U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Capital Planning and Investment Control

Exhibit 300 (BY2010) for IHS Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) - Maintenance & Enhancements



1. Date of Submission:
2. Agency:
3. Bureau:
4. Name of this Capital Asset:
IHS Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) - Maintenance & Enhancements
5. Unique Project Identifier:
6. What kind of investment will this be in FY2010?
Mixed Life Cycle
7. What was the first budget year this investment was submitted to OMB?
FY2001 or earlier
8. Provide a brief summary and justification for this investment, including a brief description of how this closes in part or in whole an identified agency performance gap.
The Indian Health Service (IHS) Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) is a comprehensive health information system (HIS) created to support the delivery of high quality health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives who attend several hundred Federal and Tribal hospitals and clinics nationwide. RPMS integrates practice management, medical, behavioral, population health and performance reporting functions into a fully capable electronic health record (EHR) suite. A government-developed and owned system, RPMS evolved alongside the Veteran's Health Administration's acclaimed VistA HIS but occupies a unique place as the only system designed specifically to support the direct care and public health mission of IHS. RPMS captures administrative data that allows management to strategically distribute workforce while managing operating budgets, supporting the President's Management Agenda (PMA) Human Capital initiative. RPMS supports the PMA E-Gov strategy through electronic sharing of information with states, interoperability with commercial laboratories, electronic communication among medical staff, and automating processes to reduce costs. RPMS supports the HHS goal to improve the quality of health care services by providing current and accurate patient information and clinical decision support. Ongoing development ensures that RPMS remains aligned with standards for interoperability, security, and feature sets. Certification of RPMS as an ambulatory EHR by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology will be complete in August 2008. RPMS is classified as a major IT investment, comprising 72 percent of invested resources by the IHS Office of Information Technology. The investment is in the mixed lifecycle phase; much of the suite is in operations and maintenance, while modernization and enhancements continue especially in the areas of revenue cycle management, population health, clinical decision support, and user interface design. RPMS has been evaluated and scored as "effective" under the Performance Assessment Rating Tool. RPMS is critical to operations at IHS and Tribal health facilities, offering a repository of historical medical information, documentation of care, medication management, order entry and results reporting, third party billing, and numerous other features. As a high quality, low cost public domain system, RPMS has also proven attractive to private and public sector health care entities outside of IHS.
9. Did the Agency's Executive/Investment Committee approve this request?
9.a. If "yes," what was the date of this approval?
10. Did the Project Manager review this Exhibit?
11.a. What is the current FAC-P/PM certification level of the project/program manager?
Waiver Issued
11.b. When was the Program/Project Manager Assigned?
11.c. What date did the Program/Project Manager receive the FACP/PM certification? If the certification has not been issued, what is the anticipated date for certification?
12. Has the agency developed and/or promoted cost effective, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable techniques or practices for this project.
12.a. Will this investment include electronic assets (including computers)?
12.b. Is this investment for new construction or major retrofit of a Federal building or facility? (answer applicable to non-IT assets only)
13. Does this investment directly support one of the PMA initiatives?
If yes, select the initiatives that apply:
Initiative Name
Expanded E-Government
Human Capital
13.a. Briefly and specifically describe for each selected how this asset directly supports the identified initiative(s)? (e.g. If E-Gov is selected, is it an approved shared service provider or the managing partner?)
RPMS captures administrative data that allows management to strategically distribute workforce while managing operating budgets, supporting the President's Management Agenda (PMA) Human Capital initiative. RPMS supports the PMA E-Gov strategy through electronic sharing of information with states, interoperability with commercial laboratories, electronic communication among medical staff, and automating processes to reduce costs.
14. Does this investment support a program assessed using the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)?
14.a. If yes, does this investment address a weakness found during the PART review?
14.b. If yes, what is the name of the PARTed program?
10001058 - Indian Health Service Resource and Patient Management System
14.c. If yes, what rating did the PART receive?
15. Is this investment for information technology?
16. What is the level of the IT Project (per CIO Council's PM Guidance)?
Level 3
17. What project management qualifications does the Project Manager have? (per CIO Council's PM Guidance)
(1) Project manager has been validated as qualified for this investment
18. Is this investment identified as high risk on the Q4 - FY 2007 agency high risk report (per OMB memorandum M-05-23)?
19. Is this a financial management system?
20. What is the percentage breakout for the total FY2009 funding request for the following? (This should total 100%)
Area Percentage
Hardware 14
Software 1
Services 82
Other 3
21. If this project produces information dissemination products for the public, are these products published to the Internet in conformance with OMB Memorandum 05-04 and included in your agency inventory, schedules and priorities?
22. Contact information of individual responsible for privacy related questions.
Name William Tibbitts
Phone Number 301-443-0035
Title Management Analyst (Agency Privacy Act Officer)
Email William.Tibbitts@ihs.gov
23. Are the records produced by this investment appropriately scheduled with the National Archives and Records Administration's approval?
24. Does this investment directly support one of the GAO High Risk Areas?

