidays) may be counted by the 

employer in calculating whether the period of guaranteed employment has 

been met.

    (iv) Displaced H-2A worker. The employer shall not be liable for 

payment under this paragraph (b)(6) with respect to an H-2A worker whom 

the RA certifies is displaced because of the employer's compliance with 

Sec. 655.103(e) of this part.

    (7) Records. (i) The employer shall keep accurate and adequate 

records with respect to the workers' earnings including field tally 

records, supporting summary payroll records and records showing the 

nature and amount of the work performed; the number of hours of work 

offered each day by the employer (broken out by hours offered both in 

accordance with and over and above the three-fourths guarantee at 

paragraph (b)(6) of this section); the hours actually worked

each day by the worker; the time the worker began and ended each 

workday; the rate of pay (both piece rate and hourly, if applicable); 

the worker's earnings per pay period; the worker's home address; and the 

amount of and reasons for any and all deductions made from the worker's 


    (ii) If the number of hours worked by the worker is less than the 

number offered in accordance with the three-fourths guarantee at 

paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the records shall state the reason or 

reasons therefore.

    (iii) Upon reasonable notice, the employer shall make available the 

records, including field tally records and supporting summary payroll 

records for inspection and copying by representatives of the Secretary 

of Labor, and by the worker and representatives designated by the 

worker; and

    (iv) The employer shall retain the records for not less than three 

years after the completion of the work contract.

    (8) Hours and earnings statements. The employer shall furnish to the 

worker on or before each payday in one or more written statements the 

following information:

    (i) The worker's total earnings for the pay period;

    (ii) The worker's hourly rate and/or piece rate of pay;

    (iii) The hours of employment which have been offered to the worker 

(broken out by offers in accordance with and over and above the 


    (iv) The hours actually worked by the worker;

    (v) An itemization of all deductions made from the worker's wages; 


    (vi) If piece rates are used, the units produced daily.

    (9) Rates of pay. (i) If the worker will be paid by the hour, the 

employer shall pay the worker at least the adverse effect wage rate in 

effect at the time the work is performed, the prevailing hourly wage 

rate, or the legal federal or State minimum wage rate, whichever is 

highest, for every hour or portion thereof worked during a pay period; 


    (ii)(A) If the worker will be paid on a piece rate basis and the 

piece rate does not result at the end of the pay period in average 

hourly piece rate earnings during the pay period at least equal to the 

amount the worker would have earned had the worker been paid at the 

appropriate hourly rate, the worker's pay shall be supplemented at that 

time so that the worker's earnings are at least as much as the worker 

would have earned during the pay period if the worker had been paid at 

the appropriate hourly wage rate for each hour worked; and the piece 

rate shall be no less than the piece rate prevailing for the activity in 

the area of intended employment; and

    (B) If the employer who pays by the piece rate requires one or more 

minimum productivity standards of workers as a condition of job 


    (1) Such standards shall be specified in the job offer and be no 

more than those required by the employer in 1977, unless the RA approves 

a higher minimum; or

    (2) If the employer first applied for H-2 agricultural or H-2A 

temporary alien agricultural labor certification after 1977, such 

standards shall be no more than those normally required (at the time of 

the first application) by other employers for the activity in the area 

of intended employment, unless the RA approves a higher minimum.

    (10) Frequency of pay. The employer shall state the frequency with 

which the worker will be paid (in accordance with the prevailing 

practice in the area of intended employment, or at least twice monthly 

whichever is more frequent).

    (11) Abandonment of employment; or termination for cause. If the 

worker voluntarily abandons employment before the end of the contract 

period, or is terminated for cause, and the employer notifies the local 

office of such abandonment or termination, the employer will not be 

responsible for providing or paying for the subsequent transportation 

and subsistence expenses of any worker for whom the employer would have 

otherwise been required to pay such expenses under paragraph (b)(5)(ii) 

of this section, and that worker is not entitled to the ``three-fourths 

guarantee'' (see paragraph (b)(6) of this section).

    (12) Contract impossibility. If, before the expiration date 

specified in the work contract, the services of the

worker are no longer required for reasons beyond the control of the 

employer due to fire, hurricane, or other Act of God which makes the 

fulfillment of the contract impossible the employer may terminate the 

work contract. In the event of such termination of a contract, the 

employer shall fulfill the three-fourths guarantee at paragraph (b)(6) 

of this section for the time that has elapsed from the start of the work 

contract to its termination. In such cases the employer will make 

efforts to transfer the worker to other comparable employment acceptable 

to the worker. If such transfer is not effected, the employer shall:

    (i) Offer to return the worker, at the employer's expense, to the 

place from which the worker disregarding intervening employment came to 

work for the employer,

    (ii) Reimburse the worker the full amount of any deductions made 

from the worker's pay by the employer for transportation and subsistence 

expenses to the place of employment, and

    (iii) Notwithstanding whether the employment has been terminated 

prior to completion of 50 percent of the work contract period originally 

offered by the employer, pay the worker for costs incurred by the worker 

for transportation and daily subsistence from the place from which the 

worker, without intervening employment, has come to work for the 

employer to the place of employment. Daily subsistence shall be computed 

as set forth in paragraph (b)(5)(i) of this section. The amount of the 

transportation payment shall be no less (and shall not be required to be 

more) than the most economical and reasonable similar common carrier 

transportation charges for the distances involved.

    (13) Deductions. The employer shall make those deductions from the 

worker's paycheck which are required by law. The job offer shall specify 

all deductions not required by law which the employer will make from the 

worker's paycheck. All deductions shall be reasonable. The employer may 

deduct the cost of the worker's transportation and daily subsistence 

expenses to the place of employment which were borne directly by the 

employer. In such cases, the job offer shall state that the worker will 

be reimbursed the full amount of such deductions upon the worker's 

completion of 50 percent of the worker's contract period. However, an 

employer subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) may not make 

deductions which will result in payments to workers of less than the 

federal minimum wage permitted by the FLSA as determined by the 

Secretary at 29 CFR part 531.

    (14) Copy of work contract. The employer shall provide to the 

worker, no later than on the day the work commences, a copy of the work 

contract between the employer and the worker. The work contract shall 

contain all of the provisions required by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 

section. In the absence of a separate, written work contract entered 

into between the employer and the worker, the required terms of the job 

order and application for temporary alien agricultural labor 

certification shall be the work contract.

    (c) Appropriateness of required qualifications. Bona fide 

occupational qualifications specified by an employer in a job offer 

shall be consistent with the normal and accepted qualifications required 

by non-H-2A employers in the same or comparable occupations and crops, 

and shall be reviewed by the RA for their appropriateness. The RA may 

require the employer to submit documentation to substantiate the 

appropriateness of the qualification specified in the job offer; and 

shall consider information offered by and may consult with 

representatives of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

    (d) Positive recruitment plan. The employer shall submit in writing, 

as a part of the application, the employer's plan for conducting 

independent, positive recruitment of U.S. workers as required by 

Secs. 655.103 and 655.105(a) of this part. Such a plan shall include a 

description of recruitment efforts (if any) made prior to the actual 

submittal of the application. The plan shall describe how the employer 

will engage in positive recruitment of U.S. workers to an extent (with 

respect to both effort and location(s)) no less than that of non-H-2A 

agricultural employers of comparable or smaller size in the area of 

employment. When it is the prevailing

practice in the area of employment and for the occupation for non-H-2A 

agricultural employers to secure U.S. workers through farm labor 

contractors and to compensate farm labor contractors with an override 

for their services, the employer shall describe how it will make the 

same level of effort as non-H-2A agricultural employers and provide an 

override which is no less than that being provided by non-H-2A 

agricultural employers.
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