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"Help from DOL" - Series of 15 ready-to-use 100-150 word articles about widely applicable U.S. Department of Labor compliance assistance resources


  1. Web Tool Helps Employers Determine Which DOL Laws Affect Them
  2. Web Tools Help Employers Understand Recently Revised Overtime Rules
  3. Compliance Assistance E-Mail Alerts Keep Employers Informed
  4. Web Tool Clarifies Which Activities Constitute Hours Worked
  5. Web Tool Advises on Federal Poster Requirements
  6. Free Guide Summarizes Employment Laws for Small Businesses
  7. Web Sites Advise on Rules Affecting Young Workers
  8. Web Site Helps Employers Establish Drug-Free Workplace Programs
  9. Online Tool Helps Employers Understand the Family and Medical Leave Act
  10. Web Tool Helps Employers Understand Reservists Reemployment Rights
  11. Web Site Offers Retirement Savings Advice for Small Businesses
  12. Toll-Free Help Line Provides Assistance with Employment Law Questions
  13. Online Advisor Offers Valuable Information on Group Health Benefits
  14. Web Tool Clarifies Federal Contractor Compliance Requirements
  15. DOL’s On-line Advisors Clarify FLSA Overtime Hours and Pay Requirements

Help from DOL: Web Tool Helps Employers Determine Which DOL Laws Affect Them

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has unveiled a new FirstStep Recordkeeping, Reporting and Notices elaws Advisor. By using this tool, employers can easily determine which recordkeeping, reporting and notice requirements apply to them under the major laws administered by the Department.

This elaws Advisor has been integrated with the revised and expanded FirstStep Poster and FirstStep Employment Law Overview Advisors. All three Advisors help employers identify the federal employment laws relevant to them and then explain how to comply with each law’s requirements. By asking a series of questions, the Advisors simulate a conversation with a DOL expert and guide users to customized information that helps them understand the requirements of each law. For more information, visit

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Help from DOL: Web Tools Help Employers Understand Overtime Rules

Two DOL Web tools help employers and workers understand how the overtime rules affect them. DOL's FairPay Web Site, located at, offers online training seminars and fact sheets addressing the revised rules by both exemption and occupation. DOL's FLSA Overtime Security Advisor, located at, helps workers and businesses understand whether a particular employee is entitled to overtime protection by asking questions about his or her primary job responsibilities and compensation. Then, based on the users responses, the system makes a determination as to whether or not the employee is likely to be exempt from overtime pay requirements. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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Help from DOL: Compliance Assistance E-Mail Alerts Keep Employers Informed

Want to stay current with new developments in U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) compliance assistance activities and resources explaining federal labor laws? By subscribing to e-mail updates from DOL's Compliance Assistance Web site, you will be alerted when new information or new tools are added to the sites Web pages. Subscribing is easy, as is unsubscribing. Go to and click on the Subscribe to E-Mail Updates link on the right-hand side of the page. You can also ask questions about employment and regulatory issues via e-mail by using the Contact Us link at this site.

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Help from DOL: Web Tool Clarifies Which Activities Constitute Hours Worked

Confused about whether employees must be paid for break or meal time? What about vacations or jury duty? The U.S. Department of Labor created a special Web tool to help employers and workers understand which of an employees work-related activities are considered "hours worked" - and therefore hours for which they must be paid. DOL's Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Hours Worked Advisor, located at, provides information about the general principles for determining hours worked and outlines how they apply in common workplace scenarios. Specific circumstances addressed include training and orientation programs; on-call time; travel time; civic or charitable work; physical exams and drug testing; holidays, vacation and sick time; and breaks and meal periods. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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Help from DOL: Web Tool Advises on Federal Poster Requirements

A U.S. Department of Labor Web tool allows businesses to simply and quickly determine which federal DOL posters they are required to display - and print them free of charge. DOL's Poster Advisor, located at, asks employers to answer a series of short, pre-set questions about pertinent factors such as the general nature and location of their business and whether or not it has federal contracts and subcontracts. Then, based on their responses, the Advisor generates a customized list of their posting requirements, with links to printable electronic versions of the posters. The Poster Advisor also provides a quick and easy way for employers to periodically confirm they are up to date with their posting requirements. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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Help from DOL: Free Guide Summarizes Employment Laws for Small Businesses

A free publication available from the U.S. Department of Labor helps small business employers understand their rights and responsibilities under the major federal employment laws. The Employment Law Guide summarizes coverage, basic requirements, employee rights, compliance assistance available and penalties for non-compliance for each of DOL's most widely applicable laws. Written in plain language - not legalese - it is geared toward employers needing introductory information to develop wage, benefit, safety and health, and nondiscrimination policies for their businesses. It is available online at

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Help from DOL: Web Sites Advise on Rules Affecting Young Workers