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Summary of Spend

1. Provide the total estimated life-cycle cost for this investment by completing the following table. All amounts represent budget authority in millions, and are rounded to three decimal places. Federal personnel costs should be included only in the row designated Government FTE Cost, and should be excluded from the amounts shown for Planning, Full Acquisition, and Operation/Maintenance. The total estimated annual cost of the investment is the sum of costs for Planning, Full Acquisition, and Operation/Maintenance. For Federal buildings and facilities, life-cycle costs should include long term energy, environmental, decommissioning, and/or restoration costs. The costs associated with the entire life-cycle of the investment should be included in this report.

All amounts represent Budget Authority

Note: For the cross-agency investments, this table should include all funding (both managing partner and partner agencies).

Government FTE Costs should not be included as part of the TOTAL represented.
Cost Type Py-1 & Earlier
Planning Budgetary Resources 35.569 1.045 4.881 3.958
Acquisition Budgetary Resources 142.275 9.404 43.931 35.619
Maintenance Budgetary Resources 215.031 6.717 19.289 20.001
Government FTE Cost 30.163 29.063 46.393 48.662
# of FTEs 258 283 283 283
2. Will this project require the agency to hire additional FTE's?
3. If the summary of spending has changed from the FY2008 President's budget request, briefly explain those changes.
Summary of Spending table has been modified since initial 2010 submission to accommodate ARRA funding increases and reflect sunk costs for 2008 projects.

