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S-WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554`}(# DA 981885 ă  yyx) dddhy  aE#G\  P6G;مP#News media information: (202) 4180500 FaxOnDemand: (202) 4182830 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov#&a\  P6G;u&P#  S/- T à  S-x` `  #&a\  P6G;u&P#hh@hpp   xx  S- CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ACTION ă`(# September 17, 1998 ă  Sg -1 Metropolitan Fiber Systems/New York, Inc. d/b/a MFS Telecom of New York Files Open Video  S? -System Certification Withdrawal T TP  S -  xOn December 9, 1996, the Commission certified Metropolitan Fiber Systems/New York, Inc. d/b/a  xMFS Telecom of New York ("MFS New York") to operate an open video system in the City of  Sw- xManhattan, New York.~wF {O-ԍSee Metropolitan Fiber Systems, 11 FCC Rcd. 20896 (Cab. Servs. Bur. 1996).~ On September 16, 1998, MFS New York filed a letter informing the Commission  xthat it does not operate an open video system and has no intention of providing such services in the future.  xZConsequently, MFS New York withdraws its open video certification to serve the City of Manhattan, New York. xFor further information please contact the Cable Services Bureau:  S_-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: