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Rural Djibouti Enters Cyberspace

Schoolchildren are among the stars of a video promoting education for Djibouti's girls.
Photo: USAID/Leslie McBride

New computer labs in Djibouti's rural schools allow students to communicate with each other and the rest of the world.

On May 17, 2004, Djiboutian schoolchildren observed their first International Telecommunications Day in new computer labs provided by USAID.

As part of an effort to improve rural education through media and telecommunications, USAID provided 40 computers and ten printers to computer labs in four rural middle schools and junior high schools. Partner Djibouti Telecom installed telephone lines and provided a local area network for each center, as well as a year's free Internet subscription for each of the schools.

On May 17, each school held an opening ceremony that started with a full day's orientation and ended with an Internet competition for the students, in which the winner received a cell phone, a SIM card and pre-paid calling cards. More than 60 educators and 500 students participated in the training, which focused on educational uses of the Internet. The schools also received follow-up training materials.

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