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FCS Major Financial Indicators

Provided here are three tables containing data for selected financial performance indicators for FCS institutions. The first table, FCS Financial Indicators, Quarterly Comparison, reports data over five consecutive quarters for three categories: the banks, the associations, and the System as a whole. The second table, FCS Financial Indicators, Annual Comparison, reports data over five years.

The third table, FCS Financial Indicators by District, allows users to compare financial indicator data across the five FCS districts, each of which contains a single FCS bank. The name of the district corresponds to the name of its bank. This table provides financial indicator data for the FCS bank in each district, combined data for the associations in each district, and totals for the Farm Credit System.

The three tables are also available as PDF files: Quarterly Comparison (49 KB), Annual Comparison (44 KB), District (45 KB).

We always welcome input on how best to present these data. For questions or comments, contact John Moore by e-mail, moorej@fca.gov, or by phone, 703-883-4401.

FCS Financial Indicators, Quarterly Comparison
(Dollars in Thousands)
Farm Credit System Banks1
Gross Loan Volume
149,491,137 146,491,168 150,518,020 140,870,778 131,191,826
Accruing Restructured Loans2
5,125 5,195 5,194 3,937 4,301
Accrual Loans 90 or More Days Past Due
21,594 3,535 6,523 6,757 12,917
Nonaccrual Loans
582,160 173,470 141,732 122,415 46,069
Nonperforming Loans/Total Loans3
0.41% 0.12% 0.10% 0.09% 0.05%
Cash and Marketable Investments
41,358,881 39,398,216 36,721,197 34,679,240 34,408,807
4.89% 5.12% 5.01% 5.10% 5.43%
Unallocated Retained Earnings/Assets
2.50% 2.68% 2.56% 2.63% 2.69%
Net Income
227,444 344,389 342,648 316,949 255,085
Return on Assets5
0.65% 0.72% 0.73% 0.73% 0.60%
Return on Equity5
12.44% 13.80% 14.39% 13.69% 10.59%
Net Interest Margin
0.97% 0.97% 0.97% 0.97% 0.83%
Operating Expense Rate6
0.31% 0.29% 0.28% 0.29% 0.30%
FCS Associations
Gross Loan Volume
114,026,858 113,694,990 110,176,657 108,568,071 105,620,488
Accruing Restructured Loans
30,381 34,677 38,549 42,982 47,212
Accrual Loans 90 or More Days Past Due
70,622 49,795 63,846 85,440 43,840
Nonaccrual Loans
1,699,245 772,796 627,690 544,457 465,414
Nonperforming Loans/Gross Loans3
1.58% 0.75% 0.66% 0.62% 0.53%
15.47% 15.54% 15.66% 15.62% 15.57%
Unallocated Retained Earnings/Assets
13.52% 13.69% 13.74% 13.62% 13.58%
Net Income
387,996 541,025 507,674 487,092 529,828
Return on Assets5
1.57% 1.70% 1.69% 1.71% 1.74%
Return on Equity5
9.86% 10.85% 10.82% 10.86% 10.82%
Net Interest Margin
2.49% 2.50% 2.53% 2.63% 2.57%
Operating Expense Rate6
1.45% 1.40% 1.41% 1.41% 1.49%
Total Farm Credit System
Gross Loan Volume
161,423,000 158,063,000 162,062,000 152,932,000 142,906,000
Nonperfoming Loans
2,416,000 1,029,000 884,000 813,000 621,000
Nonaccrual Loans
2,282,000 935,000 769,000 667,000 512,000
Nonperforming Loans/Gross Loans3
1.50% 0.65% 0.55% 0.53% 0.43%
Bonds and Notes
179,769,000 174,576,000 176,228,000 165,914,000 155,295,000
12.65% 13.44% 13.08% 13.58% 14.17%
10.80% 11.14% 10.82% 11.14% 11.52%
Net Income
546,000 817,000 793,000 760,000 682,000
Return on Assets5
1.41% 1.55% 1.54% 1.56% 1.53%
Return on Equity5
10.70% 11.60% 11.59% 11.49% 10.38%
Net Interest Margin
2.41% 2.42% 2.43% 2.44% 2.43%

Sources: Farm Credit System Call Report as of December 31, 2008, and the Farm Credit System Quarterly Information Statements provided by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation.

Note: Changes to data in previous periods occasionally occur for accounting reasons.

1. Includes Farm Credit Banks and the Agricultural Credit Bank.
2. Excludes loans 90 days or more past due.
3. Nonperforming loans are defined as nonaccrual loans, accruing restructured loans, and accrual loans 90 days or more past due.
4. Capital excludes mandatorily redeemable preferred stock.
5. Income ratios are annualized.
6. Operating expenses divided by average gross loans, annualized.
7. Capital excludes protected borrower capital.
8. Cannot be derived through summation of above categories because of intradistrict and intra-System eliminations used in Reports to Investors.
9. Capital includes restricted capital (amount in Farm Credit Insurance Fund), excludes mandatorily redeemable preferred stock and protected borrower capital.


