WV Bureau of Senior Services

Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver

The Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver (ADW) Program provides in-home and community services to individuals 18 years of age and older who are medically and financially eligible. Medical eligibility is based on a functional assessment by a medical professional. (A Medical Necessity Evaluation Request must be completed by applicant and the applicant's physician.) Financial eligibility is determined at the county Department of Health and Human Resources offices; assets cannot exceed $2,000 and income can be no more than $2,022 per month. Policies are described in the Bureau for Medical Services’ Aged and Disabled Waiver Manual.

Services provided in the ADW include:

  • Case Management – development of a service and support plan by a case management agency that reflects the wishes and preferences of the ADW member. View Case Management agencies.
  • Consumer-Directed Case Management – an ADW member may choose to direct his own case management
  • Homemaker – long-term direct care and support services (assistance with personal hygiene, nutritional support, and environmental maintenance) that are necessary in order to enable an individual to remain at home rather than enter a long-term care facility. View Homemaker agencies and Homemaker Selection Forms.
  • Transportation – an ADW member may be transported by the homemaker in order to gain access to services and activities in the community
  • RN Assessment and Review – a registered nurse will complete assessments of the ADW member at regular intervals to ensure that the member’s plan of care is meeting his/her needs
  • Personal Options – ADW members are paid a flexible monthly stipend to recruit, hire, and supervise their own workers

For more information about the ADW, please contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center in your area, call the Bureau of Senior Services’ Medicaid helpline at 866-767-1575, view Waiver at a Glance and the ADW brochure, or contact us online.