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In order to successfully address this area of the exhibit 300, performance goals must be provided for the agency and be linked to the annual performance plan. The investment must discuss the agency's mission and strategic goals, and performance measures (indicators) must be provided. These goals need to map to the gap in the agency's strategic goals and objectives this investment is designed to fill. They are the internal and external performance benefits this investment is expected to deliver to the agency (e.g., improve efficiency by 60 percent, increase citizen participation by 300 percent a year to achieve an overall citizen participation rate of 75 percent by FY 2xxx, etc.). The goals must be clearly measurable investment outcomes, and if applicable, investment outputs. They do not include the completion date of the module, milestones, or investment, or general goals, such as, significant, better, improved that do not have a quantitative measure.
Agencies must use the following table to report performance goals and measures for the major investment and use the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Performance Reference Model (PRM). Map all Measurement Indicators to the corresponding Measurement Area and Measurement Grouping identified in the PRM. There should be at least one Measurement Indicator for each of the four different Measurement Areas (for each fiscal year). The PRM is available at www.egov.gov. The table can be extended to include performance measures for years beyond FY 2009.
Row Fiscal Year Strategic
Measurement Area Measurement Grouping Measurement Indicator Baseline Planned Improvement to the Baseline Actual Results
1 2007 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of at-risk patients who have a comprehensive assessment for all Cardiovascular Disease-related risk factors. Baseline TBD in FY2007 Establish the baseline percentage 95%
2 2007 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of patients screened for depression. 15% Maintain at the FY2006 rate 24%
3 2007 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of women screened at health care facilities for domestic violence. 28% Maintain at 28% 36%
4 2007 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Pass CCHIT certification of Electronic Health Record not certified Pass certification at the end of calendar year 2007 Certification planned for June 30, 2008
5 2007 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of Adult Immunizations: Pneumovax vaccination among adult patients age 65 years and older 72% (based on FY2006 target) Increase rate to 76% 79%
6 2007 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Research and Practitioner Education Percentage of appropriate female patients screened for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 28% Maintain at 28% 41%
7 2007 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Customer Results Customer Impact or Burden Number of sites with Electronic Health Record Target from FY2006 (60 sites) Implement EHR at 40 additional sites. 49 sites
8 2007 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Processes and Activities Productivity Percentage of National clinical performance data of registered population 90% of the registered population. Increase by 1% over FY2006 levels. 86%
9 2007 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Technology External Data Sharing Number of states with which IHS currently exchanges immunization data FY2006 target of 6 states Increase to 8 the number of states 8 states
10 2007 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Internal Data Sharing Percentage increase in the number of new electronic images and scanned document available online 14,952 10% over baseline Increased by more than 350% for a total of 54,820 images in 2007
11 2007 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of sites with patient safety measurement system 3 reporting areas Deploy to 10 sites 64 sites
12 2008 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of patients identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support logic as at-risk who have a comprehensive assessment for all Cardiovascular Disease-related risk factors 30% Maintain at 30% 30%
13 2008 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of women 15-40 years of age as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for domestic violence at health care facilities 28% Maintain at 36% 42%
14 2008 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of childhood immunization ages 19-35 months as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools. 78% Maintain at 78% 78%
15 2008 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of Adult Immunizations as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools: Pneumovax vaccination among adult patients age 65 years and older. 79% Maintain at 79% 82%
16 2008 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of alcohol use screening as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools (to prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) among female patients (15-44 years of age) 41% Maintain at 41% 47%
17 2008 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Customer Results Customer Impact or Burden Number of sites with Electronic Health Record Target baseline is 109 sites Implement Electronic Health Record at 40 additional sites 43 new sites, total of 152
18 2008 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Processes and Activities Productivity Percentage of National clinical performance data of registered population. Supported by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools. 86% of the registered population. Increase by 1% over FY2007 levels. 86%
19 2008 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology External Data Sharing The number of states with which IHS currently exchanges immunization data 8 states Increase by 25% over baseline 25% - 10 states
20 2008 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Internal Data Sharing Percentage of number of new electronic images and scanned documents available online. 54,820 images (2007) 10% over FY2007 target (60,302 images) 91,302
21 2008 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 64 sites Increase 15% over baseline (74 sites) 94 sites
22 2009 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of patients identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support logic as at-risk who have a comprehensive assessment for all Cardiovascular Disease-related risk factors 30% TBD TBD
23 2009 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of adults ages 18 and over as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for depression. 24% TBD TBD
24 2009 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of women 15-40 years of age as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for domestic violence at health care facilities. 42% TBD TBD
25 2009 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of alcohol use screening as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools (to prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) among female patients (15-44 years of age) 47% TBD TBD
26 2009 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of healthcare facilities utilizing the Electronic Dental Record 0% 10% of 230 sites TBD
27 2009 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Customer Results Service Availability Number of Patient Education handouts downloaded from the NC4 Clinical Resources web site Baseline TBD Establish baseline # of downloads TBD
28 2009 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Customer Results Service Availability Number of user hits recorded on the IHS Quality Measures web site; supports Executive Order #13410 compliance Baseline TBD Establish Baseline % TBD
29 2009 Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/Resources Processes and Activities Innovation and Improvement Percentage of applicable RPMS DME projects using Serena Requirements Management Tool Baseline TBD Establish Baseline % TBD
30 2009 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 74 sites Increase 14% over FY08 actual TBD
31 2010 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of patients identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support logic as at-risk who have a comprehensive assessment for all Cardiovascular Disease-related risk factors FY2009 Actual TBD TBD
32 2010 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of adults ages 18 and over as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for depression. FY2009 Actual TBD TBD
33 2010 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of women 15-40 years of age as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for domestic violence at health care facilities. FY2009 Actual TBD TBD
34 2010 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of alcohol use screening as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools (to prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) among female patients (15-44 years of age) FY2009 Actual TBD TBD
35 2010 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Customer Results Service Availability Number of Patient Education handouts downloaded from the NC4 Clinical Resources web site FY2009 Actual Increase # of downloads by 5% over FY09 target TBD
36 2010 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Customer Results Service Availability Number of user hits recorded on the IHS Quality Measures web site; supports Executive Order #13410 compliance FY2009 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY09 target TBD
37 2010 Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/Resources Processes and Activities Innovation and Improvement Percentage of applicable RPMS DME projects using Serena Requirements Management Tool FY2009 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY09 target TBD
38 2010 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Customer Results Service Availability Percentage of RPMS Systems that install key software within 45 days of release Baseline TBD Establish the baseline percentage TBD
39 2010 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 84 sites Increase 10% over FY09 target (92 sites) TBD
40 2011 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of patients identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support logic as at-risk who have a comprehensive assessment for all Cardiovascular Disease-related risk factors FY2010 Actual TBD TBD
41 2011 Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/Resources Processes and Activities Innovation and Improvement Percentage of applicable RPMS DME projects using Serena Requirements Management Tool FY2010 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY10 target TBD
42 2011 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Customer Results Service Availability Percentage of RPMS Systems that install key software within 45 days of release FY2010 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY10 target TBD
43 2011 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 92 sites Increase 10% over FY2010 Target (101 sites) TBD
44 2012 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of adults ages 18 and over as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for depression. FY2011 Actual TBD TBD
45 2012 Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/Resources Processes and Activities Innovation and Improvement Percentage of applicable RPMS DME projects using Serena Requirements Management Tool FY2011 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY11 target TBD
46 2012 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Customer Results Service Availability Percentage of RPMS Systems that install key software within 45 days of release FY2011 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY11 target TBD
47 2012 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 101 sites Increase 10% over FY2011 Target (111 sites) TBD
48 2013 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of adults ages 18 and over as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for depression. FY2012 Actual TBD TBD
49 2013 Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/Resources Processes and Activities Innovation and Improvement Percentage of applicable RPMS DME projects using Serena Requirements Management Tool FY2012 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY12 target TBD
50 2013 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Customer Results Service Availability Percentage of RPMS Systems that install key software within 45 days of release FY2012 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY12 target TBD
51 2013 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 111 sites Increase 10% over FY2012 Target (122 sites) TBD
52 2014 S.O. 2.3 - Promote and encourage preventive health care, including mental health, lifelong healthy behaviors, and recovery Mission and Business Results Health Care Delivery Services Percentage of adults ages 18 and over as identified by RPMS Clinical Decision Support tools who are screened for depression. FY2013 Actual TBD TBD
53 2014 Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/Resources Processes and Activities Innovation and Improvement Percentage of applicable RPMS DME projects using Serena Requirements Management Tool FY2013 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY13 target TBD
54 2014 S.O. 1.2 - Increase health care service availability and accessibility Customer Results Service Availability Percentage of RPMS Systems that install key software within 45 days of release FY2013 Actual Increase the rate 5% over FY13 target TBD
55 2014 S.O. 1.3 - Improve health care quality, safety, cost and value Technology Data Reliability and Quality Number of nationwide sites using the Patient Safety System 122 sites Increase 10% over 2013 target (134 sites) TBD


