Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Southeast Region

Fishing Opportunities

Fishing is also allowed on the Refuge in accordance with Refuge and State regulations. Because both hunting and fishing regulations may change on an annual basis, persons wishing to participate in either activity should contact the Refuge office prior to their visit to obtain the current year's information.

Public use opportunities for disabled individuals are available on the Refuge. If special arrangements or information are needed, please contact the Refuge office.

All canals, creeks, and lakes on the refuge located in areas open to the public are open to fishing during State seasons. Because fishing is in fresh water, a State Fishing License is required.

Visit NC Wildlife Resources Commission for more information.

Man fishing from small boat in canal
Some of the most enjoyable fishing on the refuge is simply stopping alongside the highway and tossing out your line!!

Universally accessible fishing dock at the head of Creef Cut Wildlife Trail.

Sawyer Lake, a part of the Milltail Creek Paddle Trails, offers peaceful fishing opportunity!

Last Updated: 3/3/09