Each year, millions of teens work part-time or take summer jobs, gaining valuable work skills and contributing enthusiasm and eagerness to businesses across the country. Special federal and state laws govern their employment, and the U.S. Department of Labor offers resources to help employers understand these regulations. DOL's YouthRules! Web site, located at, educates users about the various rules concerning young workers, including the hours they can work, the jobs they can perform and how to prevent workplace injuries. Further guidance on how to ensure safe and healthy work environments for teens is available from DOL's Occupational Safety and Health Administrations Teen Workers Web Site, located at

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Help from DOL: Web Site Helps Employers Establish Drug-Free Workplace Programs

Most drug users are employed, and when they arrive for work, they dont leave their problems at the door. Some costs - increased absences, accidents and errors - are obvious. Others, such as low morale and high illness rates, are less so, but their effects may be equally harmful. The U.S. Department of Labor's Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Web site, located at, helps employers protect their businesses from these negative effects by establishing drug-free workplace programs that protect worker safety and health and improve productivity and bottom-line profits. Web site features include ready-to-use training materials and an interactive tool that helps employers develop a drug-free workplace policy from start to finish.

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Help from DOL: Online Tool Helps Employers Understand the Family and Medical Leave Act

A U.S. Department of Labor Web tool helps employers and workers understand the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year and requires that group health benefits be maintained during the leave. DOL's FMLA Advisor, located at, provides information about employer coverage and employee eligibility under the law and addresses valid reasons for family and medical leave, employee/employer notification responsibilities and employee rights and benefits. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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Help from DOL: Web Tool Helps Employers Understand Reservists Reemployment Rights

Many National Guard and Reservists are returning from Iraq. Do these service men and women get their civilian jobs back upon return? It's a relevant question for many individuals and employers, and thanks to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), answers are just a click away. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Advisor, located at, is a free Web tool that helps explain USERRA - an important DOL law intended to ease the transition between military service and civilian employment. It also provides a notice employers may post or distribute to fulfill their requirement to notify employees of their rights and benefits under USERRA. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit For more information about veterans employment issues, contact DOL's Veterans Employment and Training Service at

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Help from DOL: Web Site Offers Retirement Savings Advice for Small Businesses

Small businesses interested in offering their employees retirement savings benefits can learn about the various options available by using a U.S. Department of Labor Web resource. DOL's Small Business Retirement Savings Advisor, located at, summarizes the various options available to small businesses, many of which are easy to administer and offer tax advantages and other financial benefits. The Advisor also has a question and answer feature that helps employers determine which of the options is most appropriate for their business based on relevant factors such as the size of their staff and whether or not they want contributions to be made by the employer only, employee only or both. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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Help from DOL: Toll-Free Help Line Provides Assistance with Employment Law Questions

Ever have questions regarding employment law issues such as pay and overtime, family and medical leave or workplace safety and health but dont know where to turn for answers? The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) operates a toll-free help line (1-866-4-USA-DOL; TTY: 1-877-889-5627) that provides a central access point to all of its programs, services and regulatory information, including assistance navigating the DOL Web sites compliance assistance resources. Live operator assistance is available in both English and Spanish, from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday. Employers are assured that their requests for assistance through DOL's helpline are confidential.

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Help from DOL: Online Advisor Offers Valuable Information on Group Health Benefits

A U.S. Department of Labor online tool can help employees and their families make informed decisions about their employer-based health benefits, particularly when facing specific life and work changes, such as marriage, childbirth, death, divorce, job loss, a new job or retirement. The Health Benefits Advisor, located at, provides information about health coverage under private plans, definitions of key terms related to health insurance and links to other resources, such as public health plans and state insurance offices nationwide. It guides individuals through specific requirements and rights under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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Help from DOL: Web Tool Clarifies Federal Contractor Compliance Requirements

A U.S. Department of Labor online tool helps federal contractors and subcontractors understand basic coverage and compliance requirements for the equal employment opportunity laws administered by its Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). To do this, the Federal Contractor Compliance Advisor, located at, asks a series of simple questions about the number of people they employ, the nature of their industry or enterprise and the type and size of their federal contract or subcontract. Then, based on the users responses, the Advisor generates a customized list of OFCCP equal employment opportunity laws and regulations that likely apply to their business and provides links to relevant compliance assistance materials for each of them. This resource is one of several online elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) Advisors developed by DOL. For a complete list, visit

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DOL’s On-line Advisors Clarify FLSA Overtime Hours and Pay Requirements

Confused about how to calculate overtime pay?  Employers and employees often have questions about overtime hours and pay.  The Department of Labor has created two elaws Advisors that work hand-in-hand to help answer these questions.  The elaws Advisors are free Internet-based tools that help employers comply with federal employment laws, and help workers understand their rights and responsibilities under these laws.  The Hours Worked Advisor helps users figure out which work hours are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements.  The Advisor explains whether time spent in meetings, training, meal periods, and other pursuits is compensable time.  The Overtime Calculator Advisor describes how different payments, like bonuses, commissions, and tips impact overtime pay for any employee entitled to overtime pay – and also shows how the calculations are made using the pay information provided by the user.  To view these and other helpful Advisors, please visit  For more compliance assistance information from the Wage and Hour Division, go to or call 1-866-4USWage (1-866-487-9243).

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