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Enterprise Architecture

In order to successfully address this area of the business case and capital asset plan you must ensure the investment is included in the agency's EA and Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process, and is mapped to and supports the FEA. You must also ensure the business case demonstrates the relationship between the investment and the business, performance, data, services, application, and technology layers of the agency's EA.

1. Is this investment included in your agency's target enterprise architecture?
2. Is this investment included in the agency's EA Transition Strategy?
2.a. If yes, provide the investment name as identified in the Transition Strategy provided in the agency's most recent annual EA Assessment.
IHS Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) - Maintenance & Enhancements
3. Is this investment identified in a completed (contains a target architecture) and approved segment architecture?
4. Identify the service components funded by this major IT investment (e.g., knowledge management, content management, customer relationship management, etc.). Provide this information in the format of the following table. For detailed guidance regarding components, please refer to http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/.

Component: Use existing SRM Components or identify as NEW. A NEW component is one not already identified as a service component in the FEA SRM.

Reused Name and UPI: A reused component is one being funded by another investment, but being used by this investment. Rather than answer yes or no, identify the reused service component funded by the other investment and identify the other investment using the Unique Project Identifier (UPI) code from the OMB Ex 300 or Ex 53 submission.

Internal or External Reuse?: Internal reuse is within an agency. For example, one agency within a department is reusing a service component provided by another agency within the same department. External reuse is one agency within a department reusing a service component provided by another agency in another department. A good example of this is an E-Gov initiative service being reused by multiple organizations across the federal government.