FCS Financial Indicators, Annual Comparison
(Dollars in Thousands)
Farm Credit System Banks1
Gross Loan Volume
149,491,137 131,191,826 112,260,474 94,865,873 85,411,707
Accruing Restructured Loans2
5,125 4,301 5,378 6,131 7,050
Accrual Loans 90 or More Days Past Due
21,594 12,917 5,439 1,322 5,420
Nonaccrual Loans
582,160 46,069 107,556 152,223 227,003
Nonperforming Loans/Total Loans3
0.41% 0.05% 0.11% 0.17% 0.28%
Cash and Marketable Investments
41,358,881 34,408,807 31,680,712 27,788,225 23,089,548
4.89% 5.43% 5.65% 6.20% 6.79%
Unallocated Retained Earnings/Assets
2.50% 2.69% 2.95% 3.28% 3.54%
Net Income
1,231,430 981,688 845,191 740,785 733,012
Return on Assets5
0.65% 0.60% 0.60% 0.61% 0.68%
Return on Equity5
12.44% 10.59% 10.24% 9.48% 9.82%
Net Interest Margin
0.97% 0.83% 0.80% 0.84% 0.92%
Operating Expense Rate6
0.31% 0.30% 0.33% 0.33% 0.36%
FCS Associations
Gross Loan Volume
114,026,858 105,620,488 93,413,704 83,253,781 75,619,681
Accruing Restructured Loans2
30,381 47,212 51,384 53,885 68,439
Accrual Loans 90 or More Days Past Due
70,622 43,840 19,504 13,156 15,375
Nonaccrual Loans
1,699,245 465,414 425,545 371,703 419,312
Nonperforming Loans/Gross Loans3
1.58% 0.53% 0.53% 0.53% 0.67%
15.47% 15.57% 16.27% 17.19% 17.72%
Unallocated Retained Earnings/Assets
13.52% 13.58% 13.89% 14.79% 15.28%
Net Income
1,811,667 1,934,968 1,662,255 1,613,346 2,420,251
Return on Assets5
1.57% 1.74% 1.75% 1.85% 3.10%
Return on Equity5
9.86% 10.82% 10.44% 10.55% 18.22%
Net Interest Margin
2.49% 2.57% 2.64% 2.71% 2.72%
Operating Expense Rate6
1.45% 1.49% 1.58% 1.53% 1.58%
Total Farm Credit System
Gross Loan Volume
161,423,000 142,906,000 123,436,000 106,272,000 96,367,000
Nonperfoming Loans
2,416,000 621,000 615,000 600,000 743,000
Nonaccrual Loans
2,282,000 512,000 533,000 524,000 646,000
Nonperforming Loans/Gross Loans3
1.50% 0.43% 0.50% 0.56% 0.77%
Bonds and Notes
179,769,000 155,295,000 134,466,000 113,576,000 100,330,000
12.65% 14.17% 15.00% 16.28% 17.13%
10.80% 11.52% 12.25% 13.30% 13.69%
Net Income
2,916,000 2,703,000 2,379,000 2,096,000 2,993,000
Return on Assets5
1.41% 1.53% 1.56% 1.58% 2.46%
Return on Equity5
10.70% 10.38% 9.99% 9.38% 14.85%
Net Interest Margin
2.41% 2.43% 2.48% 2.58% 2.56%

Sources: Farm Credit System Call Reports as of December 31 and the Farm Credit System Annual Information Statements provided by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation.

1. Includes Farm Credit Banks and the Agricultural Credit Bank.
2. Excludes loans 90 days or more past due.
3. Nonperforming loans are defined as nonaccrual loans, accruing restructured loans, and accrual loans 90 days or more past due.
4. Capital excludes mandatorily redeemable preferred stock.
5. Income ratios are annualized.
6. Operating expenses divided by average gross loans, annualized.
7. Capital excludes protected borrower capital.
8. Cannot be derived through summation of above categories because of intradistrict and intra-System eliminations used in Reports to Investors.
9. Capital includes restricted capital (amount in Farm Credit Insurance Fund), excludes mandatorily redeemable preferred stock and protected borrower capital.


FCS Financial Indicators by District,1 December 31, 2008
(Dollars in Thousands)
Gross Loan Volume

accrual Loans

Allowance for Loan Losses
Cash and Marketable Invest-
Capital Stock3
Total Capital5
FCS Banks
       29,911,050    21,239,330      176,410        44,565      8,288,340      834,929        763,354     1,241,091
       63,285,845    52,753,649        60,811        13,883      9,510,636   1,624,615     1,537,851     2,767,212
       61,162,057    44,549,872      217,797      329,198    14,801,371   2,101,192     1,638,596     3,594,849
       14,760,501    11,403,113      109,661        12,549      3,230,043      427,212        343,113        744,542
U.S. AgBank
       25,413,761    19,545,173        17,481          3,202      5,528,491      797,710        586,127     1,170,717
     194,533,214  149,491,137      582,160      403,397    41,358,881   5,785,658     4,869,041     9,518,411
FCS Associations
       18,372,616    16,848,927      374,172      124,523         624,322      180,112     2,586,817     2,740,868
       54,324,405    49,345,292      768,172      194,290      2,087,199      213,347     8,248,763     8,462,250
       13,060,950    12,401,042      119,051        88,353           83,092        25,581     1,942,670     1,911,895
       13,969,126    13,349,561      212,820        39,102         186,411        64,620     1,860,307     1,933,547
U.S. AgBank
       23,666,200    22,082,036      225,030        83,451         616,258      285,682     3,742,305     4,036,303
     123,393,297  114,026,858   1,699,245      529,719      3,597,282      769,342   18,380,862   19,084,863
     214,353,000  161,423,000   2,282,000      936,000    43,807,000   1,423,000   23,148,000   27,124,000

Sources: Farm Credit System Call Report as of December 31, 2008, and the Farm Credit System Annual Information Statement provided by the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation.

1. Aggregations of district data may not equal totals because of eliminations.
2. Includes accrued interest receivable on marketable investments.
3. Includes capital stock and participation certificates, excludes mandatorily redeemable preferred stock and protected borrower capital.
4. Includes allocated and unallocated surplus.
5. Includes capital stock, participation certificates, perpetual preferred stock, surplus, accumulated other comprehensive income, and restricted capital (amount in the Farm Credit Insurance Fund, for Farm Credit System total only). Excludes mandatorily redeemable preferred stock and protected borrower capital.