Funding Percentage: Please provide the percentage of the BY requested funding amount used for each service component listed in the table. If external, provide the funding level transferred to another agency to pay for the service.
Row Agency Component Name Agency Component Description Service Type Component Reused Component Name Reused UPI Internal or External Reuse? Funding %
1 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Knowledge Management Information Retrieval No Reuse 2
2 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Customer Relationship Management Customer / Account Management No Reuse 2
3 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Financial Management Billing and Accounting No Reuse 2
4 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Reporting Standardized / Canned No Reuse 2
5 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Business Intelligence Demand Forecasting / Mgmt No Reuse 2
6 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Tracking and Workflow Case Management No Reuse 2
7 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Systems Management Software Distribution No Reuse 1
8 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Business Intelligence Decision Support and Planning No Reuse 2
9 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Visualization Graphing / Charting No Reuse 2
10 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Data Management Loading and Archiving No Reuse 2
11 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Data Management Data Cleansing No Reuse 2
12 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Routing and Scheduling Outbound Correspondence Management No Reuse 2
13 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Tracking and Workflow Process Tracking No Reuse 1
14 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Knowledge Discovery Data Mining No Reuse 2
15 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Records Management Document Retirement No Reuse 2
16 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Search Query No Reuse 2
17 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Data Management Extraction and Transformation No Reuse 2
18 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Visualization Imagery No Reuse 2
19 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Content Management Tagging and Aggregation No Reuse 2
20 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Security Management Identification and Authentication No Reuse 2
21 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Knowledge Management Information Sharing No Reuse 5
22 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Security Management Audit Trail Capture and Analysis No Reuse 2
23 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Forms Management Forms Modification No Reuse 2
24 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Security Management Access Control No Reuse 2
25 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Forms Management Forms Creation No Reuse 2
26 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Management of Processes Configuration Management No Reuse 1
27 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Management of Processes Requirements Management No Reuse 1
28 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Collaboration Threaded Discussions No Reuse 2
29 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Customer Relationship Management Customer Analytics No Reuse 2
30 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Data Management Data Exchange No Reuse 5
31 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Management of Processes Risk Management No Reuse 2
32 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Management of Processes Quality Management No Reuse 1
33 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Customer Relationship Management Partner Relationship Management No Reuse 2
34 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Document Management Document Imaging and OCR No Reuse 2
35 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Management of Processes Change Management No Reuse 5
36 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Document Management Document Review and Approval No Reuse 2
37 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Routing and Scheduling Inbound Correspondence Management No Reuse 2
38 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Reporting Ad Hoc No Reuse 2
39 IHS Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) The RPMS is a clinical and patient administrative information system that supports the management of the healthcare needs of the American Indian and Alaska Natives populations. Collaboration Email No Reuse 1
5. To demonstrate how this major IT investment aligns with the FEA Technical Reference Model (TRM), please list the Service Areas, Categories, Standards, and Service Specifications supporting this IT investment.

FEA SRM Component: Service Components identified in the previous question should be entered in this column. Please enter multiple rows for FEA SRM Components supported by multiple TRM Service Specifications.

Service Specification: In the Service Specification field, Agencies should provide information on the specified technical standard or vendor product mapped to the FEA TRM Service Standard, including model or version numbers, as appropriate.
Row SRM Component Service Area Service Category Service Standard Service Specification (i.e., vendor and product name)
1 Information Retrieval Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
2 Information Retrieval Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database InterSystems Cache 5.0.2 by: InterSystems Corporation.
3 Customer / Account Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
4 Billing and Accounting Component Framework Data Interchange Data Exchange Cloverleaf Integration Suite by: Quovadx, Inc.
5 Billing and Accounting Component Framework Data Interchange Data Exchange Health Level 7 (HL7) by: Health Level Seven, Inc.
6 Billing and Accounting Component Framework Data Interchange Data Exchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) by: National Institute of Standards and Technology
7 Standardized / Canned Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
8 Demand Forecasting / Mgmt Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
9 Case Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
10 Software Distribution Service Interface and Integration Integration Enterprise Application Integration VA Kernel Toolkit by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
11 Decision Support and Planning Component Framework Business Logic Platform Independent Technologies FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
12 Graphing / Charting Component Framework User Presentation / Interface Content Rendering Graphical Kernel System by: International Organization for Standardization
13 Graphing / Charting Component Framework User Presentation / Interface Content Rendering Computer Graphics Metafile by: IEC
14 Graphing / Charting Component Framework User Presentation / Interface Content Rendering Open Graphics Library by: Silicon Graphics Inc.
15 Loading and Archiving Component Framework Business Logic Platform Independent Technologies FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
16 Data Cleansing Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) by: National Institute of Standards and Technology
17 Outbound Correspondence Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
18 Process Tracking Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
19 Data Mining Component Framework Business Logic Platform Independent Technologies FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
20 Document Retirement Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) by: International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation
21 Query Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
22 Extraction and Transformation Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) by: National Institute of Standards and Technology
23 Imagery Component Framework Business Logic Platform Dependent Technologies Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine by: National Electrical Manufacturers Association
24 Tagging and Aggregation Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) by: International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation
25 Identification and Authentication Service Platform and Infrastructure Software Engineering Software Configuration Management Tivoli by: International Business Machines Corp.
26 Information Sharing Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Health Level 7 (HL7) by: Health Level Seven, Inc.
27 Audit Trail Capture and Analysis Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
28 Forms Modification Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
29 Access Control Service Access and Delivery Service Transport Service Transport Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 R2 by: Microsoft Corporation
30 Forms Creation Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
31 Configuration Management Service Interface and Integration Integration Enterprise Application Integration VA Kernel Toolkit by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
32 Requirements Management Service Interface and Integration Integration Enterprise Application Integration VA Kernel Toolkit by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
33 Threaded Discussions Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Collaboration / Communications Mailman by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
34 Customer Analytics Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
35 Data Exchange Component Framework Data Interchange Data Exchange Health Level 7 (HL7) by: Health Level Seven, Inc.
36 Data Exchange Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes by: Regenstrief Institute, Inc
37 Data Exchange Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition by: American Medical Association
38 Data Exchange Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature by: American Dental Association
39 Data Exchange Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification National Drug Codes by: FDA
40 Data Exchange Service Interface and Integration Interoperability Data Format / Classification Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) by: International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation
41 Data Exchange Component Framework Data Interchange Data Exchange ANSI ASC X12 004010 by: ANSI ASC X12
42 Risk Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
43 Quality Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
44 Partner Relationship Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
45 Document Imaging and OCR Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis VistA Lexicon Utility by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
46 Change Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
47 Document Review and Approval Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
48 Inbound Correspondence Management Component Framework Data Management Reporting and Analysis Patient Care Component by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
49 Ad Hoc Service Platform and Infrastructure Database / Storage Database FILEMAN by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
50 Email Service Access and Delivery Access Channels Collaboration / Communications Mailman by: US Department of Veterans Affairs
6. Will the application leverage existing components and/or applications across the Government (i.e., FirstGov, Pay.Gov, etc)?
6.a. If yes, please describe.
IHS leverages software, processes, information and resources from the Veterans Administration. IHS also has a letter of collaboration with the DoD on quality measures and methodologies in support of the Executive Order on Health Care Quality and Efficiency (August 22, 2006). IHS is actively involved with all Federal Health Architecture working groups and the Nationwide Health Information Network.

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Part Two


You should perform a risk assessment during the early planning and initial concept phase of the investment's life-cycle, develop a risk-adjusted life-cycle cost estimate and a plan to eliminate, mitigate or manage risk, and be actively managing risk throughout the investment's life-cycle.

Answer the following questions to describe how you are managing investment risks.
1. Does the investment have a Risk Management Plan?
1.a. If yes, what is the date of the plan?
1.b. Has the Risk Management Plan been significantly changed since last year's submission to OMB?
3. Briefly describe how investment risks are reflected in the life cycle cost estimate and investment schedule:
Where possible, firm fixed price contracts have been used to limit government risk and maintain the stability of life cycle cost estimates. Performance-based statements of work are generally in place for IHS time-and-material contracts and allow the government more control over outcomes and costs versus outcomes. Life cycles costs are risk adjusted; some of the development work carries more risk due to the nature of unfolding requirements and changing technologies. These development costs have been adjusted to accommodate the risk. Steady State work carries less risk, and the costs have been estimated accordingly. The Risk Management Plan was reviewed and revisions were made for the update on 3/29/2008.

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Cost & Schedule

1. Does the earned value management system meet the criteria in ANSI/EIA Standard 748?
2. Is the CV% or SV% greater than ± 10%?
3. Has the investment re-baselined during the past fiscal year?
3.a. If yes, when was it approved by the agency head?

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